Decepticon/Secret Police Force COBALT SENTRIES
A public safety mechanism comprised of elite Decepticon soldiers. Every member wears blue armor, and they all keep watch on the maintenance of public order on occupied worlds or the activities of traitors within the Decepticon forces.
Function: Enforcer
Transformation: Panther
A member of the Cobalt Sentries, a public safety unit attached to the Decepticon Secret Police, comprised of elite soldiers regularly clad in blue armor. She exercises her abilities suppressing insurgents or exposing resistance activities in the Decepticon-controlled regions of planet Cybertron or on occupied worlds, and has the unconditional authority to arrest and execute any citizens suspected of disrupting the Decepticons" steel order. Possessed of graceful bearing and elegance, she is also extremely severe and uncompromising, and will silence backtalking subordinates with a sharp roar. In combat, she employs a Feedbacker Shield, which absorbs, modulates, and redirects energy weapons back at enemies.
Weapon(s): Multitrack Missiles
Strength: 5, Intelligence: 8, Speed: 6, Endurance: 7 Rank: 8 Courage: 10 Firepower: 7 Skill: 6 Total: 57
Function: Information Control
Transformation: Condor
A member of the Cobalt Sentries, the public safety arm of the Decepticon Secret Police, Garboil is familiar with the personal information of countless Decepticon soldiers, and observes in detail each one"s ulterior motives, plots being executed, or treasonous conduct. His duty is to ascertain the results and select those evaluated as suitable for the evil elite. However, he tolerates absolutely no resistance in the nations and worlds under Decepticon government and suppresses the controlled citizens through fear, pain, and total management of information. When in battle, he can blare out from his vocal processors a directional, cacophonic blast that includes an override signal, using it to render enemy robots into a state of panic.
Weapon(s): Phonon Masers
Strength: 5, Intelligence: 8, Speed: 7, Endurance: 8, Rank: 8 Courage: 6 Firepower: 3 Skill: 9 Total: 54