Fellow UK site FullMetalHero.com report, via twitter, that the Transformers Generations Wave Three Deluxes re out now at normal UK retail. Sideswipe and AirRaid were spotted in a Toymaster with the figures retailing for £14.99
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Fellow UK site FullMetalHero.com report, via twitter, that the Transformers Generations Wave Three Deluxes re out now at normal UK retail. Sideswipe and AirRaid were spotted in a Toymaster with the figures retailing for £14.99
BigBadToyStore have posted a new official image of Transformers Generations Titan Class Metroplex's partner Scamper, which can be viewed below.
MTV Geek have posted some images of new Scout and Elite classed Transformers Constructabots figures. This new line is due for release later in the year priced at $9.99 (scouts) and $14.99 (elita). The new sets shown within the piece are:
You can view the mirrored images after the jump
The official Transformers Facebook page have posted new official images of the upcoming Transformers Generations Hoist and Thundercracker figures. Hoist is, of course, a remould of Trailcutter (Trailbreaker) whilst Thundercracker is the expected straight redeco of Starscream. Together, the figure form part of the second wave of "Spotlight comic toys" which come with IDW spotlights focusing on those characters. You can view the mirrored images below.
Fellow fan site, The Allspark, has revealed via their Facebook page, images of the upcoming Transformers Generations Dreadwing. The you is a remould of the ATB Stealth Megatron figure with a new head to allow the figure to look like the Generations 2 toy it is based on who was planned to be released at ATB Megatron and Starscream (of which we own one of the planned figures) and thus completing the circle. You can view the images below.
Some new official images have been released of the upcoming Target exclusive Transformers Prime Beast Hunters legion class Abominus giftset which can be seen below,
Following on from out recent news regarding a UK release for Generations Metroplex I asked Toys R Us UK directly on Facebook as to whether they could give details on the RRP of the figure. Whilst they could not, they (or rather James from their customer support team) did reply stating that they expect him to be released in September with further details on the release date and pricing set to be available on their website nearer the time.
You can see their reply below
MasterShooter Collectibles posted images of their 2-packs of Shooter Masters on their Facebook page. These figures are intended to go with the reinvisioned Decepticons Quake and Spinister and are some nice updates on the Nebulan Double Targetmaster figures
Our thanks once again go out to Pete Brown for sending us a further update on the Toys R Us Transfomers situation. In case you have not been keeping up with the recent turn of events, on the 3rd May we reported that TRU UK have had Transformers Generations Voyager Class figures listed within their computer system since Feb though the toys had not hit the shelves. We followed that up on Saturday 4th May with the next piece of news via Pete which confirmed that Generations Metroplex will be released within the UK as a Toys R Us exclusive later in the year. Well as promised Pete has sent us further word on the current situation.
Having spoken once again to the manager at his local Toys R Us Pete was informed that the Toys R Us UK Head Office has actually been in touch with Hasbro UK to find out what has happened to these TRU exclusive figures. The word is that there has been a hold up at Hasbro UKs end which is why the figures have not shipped to UK retail but no specific explanation has been given. The good news is that the Voyager Class figures are now due to hit the TRUs in mid-July with the rest of the deluxes and Metroplex being released shortly after. No specific street date is available for those figures so shortly after could, potentially, be anything from 1 to 4 months.
Stay with us as we will bring you the very latest updates as we get them on this story
A few days late, due to a trip to Milan with only the odd internet on a phone, but whilst i've been away TFYUKI posted up some images of Transformers Generations Metroplexin robot form, showing the size of the figure on comparison to some Cyberverse figures as well as the original (well Encore) Metroplex toy.
Our thanks once again go out to Pete Brown who has spoken once again to the manager at his local Toys R Us regarding their Transformers listings and following on from yesterday nights news we can now reveal that Transformers Generations Metroplex is set for a UK release as a Toys R Us exclusive later in the year!! Yes, you read that right, the big man is coming to UK high streets!
Pete also let us know there are two assortments of Dexlues and more legends class figures also listed within the Toys R Us computers More news. Just been on phone to manager at toys r us. Titan class metroplex is in their computer as well as two assortment of deluxe and more legends class. Again all tru exclusives. More info to follow on Tuesday hopefully all as TRU exclusives!! Who will they be? Well stay with us as Pete hopes to be able to bring us all further updates on Tuesday.
No street date is currently known for Metroplex, though he is due out in August within the US and the fact that he is already listed does suggest that the UK should not be too far behind.
TFYuki has posted another teaser for the highly anticipated, Transformers Generations Metroplex, this time of his little companion Scamper
I'm not sure I like the red head, but it's nice to see Scamper get an upgrade
TFYuki has posted some more preview images of the upcoming 30th Anniversary Generations Metroplex onto his Twitter account. We have mirrored the images below.
We can bring you some new in-packaging images of some of the initial Transformers-Go figure. Below you will find images of Optimus Prime, Dragotron (Predacon), Hunter Shockwave and Hunter Bumblebee.
As well as having the first reveal of Huffer in the latest Diamond Previews magazine, there was also an image of the Transformers Beast Hunters Megatron figure which has been dubbed "Sharkticon Megatron" due to his colour scheme. The image can be seen below.