Amongst the images you will find the September issue TV Magazine mail order lot Fire SL Grand Convoy, TV Magazine October issue mail order Black Rodimus Convoy, a Robot Masters with Brave Max diorama, a poster on the voting for the next Robot Master figures and more. The convention exclusive was Pla-Kit White Grand Convoy. Attendees had the chance to purchase RobotMasters Beast Convoy who is not due out in stores until next month
The toys that you could vote for as the next RobotMaster were
1. StarSaber (previously announced and expected as a 1/2 size scale toy).
2. Victory Leo (as above)
3. BigConvoy (a nice suprise)
4. RoadRocket (the biggest suprise of all, one of the LazerCycles)
5. SuperGodGinrai
6. StarConvoy (who is in need of a decent toy)
7. Predaking (the only Destron entry)
8. Leo Convoy (another suprise really)
We expect that either StarSaber or Predaking will win, but that ALL of the toys will eventually be released.
In honour of this we are running our own poll on our message board here