We"re going to be having our usual selection of displays up and running at AA this year including...
Art Display
We"re already collecting work together for this year"s art display and it"s going to be something special...! On display will be all of the competition entries covering hand drawn, painted and computer generated work alongside models, kitbashes, dioramas and any other creative work. That will be backed up with our main art display consisting of other fan and professional work including a selection of pages of original Transformers comic artwork and the original artwork from the Auto Assembly 2004 exclusive postcards from Andrew Wildman and Lee Sullivan!
Toy Display
This year"s Toy Display is going to be a little different... We"re going for a themed display this year looking at Optimus and Megatron spanning the years so you"ll find a massive display of every Optimus and Megatron toy you can imagine from 1984 onwards! Whether it"s an original G1 Prime, or World"s Smallest Megatron, it will be on display here and most will have notes giving you information on every toy you"ll see including variations between US and Japanese releases.
There will also be a secondary display showcasing the BinalTech/Alternators range and we are hoping to have the entire range on display, and possibly even some prototypes!