Below you will find a tag cloud of the most popular news story tags. Simply click on the tag to view all associated stories. Tag clouds are not always the most useful output of tagging, and so you can also browse the news stories using our tag index by clicking on the tag index tag below the tag cloud.
From this section you can browser through all of the possible tags that may have been assigned to a news story. The number of stories tagged to each tag appears within brackets after the tag name. E.G Megatron (456) means that 456 news stories have been tagged with the phrase "Megatron". To navigate, simply use the top bar to browse by the first character of the tag phrase.
We have updated our image gallery of the unreleased prototype of Green Warrior Lio Convoy from Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo. The gallery was recently updated with some stills from the Beast Wars II episodes where Lio Convoy and Lion Convoy Jr merge into the Green Warrior but now for the first time you can view a complete image gallery of the toy that is sometimes, wrongly, referred to as a Takara Staff item.
We have also included comparison images with our entire Lio Convoy collection which includes the original release, black, gold, galva, flash, both robot masters and a knock-off. Enjoy
Just a quick update to anyone following us on Twitter. Our Twitter integration is currently broken and I am currently talking to the Twitter Tech team to find out what went wrong. It should be fixed in the next 24 hours though, sorry for lack of tweets though this month.
Facebook users, our automatic Facebook updates are unaffected as our Custom Facebook Api is still up and running.
Myspace users .... do you still exist? We've not bothered to use our Myspace account in years and have no plans, sorry.
We are auctionin off our remaining Toy Hobby Market ExclusiveSleep Mode Convoys on ebay. There is one auction up at the moment and we have another to place once it sells.
The figure is limited to 2010 pieces world wide, this is in hand in the UK, brand new still sealed in the original mailer box.
The toy has a starting price of £200, less then what it cost us to bring into the UK, and a BIN of £250.00. We are offering free recorded delivery in the UK on the item as well.
You can see a full gallery of Sleep Mode Convoy on Transformers At The Moon's toy gallery section. If you are after the toy then please check our auction.
We've updated our huge Transformers Toy Gallery area with three new Custom Transformer Toys galleries, which consist of our prototype AA-01 Plush Swindle figure (the final version of which was given to Derrick Wyatt as a birthday present at Auto Assembly 2010). Plush Swindle has removeable weapons which are held by velcro
The next customs are by Hamstar Customs, and were two of the popular custom Mighty Muggs shown at Auto Assembly 2010. These Custom Mighty Muggs include Mighty Muggs Swindleand Mighty Muggs Angry Archer
Due to the recent buzz surrounding Hasbro's instruction sheet archive we have decided to port a feature of the next incarnation of Transformers At The Moon, what will be version 9) into the current live site. The feature is the "Hasbro Instruction Sheet Area". This area is very similar to our Hasbro Trademark area in as much as the information is a mirror of external data but in a format that makes it much easier to navigate. We rigorously check for both new trademark applications as well as Hasbro instruction sheets, though until now this project has been under-wraps, meaning that Transformers At The Moon will be able to bring you not only the latest trademark application first but also the latest Transformers Instruction Sheet news first as well.
You can browse the PDF files based on their Hasbro given names as well as by the publication date, meaning its even easier to find out when Hasbro publish new entries. Any new entries will also be covered as news stories to ensure that everyone is made aware.
Currently the section contains 711 pdf instruction sheets.
You will now find scans from the Japanese Figure King issue 150 magazine within our Transformers in the Media section.
The scans include images of the Japanese Transformers Animated Rodimus Prime, Sleep Mode Convoy, Blak Animated Convoy and Alternity Ultra Magnus toys
We are proud to be able to bring you a full image gallery of our latest Transformers figure, the incredibly long titled Toy Hobby Market exclusive Welcome to Transformers 2010 Masterpiece Convoy Sleep Mode (phew, what a mouthful).
This toy is the first offering in the Welcome to Transformers 2010 commemorative line that will also include a new Unicron figure and Masterpiece Rodimus. The figure were limited to a maximum of 2 per postal address and were only available to Japanese residents. We managed to order four (don't ask) and will have two for sale at Auto Assembly 2010 for £250 each. They will go on sale at somepoint over the weekend on a first come, first served basis. We also have some Unicron's on order that will be coming directly from Toy Hobby Market later in the year, so stay with us for more on those.
Back to Convoy Sleep Mode, one of the first things you will notice is that the toy comes in a rather special packing box that contains not only the Welcome to Transformers 2010 logo on the outside but a special message when you first open the box up. You'll have to take a look at the images to find out what it says, but we suggest that anyone picking up the figure should try to get and keep these boxes as they may well become collectible in the future. The toy itself contains a profile card which tells you which piece number (the figure is limited to 2010 pieces) you own, which is a nice addition.
For those who thought that the toy was just grey you were mistaken. He is actually a very dark red/brown on the chest with a very dark blue head and legs. The gallery contains comparison with the e-Hobby exclusive Convoy Black version, the original Japanese Masterpiece Convoy, MP Ultra Magnus and the Western release 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime figure.
With a new gallery for Brakedown.
You've probably been wondering why there has been a distinct lack of non-news related updates on this website over the last year to 24 months. Sadly real-life commitments have gotten in the way of our usual gallery and code updates and though we have been working on a coding re-vamp offline for the last 6 months, its still some way off from being completed. Don't fear as we will have some new toy galleries for you soon, we have over 3,000 images we have taken from 2005 that we have still not sorted out and cut down, as well as having another 1000 toys (estimate) to get around to photographing, not to mention magazines and other weird and wonderful stuff. This is something we hope to address over the coming months when hopefully we can catch up and finish off some heavy work commitments and put more time into maintaining and updating our fleet of websites.
Steve aka Quartz
Transformers At The Moon