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Older News The Great Dogworm posted the following on our message board Sake Comments.

"It would seem that Cybertron is not quite dead yet. I found Quickmix today in Leicester Woolworths:

He was the last one on the shelf. My friend who works there said she unpacked them today, but couldn't remember if he was on his own in the case or with a buddy (at a guess I'd say he comes with the orange Vector Prime, as they have been seen together in Europe).

Someone on the Seibertron boards has seen the Classics wave 1 Legends (Fireflight, Trypticon, Leo Prime and Perceptor) in Aberdeen Toymaster. If anyone is close I would recommend picking them up. I have imported versions and they are all fab, Fireflight/Powerglide especially."

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 21st December 2006 at 19:06:26 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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