Basics ie minicons, Strongarm skyblast etc : £4.75
Deluxes Hotshot, Inferno = £6.80
Megas Ironhide, Jetfire = £13.50
Ultras scorpunok. Tidalwave = £24.55
Super sized ie Prime (one i saw there had a mouth) = £38.93
Unicron (Any version) = 34.50
looking around, there are cards of wheeljack(yellow stripe)and hoist so we should be getting them any time soon.
Also final battle prime was there although its price was undecided according to the rep (who recognized me from last year!)
Prelude to energon was also being promoted at a retail price of £35 on the ps/2 and according to the rep he said tf has been selling pretty well . The only downers are that we as the uk may have a tempomary hiatus on reissues and that Alternator sideswipe will only be available next year because they favor alt smokey since he won the wrc last year.
Masterpiece Prime is also undecided and also not present .
BTW watch out for the said rep with a US accent . He recognized my reason for being there during the guided tour and egged me to present the tf product line myself Also he was a bit strapped for presenting any media for energon so if anyone has a laptop (or if anyone wants to meet me sunday and i"ll lend them my laptop for the guided tour) bring it along with a copy of an energon or even a superlink promo There was a fanboy there who wanted to know when the show will start You can read more and the reaction here Thanks once again to Prowlus