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Older Cougar gets a voice! is to launch at the end of September and what better way to start the countdown with some great news. Our aim with Cougar has always been to provide an escape for people and a breath of fresh air as oppose to the regular TF world. We feel with Simon Furman and Guido Guidi taking care of him he looks set to entertain in the very near future and hopefully well into the future. We have some great ideas that will be put into reality within the coming months. We have the statue coming out at the end of the year which will be bundled with a mini comic and also a possible transforming toy to the scale of the alternators. With all this taken into account we wanted to bring the Cougar site to life more and wanted to introduce him in a unique way. We also wanted to give him a more dark and moody feel and so decided to enlist the help of a voice actor. We are proud to announce Daniel Ross as the official voice of Cougar. Daniel's voice will feature on a small animation video we will be working as well as regular voice clips on Quote from Daniel Ross: "I have always enjoyed entrepreneurship, and the desire of others to be successful; TFAuctions really has that going on. I'am a pretty motivated guy myself, so when I was approached to voice Cougar I thought to myself, "What a perfect opportunity to help someone else see their vision come to life." Cougar is a pretty well rounded character, not only is he a total badass but he mirrors the ideal that sometimes in order to accomplish things, you have to look within yourself. I can really relate to that, and I'am happy to be a part of this project." We look forward to launching the Cougar site on September 29th at midnight, there will also be a countdown on the site for the unveiling of "Fenrir"

Do you have any ideas for Cougar?
Would you like to see a comic created regularly online?
Does the idea of a toy seem like a good one ?
Lets us know.
See you there

Category: Older News | Submitted by: - on: Thursday, 21st September 2006 at 21:43:22 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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