There is an Alternators Prowl ... he"s a 2005 Honda Accord, and yes, he does come with his police sirens and black stripes. The way he transforms has his hood folding down over his chest, like his Spychanger (ROBOTS IN DISGUISE) incarnation. Alternators Drag Strip was also in attendance.
For those of you looking for RE-ISSUES or UNIVERSE goodies, you"ll be disappointed to know that both were "no shows" at this event.
Bad (or good?) news for you G.I. Joe collectors ... the 3 and 3/4" line of G.I. Joe figures has been put on a "hold" while Hasbro creates a new 8" line of highly detailed figures. A cartoon show by Gonzo will accompany this new series, with cel animation for the characters and 3D animation for their vehicles. <