Dreamwave Productions Ceases Operations
Lead Stories, Diamond Daily, Thursday, January 06, 2005
Due to mitigating financial factors, Dreamwave Productions has ceased operations effective immediately.
As a result, no further products will ship from the company. However, an announcement regarding a new publisher for Dreamwave"s titles -- including the best-selling Transformers line -- is expected in the near future. Once the publisher is announced, all pending new product orders for Dreamwave titles will be made order adjustable, and will eventually ship from the new company.
In addition, previously published Dreamwave titles are still available for reorder. Refer to the end of this article for a linked listing of Dreamwave products that are currently in stock at Diamond.
"Any time a vendor closes its doors, it impacts every level of the industry -- especially retailers and fans," said Diamond Vice President of Purchasing Bill Schanes. "Fortunately, in Dreamwave"s case, there are a number of companies actively pursuing their licensed and original titles, and we fully expect all Dreamwave series to continue once the dust has settled."
Dreamwave and Diamond regret any inconvenience caused by this event. Retailers with additional questions regarding the effect of Dreamwave"s closure on their orders should contact their Diamond Customer Service Representative.