The current issue of Figure King magazine is now out and it contains a couple of pages of Transformers related material. You can view the images below.
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The current issue of Figure King magazine is now out and it contains a couple of pages of Transformers related material. You can view the images below.
Fans Project have released some new preview images of their upcoming six changer project. The unlicensed figure is based on Generation One QuickSwitch as well as his Japanese blue release SixKnight. You can view the images below.
A few years ago the first Transformers Chrono-Q figures were released, now they are back with more G1 and movie styled figure.
The San Diego Comic Con resulted in a first look at the toys for hte 2014-2015 Transformers cartoon Transformers Robots in Disguise (not to be confussed with the US release of the 2000 Transformers series Transformers Car Robots / Transformers: Robots in Disguise.
The toys have nicely sculpted faceds to match the show, but fairly simple forms.
It looks like the "Device Labels" are well and truely returning as TakaraTomy and Sony have announced that they are teaming up to release Transformers figures. The line-up will start with Convoy (Optimus Prime) turning into the Playstation 1 console with the figure set to battle it out against "Megadrive" Megatron. The deal is under the Tomy Arts brand with Tomy also releasing 1/6th scale PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 minatures as a part of the 20th anniversary of the Playstation.
The figure, which will be shown at the Summer Wonder Festival this weekend in Japan, stands at 19cm tall and is due for release in early 2015
With the reveals now over with at SDCC Hasbro Inc have, via their PR company, started to distribute official stock images of the "2015 Generations Line". The line which includes the Stunticons and Aerialbots will also see figures for Transformers Robots In Disguise as well as a Generation 1 coloured Age of Extinction Slog who will be an Amazon exclusive figure.
You can view all of the images after the jump. If that is not enough, you can watch the Hasbro team introduce the Combiner Wars figure in the video below.
Hasbro have released new official product stock images of the following upcoming Transformers Generations Figures.
Along with the first Transformers Angry Bird tie-in set, in this case a race track.
You can view all of the images after the jump
With the release of the current batch of Japanese hobby magazines comes the revealing of new images of TakaraTomy's Masterpiece Star Saber offering. The latest image shows Saber for the first time with the article making mention to, but not yet confirming, that the figure will also come with the small Brainmaster Saber figure as well
Some new promotional stock images of the upcoming Japanese Transformers Legends (Transformers Generations) Jetfire have been shared by Felipe León Nájera of Transformers Colombia. These new images can be seen below with additional images being available after the jump.
With the closing of his G2 Stunticon eBay auction, eBay seller z75Sales has posted some more listings for rare items. The items currently available include:
You can view the auction, along with the images of the items, by clicking on the links above.
The eBay seller of the Unreleased Generation 2 Stunticons has postd some new images of the toys online. You can view a mirror of the images after the jump. The set is currently going for over $11,000 but that is expected to rise to over $15k before the end of the auction.
HK-TF have posted up seversal in-hand images of the upcoming highly anticipated Transformers Generations Voyager Roadbuster figure including comparisons with Generations Whirl and Springer.
They have also posted up a nice animated GIF showing a 360 degree look at the toy, mirrored below.
It's a sad day for European Transformers fans as Toys R Us are emailing any and all UK customers who ask about the availability of the Masterpiece Prowl figure, that the toy will no longer be made available in Europe by Hasbro Inc. As a consolation they offer to give people a free gift if they purchase an item via the online website. The exact cause is not known, it could be that stock which was going to be kepy for Europe will now be used in North America, as has been the case in the past, that the toy failed European safety tests, or that the market was simply not deemed strong enought to warrant the figures release.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your interest in 'Transformers Masterpiece Prowl'. We have been informed by Hasbro that unfortunately this item is no longer going to be released in Europe.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by this availability change.
However, as a goodwill gesture if you purchase a Transformers item on toysrus.co.uk by 31st July 2014, we will send you a FREE* limited edition die-cast Transformers figure which isn't available to buy in UK shops!
To accept this offer, you need to place an order on our website for any Transformers toy using the same email address we have sent this message to. A free die-cast figure will then posted to your delivery address separately by the end of August, subject to the terms below.
Kind Regards
Toys R Us Direct
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