Up for grabs is an exclusive signed piece of art by the man himself Guido Guidi. This is the only one he will be drawing and so will be quite a collector's piece. We will also be including some new Cybertron basic figures for 2 runner-ups.
The picture will be that of Beast Wars Galvatron, I spoke to Guido in regard to this and we both feel we are right in deciding this character for the competition?
The comp will run from today July 28, 2005 until September 24, 2005. This will give those entering enough time to plan and draw there masterpiece.
The theme of the comp is entirely up to you, it would be nice to see some creativity and maybe even a Tfauctions.com theme!
All artwork should be sent to admin@tfauctions.com along with your name, address, and Tfauctions.com member name. This isn't a scam to get members but only takes 2 minutes to set up an account. If you wish to just send us your art we do not have a problem with this and please do not feel you will be judged for this reason, we are looking for the most creative and innovative drawing.
We will announce the winner on September 28,2005 after Guido and myself have judged them. Winners and runner-ups will be contacted and there art will displayed on Tfauctions.com for all to see.
Tfauctions.com Team Leader