By the mighty power, death tron troop great emperor who the dominant person of all outer space and the 繧オ繧、繝舌ヨ繝ュ繝ウ troop who if possible, me, the galaxy convoy is led confronts. When "the fourth tip/chip" of the various planets will be obtained, it continues to evolve the body of the self always. When adopting the power of all planets, he probably will confront before me as a true dominant person of all outer space.
Position: Destructive great emperor
Vector Prime - with sound gimmick
In order to rescue the saber tron star, exceeding space-time, the soldier of the ancient times when it appears. The fact that the power "ignition" which power makes the transformer raise to explain power of the "fourth tip/chip" to us, transcends oneself is made to move was formed. That power which administers space-time probably becomes great power in order to rescue outer space.
Position: Dimensional supervisory member
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