First, unfortunately, writer Simon Furman will not be able to attend Iacon
One as planned, due to professional commitments. We wish Simon well and hope
he will join us at a future event. However, in his place we have another
exciting guest to announce...
For immediate release:
April 6, 2006
The Stasis Lock Group proudly announces comic book writer, editor and
illustrator BOB BUDIANSKY as a guest at their inaugural show, Iacon One,
celebrating the phenomenon of The Transformers, on July 7-8, 2006 at the
Grand Wayne Convention Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Bob Budiansky turned his childhood fondness for reading comic books into a
20-year career in the comic book industry. During that time, Bob worked at
Marvel Comics as an editor, illustrator, and writer. Although he worked on
such titles as Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider and his own creation,
Sleepwalker, Bob is perhaps best known for the work he did on The
Bob was the editor on the very first Transfomers mini-series in 1984,
followed by scripting most of the next 50-plus issues of the monthly
Transformers comic book. In between, he named and fashioned character
profiles of well over 100 Transformers. He developed story treatments as new
lines of Transformers were introduced and occasionally, Bob penciled a
Transformers comic book cover or two.
Although his involvement with the Transformers ended in 1989, Bob is
somewhat amazed and even more amused that the work he did on the
Transformers so many years ago is still kicking around in one form or
another today.
These days, Bob spends most of his working hours as a graphic designer. And
he still occasionally dabbles as a comic book writer and illustrator.
(View the Iacon One "iOne" Bob Budiansky ad here:
http://www.iaconone.com/news/i1news_040606.php )