Overcharge is already up for pre-order here and is due to ship in February 2005.
E-HOBBY limited 2005 new year special!
Overcharge has the high-level transformation technology which enables him to transform into a Jet Fighter, Tank and robot.
Along with other Triplechangers, Overcharge is considered to be one of the masterpieces of the Transformers line, due to it"s with multi-stage Transformation, such as TF collection 11 (Astrotain).
The wicked creator 繧ッ繧」繝ウ繝・ャ繧オ star person of the transformer produced, "military The hardware (the robot for military affair) with, violence is shaken at the battlefield as an universal aggressive unit....
In addition to both troop seal of Destron rhinoceros 繝舌ヨ繝ュ繝ウ, it was designed anew Also the original emblem belongs!
Name Overcharge
Alt ModeJet, Tank, Robot
WeaponHeat Rifle, Sword, Missiles
Overrun is set to ship in February 2005 and the final orders have to be placed with e-Hobby by 30th November.
Overcharge retails at just over £16 and we shall be taking orders for him, for the final price of £30.00 (including shipping for the UK), £35.00 including shipping for Europe). Our prices include the toy, shipping from Japan, customs and recorded delivery to you. We will stop taking orders on 24th NOVEMBER. If you are interested, please just drop us an email