Auto Assembly Press Release
We are now proud to announce that there will be a charity auction taking place at Auto Assembly 2004. The auction will be held in aid of the NSPCC and Cancer Research. We already have a number of great items, with more being added on a regular basis.
The auction itself will form part of Saturday's program of activities and there will be a mix of three types of items. First are items donated to the auction which will have 100% of the proceeds going to charity. In addition, there will be scope for individuals and organisations/dealers to put items into the auction, and these will be offered with 10% of the closing bid going to charity.
In terms of items, we will be approaching a number of companies and we have also been in touch with a large number of Transformers voice actors and people involved behind the scenes with different shows, and we already have a number of great items connected with most Transformers eras:- G1, Beast Wars, Beast Machines, RiD, Armada and Energon!!
We can now announce the first few items, which we think will surprise a lot of fans! As we said, we have been working closely with a large number of Transformers voice actors, and we have been sent autographs to auction.
10x8 signed colour photo of David Kaye (yesssssss!)
7x5 signed colour photo of Neil Ross (Slag, Bonecrusher, Crosshairs, Hook, Sixshot; Slag, Springer and more from G1!)
A4 signed colour print from Wally Wingert (SideBurn and Mirage from RiD)
We have also had a rather special item donated by McDonalds... We have been given one of the extremely rare forecourt banners from the recent Armada Happy Meals promotion. These were only distributed to the drive-thru restaurants, and their company policy is that these are NOT released from the company for any reason, so this is probably the only one that will be available to fans! The banner itself is made from very durable all-weather plastic, with a webbed backing for addition strength and measures a massive 14ft long by 3ft high!!
We will be announcing even more items and autographs shortly, hopefully in the next 48 hours! Photos of all of these items, with long descriptions, are on the Auto Assembly website.
As an added bonus, we will be working closely with many of these actors and companies to bring you even more for Auto Assembly! McDonalds have donated a number of gift vouchers which will be used for competitions during the Auto Assembly weekend, and Wally Wingert has kindly recorded some EXCLUSIVE dialogue for us as SideBurn that has been uploaded to the Auto Assembly website talking about AA2004!! We are already in talks with other actors who are donating items to the auction to get even more exclusive sound clips and other surprises!
In addition to the auction, we will also be holding a charity raffle, and we are expecting to have some pretty good items for that covering all TF generations!
We are also still hoping to be able to announce our voice actor for Auto Assembly in the near future as well, although this will be dependent on the number of pre-bookings we get and dealers who book up so if you want to see an exclusive voice actor, and have a chance to bid on these great items, book for Auto Assembly 2004 NOW!!
For further information, see the Auto Assembly website at www.autoassembly.org.uk or join the discussion on our forum at http://autoassembly.proboards7.com and active members of the forum will qualify for a 10% discount on ticket prices.
Sorry for the spam, but we thought you'd want to know!