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Transformers News: Category - "Transformers Movie News"

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Transformers Movie News have posted a video, probably from You Tube, from the set of Transformers 4 which is said to show Mark Wahlberg’s character piloting what looks like a Decepticon ship from Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. This ship was seen being transported not too long ago.


Also, Jack Reynor and other cast members; Nicola Peltz, T.J. Miller were seen running away from the Sonic RS. Some speculate the Sonic RS may be trying to protect the civilians.


UPDATE: Actually they are from ComicBookMovie which has lots of additional videos

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 17th August 2013 at 08:19:56 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

This news article is a quick round-up of recent Transformers Movie 4 news which we had not reported due to being at Auto Assembly.

On Monday reports surfaced that Sideswipe could be returning to the live action Transformers franchise when a photograph was taken near to the set. This news was always unlikely since the official Autobot cast is stated as being fixed to the vehicles which have already been officially revealed.  The latest update on this is that it was a privately owned vehicle in the area.

On Tuesday it was reported that Victoria Summer (Saving Mr. Banks) tweeted that she would be joining the TF cast for a three week shoot.  On the same day Mark Wahlberg, who is busy promoting 2 Guns, discussed Transformers 4 with Digital Spy and is quoting as saying "...its just very different. Its a standalone movie. Budget wise its the biggest of all of them."

Yesterday it was reported that a shoot was taking place at the Russell Bazaar location in Detroit where a helicopter mounted with a camera, the Rally Fighter vehicle, Sonic RS Rally Car and two Cadillac Escalades where all spotted.

Today footage has been published on Vimeo from yesterday's shoot which can be viewed below.

Harper explosion from Technolutionist on Vimeo.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 15th August 2013 at 08:34:15 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Red Carpet News TV have posted a video interview they held with Mark Wahlberg onto YouTube where he talks a little about the human element in Transformers 4. You can watch the video below.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 12th August 2013 at 15:30:52 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

A new video from the set of Transformers 4 in Detroit has been posted on to You Tube

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 3rd August 2013 at 10:18:51 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

As with the previous three live action Transformers Movies, the position of the CGI Transformers, on set, is represented by someone holding a cardboard face on a stick.  The faces generally represent the character who will be added in in Post Production.  In this case the figure appears to be an older, bearded Transformers, smoking a pipe.   This will most likely turn out to be Hound (Autobot Hound).

Transformers 4 Hound Head

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 3rd August 2013 at 10:16:54 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

The on-set images from Transformers 4 which have been posted by which feature Mark Wahlberg and Nicola Peltz reveal a new weapon which is being held by Mark. When you look closer, the weapon appears to contain Cybertronian symbols much like the Allspark cube.  You can view the images here.

The Transformers Live Action Blog have more images which appear to reveal the weapon as the Star Saber, as well as posting images and videos from recent days shoots including what appears to be a wreckage of one of the ships from Transformers Dark of the Moon

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 2nd August 2013 at 17:54:26 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

To start the day here is a round-up of some recent interviews which were held with Mark Wahlberg where he makes reference to the fourth Transformers movie.

Metro News Canada interviewed him regarding "2 Guns" and "Transformers 4".

Of course he was tight-lipped but said that he is playing "a single dad who’s trying to raise a very attractive teenage girl in the real world."

Also he mentioned his daily routine while filming:
"I don’t go out at night anymore, so that makes it a lot easier. I go home, I’ll eat dinner, I’ll read the script and prepare for the next day’s work, and go to bed right away. I’ll wake up with a little bit of time to say my prayers, read my prayer book, maybe do a little workout, and then get back at it. And then steal a cat nap whenever I can during the work day — but (‘Transformers’ director) Michael (Bay), once he starts working, he doesn’t like to stop."

Following on from that interview MTV also interviewed the actor and asked specifically regarding any Dinobots would be involved within the movie.

When asked whether there would be any Dinobots on Transformers 4 the actor replied "None of your business. You don't want me to get replaced halfway through production for divulging secrets".

Mr. Wahlberg mentioned that the new installment feels unlike anything that has come before it, thanks in part to the character he has taken on. "It feels like a completely different movie, very fresh," he said. "Obviously, it's a really interesting dynamic, being a young, single dad having a teenage daughter, trying to succeed as an inventor, having very little means and also trying to provide for my family. Then all hell breaks loose."

Finally are reporting that after Mark Wahlberg's children visited the set in Detroit, the actor asked Michael Bay if his kids could be in the movie. After a quick and impromptu audition, Michael Bay agreed.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 31st July 2013 at 09:30:07 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Michael Bay has announced that Han Geng has joined the cast of Transformers 4:

He's one of Asia's top stars in the worlds of music, television and movies and has become one of the most influential entertainers in China. Now he'll also be known for Transformers 4. Welcome Han Geng to the cast of Transformers 4. – Michael

Posts Mr Bay as the casting is announced.  Hang Geng is one of China's leading pop-idols and is also extremely popular in South Korea where he started his career as part of the group Super Junior.

Transformers 4 Han Geng

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 15th July 2013 at 09:08:17 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

At 09:46 GMT the Transformers poll looked like this


Transformers 4 poll Day 6

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 10th July 2013 at 09:47:22 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

We missed a day yesterday, but here are the figures from Day 5 of the Who is your favorite Transformer annouced so far for Transformers 4

The Transformers 4 poll

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 9th July 2013 at 19:38:16 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

It's day 3 of Michael Bay's poll to find out who is everyone favourite Transformers 4 reveal thus far.  Whilsy there have been more votes the percentages haven' changed around that much and you have to feel a little sorry for the Chevy Sonic RS with only 32 votes

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 7th July 2013 at 10:25:25 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

In a follow-up to the news story we bought you yesterday announcing the poll running over on Michael Bay's website, we thought we would bring you an update of the results thus far.

At 10:10am BST on Friday 5th July 2013, the poll results looked like this:


Well a day later and the poll now looks like this:

So whilst Optimus Prime continues to lead with almost 1/4 of the votes, Bumblebee has lost ground to Hound, the Lamborghini and the Argosy Freightliner.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 6th July 2013 at 10:20:57 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Michael Bay has posted a poll over on his website to find out which of the vehicles revealed thus far is proving to be everyones favourite for the fourth live-action Transformers film  The poll is ongoing but right now the results show Optimus Prime and Bumblebee out in the lead as was to be expected, but with only 428 votes cast thus far these figures are expected to change:

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 5th July 2013 at 10:10:59 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Michael Bay posted out images announcing the Bumblebee would be a 2014 Concept Camaro in Transformers 4 with the comment Trumpets please . . . Bumblebee, a 2014 Concept Camaro! . . . the final jewel in the Transformers 4 crown. over on his Flickr account.

He also tweeted out regarding the announcement using the tweet you can see below.

You can view the two new images below:

Transformers 4 Bumblebee Transformers 4 Bumblebee

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 3rd July 2013 at 08:59:58 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Movie News

Michael Bay has posted an image of the 2014 Argosy cab-over truck by Freightliner onto his website / twitter and Flickr account with the caption The adventure continues to transform with a very different offering from Daimler Trucks North America . . . the imposing 2014 Argosy cab-over truck by Freightliner. The truck, which can be seen below, would make a good Nemesis Prime or Motormaster and with the sheet number of sports cars which have been spotted thus far, the chances of seeing the Stunticons feature is certainly increasing.

Category: Transformers Movie News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 28th June 2013 at 12:57:56 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
Thrust Thrust
Click the link or image above to view the Thrust toy gallery. The gallery contains 1 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for SIGNAL FLARE with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 11th June 2003. The mark was submitted within the category toy action figures, toy vehicles and toy robots convertible into other visual toy forms and accessories for use therewith and currently has as status of Registration cancelled because registrant did not file an acceptable declaration under Section 8. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page..
Transformers Cartoon Series
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Transformers Conventions and Events
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Transformers Toysheets
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Transformers Instructions
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About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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