Web site Q & A for the week of February 9th
Q: What is the difference between an ARMADA POWERLINX JETFIRE and the standard ARMADA JETFIRE? Does it make a difference when you go to combine them with OVERLOAD and OPTIMUS PRIME?
A: The only difference in these two items is the color. In the TRANSFORMERS ARMADA comic books, when a character gets "powered up," their color changes. The TRANSFORMERS ARMADA POWERLINX figures represent those characters powered up and, therefore, different colors.
Q: Will all the toys in the TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS line be 1:24 scale?
A: Currently, all cars planned for the TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS line are 1:24 scale.
Q: Will the DECEPTICON ALTERNATORS be modified versions of the AUTOBOT ALTERNATORS? If they are new molds, will they still be cars?
A: The DECEPTICONS in the TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS line will be alternate versions of previous cars in the line with new parts.
Due to Toy Fair (this week) all new images of upcoming TRANSFORMERS will be posted on Saturday morning. So the main news is that the Decepticons Alternators with be recolours of the cars but with some remoulding. Its interesting to note that the Alternator page shows the Chevy Corvette as coming soon