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Transformers News: Category - "Transformers Convention News"

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Transformers Convention NewsSinotron has been updated with more pictures from the Chinese Transformers Expo 2007, showing the various toy displays at the event. You can check them out here and then see more pictures from the Chinese Transformers Expo in our Site Mirror section.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 31st July 2007 at 09:02:55 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsHasbro have updated the US version of with a podcast from day four of the San Diego Comic-Con event.

Remember if you're not in the US you will need to manually alter the address you get re-directed to, in order to watch the video.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 30th July 2007 at 08:27:18 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsThe Hasbro panel at BotCon was a no-photograph event, but lots of images have come out of SDCC, see the two previous news stories.

This story covers not only the panel shots of the Transformers Movie Battle for the Allspark toys, but also the Transformers Animated toys, which can also be seen during the cartoon clip from Transformers Animated. You can see the images on TFormers here.

The gallery, from page 4, shows the actual Transformers Animated Hardcopies (well they look like hardcopies) in the Hasbro booth

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 29th July 2007 at 09:41:25 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsTFormers have images of some of the Transformers Movie toys which were shown off at Comic-con as well as previously at BotCon. The Transformers Movie Battle for the Allspark toys can be seen here, and for full gallery of Nightwatch Optimus Prime look no further than our Transformers Toy section.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 29th July 2007 at 09:38:55 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention has been updated with a podcast from day two of the San Diego Comic-con event as well as images and information on the Walmart exclusive 6-pack of Transformers Movie Legends of Cybertron toys.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 28th July 2007 at 17:21:00 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsActoys have images from the Chinese Transformers Expo 2007, mainly of some event which took place. It's interesting to see the cosplayers at Transformers conventions, more then at the BotCon event.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 21st July 2007 at 14:56:20 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsWe already broke the news earlier in the week, but Simon Furman has posted more information on the the appearance that he, Geoff Senior and Steve White will be making at the London Film and Comic Con on Saturday 1st September, along with the Bumblebee Carmero.

Though the San Diego Comicon is next on this year’s round of convention appearances and signings, the next (UK) outing has now been confirmed.
I’ll be appearing at the London Film and Comic Con at Earl’s Court on Saturday September 1st, along with Geoff Senior, Steve White and… Bumblebee?
Yep, the Chevy Camaro from the movie will be upstaging us all. But if you want to get your copies of the new Titan Transformers comic/magazine signed, do pop along. Click on the link below for more information or visit the convention website here.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 20th July 2007 at 20:25:30 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsJapanese toy manufacturer CMS have announced they will be producing an articulated version of the Japanese exclusive Micromaster base Dai Atlas (from Transformers Zone).

On their website, CMS have posted 5 images as well as information on the toy, which you can find in our new Wonderfest 2007 Exclusive Dai Atlas gallery.

Transformer Zone - Cybertron Commander - Dai Atlas
Action figure making from transformer Z (zone) of Cybertron Commander Dai Atlas. The figure will come with various accessories including his "Z powered cutter" in addition to various arms.
(C)2007 TOMY

Thanks to Seibertron for the original links.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 12th July 2007 at 08:44:00 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsThanks to TFW2005 for reporting that Comic-Con International has posted their full schedule of events for Comic-Con 2007, On Saturday 28tht from 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM, Hasbro will be hosting a Transformers Entertainment Panel featuring themselves, Cartoon Network Studios, and IDW Publishing in Room 6A of the convention center. Along with a Q&A, the panel will discuss the movie, the upcoming Transformers: Animated, and upcoming comic releases.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 10th July 2007 at 14:15:37 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsWe have created a new gallery within our Convention Photographs area, containing 408 images from the International Tokyo Toy Show 2007 which took place on the 30th June 2007 in Tokyo Japan. The images include new pictures of the recent Beast Wars reissues (including Tigertron), the new Generation One reissues (Convoy, Megatron, Soundwave and Starscream) complete with TakaraTomy logo on the box, the Japanese Transformers movie line-up of toys from basics (fast action battlers) through to leaders. There are also images of the iPod Convoy, Music Label Soundwave, headphone Rumble and Frenzy and finally Diablock Convoy. You will also find images of various other anime lines including Gundam, Dragonball Z and more.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Sunday, 8th July 2007 at 11:53:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsThough by now you have no doubt already seen plenty of images from BotCon 2007, we have uploaded our first two image galleries, over 200 images, from the event last weekend. The image galleries include 97 images of the custom and fan art entries and 118 general convention images. These won't be the last image galleries we put up from the event, as we still have the Hasbro Tour and Hasbro toy display, not to mention all of the images of the toys that we purchased from the event. Stay tuned for those as well as our coverage of the panels and Hasbro tour as we still need to transcribe three to four hours of video and audio recordings from the convention.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 7th July 2007 at 16:10:28 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsYou may, or may not, be aware that there are at least three different versions of the Botcon 2007 Games of Deception boxset, of of which appear to be accidental. The differences revolve around Dirge's weapons. In one set, Dirge has the correct weapons, where as in the other two sets he either has two left or two right guns. There is no word as to how many of each version went out to attendees, we have both the correct weapons and a boxed set with two left weapons. We do not know if this is true for the bagged toy.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 6th July 2007 at 16:13:35 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsWe fly out to BotCon tomorrow afternoon and as such, website updates will be few and far between before we return from the event. We hope to be able to post some updates and news from the US but normal service will resume once we return to the UK. We'll be posting new news stories until we leave for the airport, so if anything happens before lunchtime tomorrow, you'll see it here.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 26th June 2007 at 19:16:13 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsBoth TransMy and TFWorld2005 have images from the Robotcon 2007 Transformers convention which took place in Malaysia recently. You can see images here and here. The event was organised by Hasbro, UIP, and the TransMY.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 26th June 2007 at 18:46:59 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsTFWorld2005 noticed an ebay auction for a Transformers Movie Bumblebee door key for the Westin Providence hotel which will be given to BotCon attendees staying at the hotel. The image is a little blurry, but is a nice touch.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 26th June 2007 at 18:44:46 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
Rodimus Prime Rodimus Prime
Click the link or image above to view the Rodimus Prime toy gallery. The gallery contains 20 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for SNAKE EYES with the USPTO on the Monday, 20th April 1992. The mark was submitted within the category toy action figures and currently has as status of The registration has been renewed..
Transformers Cartoon Series
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 5: Bumblebee Transformation Ep 5: Bumblebee Transformation
The Autobot Bumblebee transforms in this Cut-Away transformation scene. ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
Transformers At The Moon Members Only
Visit the Portal area of this website for the members only features. To become a member, visit the message board.
Right Now on eBay
Other Websites run by The Mapes Bros
Transformers At The Moon Transformers Prime Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Transformers AFA Graded Transformers The Visionaries .net
About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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