- There will be several human characters. And several Autobots. And several Decepticons. Thus only a FEW of each will get screen time to be fully developed. They all could appear, but like Wolverine, only a few will be prominent.
- If it is MOSTLY about the robots then it "s not really live action, right?
7 (in relation to the number of TFs on each side) is still in play, but again, number 7 might have minmal emphasis- think Iceman in part 1. You knew that if you thought about it for a second.
- Tell me ANY live action films where the CGI character(s) were the MAIN, PREDOMINANT roles in the film. I can"t think of any. Cause that isn"t what live action IS. Did you read the Dreamwave reboot volume one? Now before we get three threads of guesses, we are NOT following that story. But the humans are crucial to that story. Read it.
- They come from Cybertron, They are not man made, They are here because we have the matrix (probably can"t call it that anymore)