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Older News For once the latest information from the Japanese hobby magazines, in this case Hyper Hobby, doesn't come via Fan to Fan but from The Allspark:

According to his report, 2007 will feature two lines: the Japanese release of the movie-based figures (presumably the same figures we're getting over here), as well as another series featuring what he describes as "daily necessities".

Additionally, the Beast Wars series will be rebroadcast on Japanese television, and some toys will be re-released. One can assume they'll be getting the Beast Wars anniversary figure from this bit of info.

The Japanese market will see the Transformers movie around the same time as America, as it's slated for release in summer 2007.

Finally the Classics line may see a release in Japan

Their report is confirmed by Snakas, on Autobase Atachi, where he also covers the latest edition of Hyper Hobby.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 1st November 2006 at 08:33:05 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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