As soon as there is confirmation that the figure is a go, it will be announced who the character is. This should happen before the deadline of March 18th. I can say that it will be an exsisting tool. The future ones from this series will have slight retooling, but due to time issues it did not happen for the first one. If you do not sign up by March 18th you will still be able to sign up for the Club and buy the figure IF there are extras available. There will be a set number of these. The same is true of the newsletter, you can buy back issues. Now, as far as "TF content" goes, the newsletter IS the main source of TF content, not the Master Collector magazine. Consider that as a "bonus." Every other month you will receive the 16 page Newsletter stiched inside your monthly Master Collector Magazine and the newsletter will contain 100% Transformers related material. The Master Collector Magazine will have TF related ads and so forth, but the amount in each issue will depend on all of the members that submit their free 30 word ad.