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Transformers News: Category - "Transformers Convention News"

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Transformers Convention News

Toy-World have posted some photographs from Chara-Hobby 2009 which show the Disney Label Haloween Mickey Mouse, a hard copy of the Donald Duck Disney Label figure, the Device Label toys a­s well as the re-issue of the Combaticons and what appears to be new Constructicons and Aerial-bots! You can view the images below.



More images from the event can be found here, here and here.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 29th August 2009 at 16:59:42 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly announced the first details for next year's convention, including the date, location, and (subject to commitments) the first guests who may be attending:

Yes, it's on the way... we can now reveal the first official details for Auto Assembly 2010! It will be another weekend convention and this time it will be taking place on Friday 13th - Sunday 15th August 2010 and once again it will be held in the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, on Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham. The main convention will take place on the Saturday and Sunday again but there will be bonus programmes of events on the Friday and Saturday evenings for weekend attendees only.

We already have our first three guests confirmed for the convention - regular Auto Assembly guest and Transformers artist Simon Williams, colourist Liam Shalloo and making a welcome return to Auto Assembly will be top Transformers artist Guido Guidi!

Remember to book early to make sure you get a place and to help finance more guests (remember Voice Actors need to be flown in from America).

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 29th August 2009 at 10:10:30 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

BBC Birmingham have published their coverage of Auto Assembly 2009 which includes a feature article as well as an image gallery.

The feature includes some quotes from Auto Assembly Organiser Simon Plumbe regarding how the event went, as well as making mention to the Lucky Draw display that was shown by the owners of this very website.

The image gallery includes photos of some of the female cosplayers, guest, dealers, staff, attendees as well as various items that were on display in our cabinets on the Saturday.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 17th August 2009 at 15:51:40 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Greetings from Auto Assembly 2009. The doors have been opened for about three hours now, though we have been in the hall since 7 setting up the display cabinets with todays Lucky Draw display.  We have all but 12 Lucky Draws on display today along with a Beast Machines Cheetor hardcopy, testshot and final release piece which is kindly on load from The Space-Bridge.

During the official opening ceremony a video was shown with a greeting from the voice actor Scott McNeil who will be the guest of honour at next years show (should it go ahead).

It was also announced that todays attendance was 498 which is a new record for a European Transformers convention

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 15th August 2009 at 12:42:20 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Greetings Transformers Fans!

Auto Assembly 2009 is FOUR days away (or less if you’re arriving on Friday!).This year’s Auto Assembly is already confirmed as being THE BIGGEST European Transformers convention in history!And now, with our goal of 500 pre-bookings creeping ever nearer, we’ve saved some of the best news til last!


Truly a once in a lifetime opportunity, we’re happy to confirm another part is available in our amazing script reading session.YOU could be joining Ian Corlett, Gregg Berger and Transformers expert Chris McFeely on stage as… G1 Autobot Leader Optimus Prime!

Entering is simple; record your audition as an MP3 and send it along to – Let us be clear – the best candidate won’t be entered into a prize draw or anything… you WILL play Optimus Prime alongside his G1 Counterpart Grimlock, as voiced by his original voice actor.Don’t miss this chance!

If you don’t really have the Prime voice nailed then fear not, we are also auctioning the role of Beast Wars Razor Beast – same rules apply, but we need your auditions ASAP!!!!!


The voice of Beast Wars Cheetor, Ian Corlett gave the Auto Assembly team a massive surprise this week – when he asked to join Next of Kin on stage as their guest drummer for the night!You have to attend Saturday night to see this original voice actor pick up his sticks for some select tracks!


If for some reason you STILL haven’t pre-registered for AA09 then now is the time!The deadline for Pre-registrations is 9pmWednesday 12th August 2009 – that’s THIS Wednesday people as long as you collect your passes IN PERSON!We anticipate there will be some places available on the door, but pre-registration is the only way to guarantee entry – so please come along to the website TODAY to guarantee your place!

Because of some of the current issues with the Royal Mail strikes in some parts of the UK we cannot guarantee to post passes in time to reach you if you choose this option.


There is still time for people who can’t attend to order our non-attendee pack, but numbers are limited – please email now to avoid disappointment!You can also email us with your bids for items in our charity auction; there’s a list of items up on our website.

Auto Assembly 2009 is already the biggest Eurpean Transformers convention ever – but we’re striving to break that glass ceiling of 500 fans, so please, pre-register today before it’s too late!

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe

Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England. The convention is sponsored by Winning Moves (, Titan Magazines ( and Activision (

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 11th August 2009 at 18:44:24 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly have sent out the following press release covering their showing of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and the Next of Kin concert.

Hi everyone,
Just a quick update on the Revenge Of The Fallen cinema screening that we are arranging for the Friday night bonus programme as part of this year's convention as well as a mini update on the Saturday night party...
Revenge Of The Fallen
We have chosen the Odeon cinema on New Street in Birmingham City Centre to hold the screening of Revenge Of The Fallen on Friday 14th August. While it isn't an IMAX cinema, the IMAX was not only going to be quite an expensive option but the cinema wanted us to guarantee over 250 ticket sales which we couldn't do.
The Odeon is about 5 minutes walk from the hotel and we will be given EXCLUSIVE use of one of their screens and tickets for the film will cost just £4.50 although we may be offered a discount on these depending on how many people go along. The plan is to meet up in the main convention hall at around 8:30 pm and then once everyone has gathered, walk over to the cinema, buy our tickets and see the film!
What we need is to get a rough idea of how many of you would be planning on joining us so we can let the cinema know what size screen they can reserve for us. They have screens ranging in size from 67 people up to around 300 and we can get the use of any of them for the convention but we will need to reserve it in advance so we need to know pretty urgently so the sooner you reply to us the better.
The screening is exclusive to weekend attendees only, as is the whole of the Friday programme. The only thing we must remind everyone is that because the cinema screening is an exclusive Auto Assembly event, you will need to wear your passes when you go to the cinema to ensure that you are sold tickets to the film.
Next Of Kin
If you haven't already heard online, our band Next Of Kin who have composed Transform, the official anthem for Auto Assembly 2009, are playing a one-hour set of different tracks from the animated Transformers movie as part of our Saturday evening programme. After that, our plans for Saturday night have changed somewhat...
Instead of a disco, Next Of Kin will be taking a short break after their Transformers set, and will then RETURN to the stage for a rip-roaring show for the rest of the night, playing their own songs, and a selection of cover songs from various artists to suit all tastes! This will be a great show and it will mean that we will have an entire evening of live music and entertainment for you all!
Party Passes
For those of you only attending for the Saturday and who aren't able to be there for the weekend because of work, travel or other reasons but who want to attend the evening programme, then worry no more! We now have some spare capacity on the night so we are releasing a limited number of PARTY PASSES. These will be on sale throughout the day on Saturday for just £10 each and they will admit you into the evening programme so if you want to see the script reading, the two shows from Next Of Kin, and the performance by Ray Curran, then snap these up while you can!
Party Rules
We don't want to put a dampener on things, but we do want to put a couple of minor rules in place for the Saturday night. First, because we will be filming part of the evening for our own DVD release and because it is exclusive for weekend attendees, video cameras and video recording of the script reading and Next Of Kin show is BANNED. If anyone is found to be recording either of these without prior written permission, then your cameras, mobile phones, or any other recording devices may be confiscated and recordings will be deleted.
Secondly, because the party will be taking place in the convention hall, carrier bags, shopping bags, sports bags etc or bags of any other kind (apart from ladies handbags) are NOT permitted in the convention hall. There will still be some dealers tables set up in the hall albeit covered up and sectioned off, but to reduce the risk of theft, bags will not be allowed.
Sorry about these, but we want to ensure that everyone can enjoy the evening with as little hassle as possible!
That's it for now and we're looking forward to seeing you all next weekend!
The Auto Assembly 2009 Team!
Auto Assembly 2009 - The Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England - official Auto Assembly website - official Auto Assembly forum

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 8th August 2009 at 10:42:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsWith just ONE WEEK to go before Auto Assembly 2009, things are still happening with the convention and moving along at a breakneck speed...

* Live Script Reading *

We have now cast the first role in the script reading session that will be taking place on the Saturday evening. Join Gregg Berger, Ian James Corlett and comic artist Simon Williams on stage will be leading Transformers expert Chris McFeely who will be taking on the role of Dinobot! Chris put in a sterling audition and you can hear his performance over on the Auto Assembly website. We are still auditioning for Megatron, Waspinator and Razorbeast so get your MP3s in if you want to take a crack at joining these guys on stage! We may be announcing the next voice very soon...

* Bookings Update *

We are very close to reaching 500 attendees now for the convention! We now have 473 pre-registrants for Auto Assembly 2009 and we are still getting bookings every day so we think that there is a chance that we will get 500 just from pre-bookings alone! What this does mean is that some of the free gifts in the goodie bag are running out fast. Several of them ARE limited and are only available for the first so many pre-registrants. We have already run out of DVDs and G1 stickers and the next ones to run out will be the posters. If you want to make sure you get as many gifts as possible, you will need to book sooner rather than later!

There is still time for you to book your tickets. UK attendees have time to pre-book and have your single-day and weekend passes posted to you in time for the convention. Non-attendee tickets, weekend passes and international bookings can be accepted online until 9:00 pm on 12th August and will be available for you to collect on Friday 14th August from the convention hotel!

* Auction Update *

We have expanded the list of items in the Auto Assembly Charity Auction again and have now started to add a gallery of images so you can see for yourself what items we have on offer to help raise valuable funds for the two worthy causes that we are supporting this year. This is probably the best year we have ever had for collectors of original artwork and more items are still arriving daily!

* Guest Update *

We have just had word from Staz Johnson that he will now only be with us at Auto Assembly 2009 for the Saturday ONLY. We still have our full line-up of 15 guests but as we have said before, the ONLY way you will be able to see and meet all of them is if you are attending for the full weekend.

* Revenge Of The Fallen *

Details are now being finalised for our late-night screening of Revenge Of The Fallen as part of the Friday night bonus programme of events for weekend attendees. We will be heading to the Odeon cinema in Birmingham for an EXCLUSIVE screening of the film and tickets will be £4.50 each. While it isn't an IMAX screening, we will have the entire screen to ourselves and the movie will start at around 9:30 pm. If you've ever wanted to see the film in a cinema packed with die-hard TF fans, then now is your chance! You must be a weekend attendee to join us for this added programme item!

* Simon Furman Confirmed For Auto Assembly 2010! *

Yes, you read it right!! While Simon is unable to make it for this year's convention, Simon has already confirmed on his blog that he WILL be in attendance at Auto Assembly 2010! We haven't got a date set for the convention yet apart from thinking about August next year, but for those of you attending this year, now more than ever you should think about picking up a copy of our convention exclusive comic so you can make sure you get Simon to sign it as well as Nick, Liam and Gregg!

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England. The convention is sponsored by Winning Moves (, Titan Magazines ( and Activision (

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Saturday, 8th August 2009 at 10:38:02 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Simon Furman has updated his blog regarding Auto Assembly

Just a quick reminder that Auto Assembly, the UK’s premier (in fact, only) dedicated Transformers convention is just over a week away now. This year’s AA is a full weekend, Saturday and Sunday (15th & 16th of August), with two US voice actor guests (Gregg Berger and Ian Corlett so far confirmed) and a host of comics professionals including Nick Roche, Jon Davis-Hunt, Andrew Wildman and Lee Sullivan.

Sadly, due to personal commitments, I can’t be there this year, but I’ll be there in spirit as I’ve supplied the script for AA’s live voice actor drama on the Saturday night and I’m one half of the convention-exclusive edition of All Hail Megatron #13 (keep hold of those for next year’s AA and I’ll scrawl all over the cover then!).

So what can I tease about the voice actor drama? Well, it’s set in the Beast Wars era for a start, though expect it to be somewhat cross-continuity in nature (as there might still, I believe, be a third voice actor guest). Gregg has two roles.

Don’t expect anything too dramatic from the drama, it’s played more for laughs than anything (anyone who caught my two previous Botcon voice actor dramas will know what to expect). There are four roles to be filled by convention attendees (maybe a comics pro getting a look-in there) and artist Simon Williams is narrating in the style of WWE.

So, anyway, sad to miss out myself, but I’ll be back for AA 2010. Enjoy!

For more details on AA09, check out their website here

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 7th August 2009 at 09:16:55 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsAuto Assembly 2009 Ten Day Update - Prize Draws And More!

Auto Assembly 2009 is just TEN DAYS away and while the convention is within reach, there are still more developments happening all the time...

* Bookings Update *

Bookings are at an all-time high with a staggering 461 fans already pre-registered for what is now Europe's biggest ever Transformers convention. We are now certainly going to be the first ever European Transformers convention to reach the "magical 500" attendance figure, and who knows, could we possibly make it to 600 from pre-registrations and on-the-door places?

This is where we DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP!! If you have already booked, please encourage your friends who haven't done so yet so we can reach this convention milestone! If you have a youtube account, why not mention Auto Assembly in one of your pupcoming videos, or post on your Twitter, Facebook, or Myspace accounts if you have them or post about Auto Assembly on any Transformers forums that you are a member of. The more people who attend the convention the better!

We are already looking into plans right now for Auto Assembly 2010 (and we have made provisional approaches to several voice actors and other guests) and one thing that we will offer is a reduced rate registration for Auto Assembly 2009 attendees so there's another reason to book up!

Despite Auto Assembly 2009 being so close, there IS time for you to be able to pre-register! If you live in the UK, we can still process bookings for at least the next 5-6 days and get them out in plenty of time before the convention. If you live outside of the UK (or are planning on booking for the weekend), you can opt to have you packs ready for you for collection when you arrive and pick them up on the Friday so there's no reason not to miss out! Our superb non-attendee packages are also available so check the website for the latest revised deadlines.

* Activision Prize Draw *

As you know, we are running two sponsored prize draws for pre-registrants this year... 40 people chosen at random will receive a pack of the new Revenge Of The Fallen 3D Top Trumps cards and 50 people will win a copy of Issue 2.1 of Titan's Transformers comic and the winners will find a redemption voucher in their convention packs that you collect when you arrive. Well, we now have the third prize draw confirmed...

Activision have very kindly donated TEN copies of their Revenge Of The Fallen game for the Playstation 3 to us to give away. All you need to do to stand a chance of winning is to pre-register for the convention as a WEEKEND or NON-ATTENDEE package. Prior to the convention, we will select TEN attendees at random who qualify, and you will find a winning ticket in your packs. Take it along to the Registration Desk over the weekend and exchange it for your game, worth £40!

* Saturday Night Rock Concert *

Next Of Kin, who are responsible for Auto Assembly 2009's official theme song, are already lined up to perform a one-hour show of Transformers music as part of the Saturday night programme of activities but now, they are going to be performing TWO shows... Instead of the disco, Next Of Kin will be taking a short rest break after their Transformers show, and will return to the stage for a three hour regular concert performing some of their own material and a mix of familar rock and pop songs throughout the night!!

* Party Pass *

We know that many of you who are attending just for the Saturday are unable to join us for the full weekend because of work, personal or travel commitments. However, after looking at the capacity of the hall, we are now in a position to have a VERY LIMITED number of additional places available in the hall for the evening programme and we will make these available to Saturday attendees as an add-on to your normal one-day pass. These Party Passes will be on sale during the day at the convention on a first come, first served basis for £10 each and they will gain you admission to the Evening Programme of entertainment including the script reading, both shows from Next Of Kin, and Ray Curran's performance of the youtube hit, "Unknown Transforming Robot".

* Charity Auction *

Our charity auction is now looking pretty astonishing with about 25-30 items confirmed and are either with us or in transit including a vast amount of original comic artwork, autographed toys and photos and much more besides. Highlights include a signed photo of Peter Cullen (G1 Optimus Prime), an original page of art from IDW's live action movie adaptation by Alex Milne, the Ato Assembly 2009 postcard artwork by Andrew Wildman, a Beast Wars Transmetal Optimus Primal toy signed by Garry Chalk and much more besides. For a full list, keep checking the website. Remember, the auction is open to attendees (it takes place on Saturday afternoon) and non-attendees by way of proxy bidding.

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England. The convention is sponsored by Winning Moves (, Titan Magazines ( and Activision (

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 5th August 2009 at 08:02:32 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsAuto Assembly 2009 Two Weeks To Go!

Auto Assembly 2009 is now just two weeks to go and is already Europe's biggest ever Transformers convention with almost 450 people pre-registered to-date, beating the previous European attendance record of 423 set by Auto Assembly 2008 and we're still getting bookings coming in all the time... We are now convinced that we will hit the magical figure of 500 attendees that European events have wanted to reach for so long...

Booking Deadlines Updated

Even though the convention is incredibly close now, there is STILL time for you to pre-register! As we have said, the cut-off dates for pre-registrations were set a few weeks ago and are:-

Standard online bookings for weekend and one-day passes (UK):- 10th August 2009
Standard online bookings for weekend and one-day passes (International):- 3rd August 2009
Standard postal bookings for weekend and one-day passes (UK):- 5th August 2009
Standard postal bookings for weekend and one-day passes (International):- 3rd August 2009
Non-Attendee package purchases (worldwide):- 9:00 pm, 12th August 2009

So obviously for those of you living outside of the UK you need to get your bookings in VERY QUICKLY. However, for those of you who are booking for the FULL WEEKEND ONLY, we can offer you the chance to collect your passes on the Friday evening and we will send out your info packs and confirmation details electronically. This will ONLY apply to weekend pre-registrants and you must email us at the same time as booking to take advantage of this and colection of passes MUST be made on Friday 14th August. Bookings made for collection can only be taken online and must be made by no later than 9:00 pm on 12th August 2009 to allow us to produce your passes ready for collection.

Please note that these are the ABSOLUTE latest date that we can accept bookings and guarantee that your passes will reach you in time for the convention. If you book after these dates, we will do everything possible to get your passes to you before the convention takes place but please bear in mind the time taken for delivery and that we will have work pressures and we will be preparing, dismantling and packing all of our equipment for the convention on Wednesday 12th August so NO bookings will be able to be processed after 9:00 pm on that date.

We do anticipate that we will have on-the-door places available but at the moment we do not know how many of these there will be and tickets are selling very quickly at the moment. These will be announced on the website once pre-bookings close but to ensure your place pre-registration is recommended.

Hasbro Make A Return!

Yes, Hasbro are returning to Auto Assembly! Once again there will be a display from Hasbro and this time they will be sending a display along to the convention showcasing the 2009 toy range with twice as much space as they had last year! Once again, they will also be donating a huge amount of toys to the Charity Auction and Raffle...

Next Of Kins Performs Auto Assembly Official Theme Song

If you haven't read it on the website, Auto Assembly 2009 now has it's own official theme song for the convention. Written and performed by Next Of Kin who are appearing in concert at the convention on the Saturday evening doing a show of covers from the Animated movie, their song "Transform" has been chosen as the convention anthem for 2009. "Transform" was originally submitted to Paramount for inclusion in the soundtrack for Revenge Of The Fallen. To take a listen to the song, watch a music video they put together here:-

Copies of the song will be available to buy at the convention on CD.

More convention updates very soon... For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 1st August 2009 at 10:12:13 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Well its official, Auto Assembly 2009 will be Europe's largest (in terms of guests and attendance) dedicated Transformers convention ever!  Yes we have received word from the organisers that over night it has broken the previous European record set by Auto Assembly in 2008 of 423.

Transforce held the record for a few years at 400 in 2002 until Auto Assembly beat that in 2005 with 409 attendees.  In 2008 the event sent a new record of 423.

Remember we will be in attendance putting on the worlds largest display of Lucky Draws (though u will need to be their on the Sunday to see everything we have), so remember to stop by and introduce yourselves. 

Auto Assembly 2009 Releases Final Single-Day Tickets!

With Just 20 days to go before Auto Assembly 2009, we are now releasing the FINAL batch of single day tickets for those of you unable to attend for the full weekend...!

We have now released a further 45 single day passes for the Saturday and Sunday and once these have sold out, the only way you will be able to get a one-day pass will be as an on-the-door attendee and these will be sold on a first come, first served basis subject to availability. We do have plenty of full weekend passes available still and these are not subject to any restrictions on sales numbers so if you want a full weekend pass you still have time to book these, but as the convention is getting closer, you don't want to miss out...

The cut-off dates for pre-registrations are looming ever closer and for those of you living within the UK, you MUST get your bookings in by 10th August 2009 to allow us enough time to process them and post your passes out to you. If you live outside of the UK, we are recommending that you book no later than 3rd August. Any later and we can not be held responsible for delays in the postal system.

If you wish to collect your passes on the weekend itself in person, we will be looking into this for WEEKEND ATTENDEES ONLY but please contact us to discuss this.

Single day attendees will get access to the FULL convention on your chosen day including all the dealers, workshops, all the guest talks, FREE autograph sessions, our goodie bags, and everything else that weekend attendees have. However, weekend attendees gain earlier admission to the convention and have access to the exclusive Saturday evening programme with our voice actor script reading, live band and disco and the bonus Friday evening programme. Single day passes are just £25 for adults and £18 for children/concessions.

Full weekend tickets are still available and are £45 for adults and £35 for children/students/senior citizens with under 5s being FREE. Family tickets (2 adults and 2 children) are just £145 saving £15. Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of what is going to be a great weekend celebrating 25 years of the Transformers!! The convention is already about to break the European attendance record from pre-registrations alone so isn't now the time you should be a part of it?!

Finally, our main convention hotel is now FULL for the Saturday night for accommodation so we have now moved onto an overflow hotel nearby and are also investigating a THIRD for accommodation. If you are travelling and do need somewhere to stay, we can't stress the urgency now of booking sooner rather than later to get somewhere to stay as well as your ticket for the event! Hotel details will be sent with your booking confirmation. The Holiday Inn, and our overflow hotel have ample rooms for the Friday and Sunday evenings but Saturday is only available in the overflow hotel.

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296 

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 28th July 2009 at 16:50:06 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention NewsTFW2005, and their sister sites HissTank and ToyArk,  have uploaded more images from the SDCC which official starts tomorrow.  You can find images of the Hasbro Booth here, and here with image of the Marvel Universe figures that were on display here and G.I-Joe images here and here.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 22nd July 2009 at 21:48:57 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Both TFormers and TFW2005 have already started their coverage of his weekends SDCC.  You can view their images thus far by visiting their sites. TFW2005, TFormers

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 22nd July 2009 at 14:40:29 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

As the date for Auto Assembly 2009 draws nearer, we are still adding to our extensive list of activities throughout the weekend and we are now pleased to announce that we are now being joined by our FIFTEENTH guest for the convention...

Joining us for the SUNDAY ONLY is comic artist Jon Davis-Hunt. Jon has recently joined the team working on Titan Magazine's Transformers comic as their new regular artist for their UK-originated strip, although he has produced cover artwork for them previously. He has also worked for IDW on the adaptation of Revenge Of The Fallen and was one of the artists for 2000 AD. Prior to switching to the comic industry, Jon previously worked in the video games industry.

Jon will be taking to the stage along with some of our other comic guests on Sunday
 (our comic panels will be split throughout the weekend) and he will be joining the rest of our comic guests in our guest area to sign autographs and meet fans.

Jon is joining what is the biggest ever line-up of guests seen at a European Transformers event which currently includes our two guests of honour Gregg Berger (G1 Grimlock), Ian James Corlett (Cheetor), and our comic guests - Andrew Wildman (Saturday only), Simon Williams, Staz Johnson, Nick Roche, Liam Shalloo, Lew Stringer (Saturday only), Jason Cardy, Kat Nicholson, Lee Bradley, Lee Sullivan, Mike Collins, and Kris Carter. As we have three guests who will only be able to attend for a single day, the ONLY way you will get to meet all of our guests this year is to attend for the FULL weekend!

We have a very limited number of single tickets available for the Sunday, but plenty of weekend tickets available. More single day passes for Saturday may be released soon but with the convention being less than four weeks away, you need to hurry to pre-register for what will be the biggest ever Transformers convention that Europe has ever seen!

For full details on Auto Assembly 2009 and to book your tickets, visit the website at

Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly 2009

Auto Assembly 2009 is a non-profit making convention for fans of Transformers and is being held on 15th - 16th August 2009 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England.

tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: - on: Tuesday, 21st July 2009 at 15:55:04 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

On 19 July for the first time in Germany, finaly it was there, the C.O.N.S. "Cybertrons Opend New Spaceport" the first german Transformers Fan Convention !

Fan Convention cause it was just from Fans for Fans, we had no big Sponsor this year and did it all with only the help from our Fans!

Thanks to our Dealers, Fan Dealers, Fans and Guests that was there we earned so much fun and happy faces that all the work before was payed, cause just the fun is what counts in the end.

We had 18 different tables with dealers and 153 peoples there and that was so cool for the very first time of a Convention that we are really happy to say we have to bring it on and next year can come, we do it again for sure on 11 July 2010 in Germany.

There was Costum Contest, Fan Art Contest, Attacktix Tournament plus Catering in rooms and Barbecue outside.

Also there was a special Dealer we orderd with exclusive Transformers Costums Jewellery. Also Raymond T. was there with Crew, for us special guests cause he managed each year the netherlands Transformers Convention "TF-ConVersions" and we stay Partners now.

Please take a look in our Galleries here and you see how we have transformed germany for the first time:

Building up and down

C.O.N.S. Life

The Crew from NTF-Archive and the C.O.N.S. Team who made it possible can only say big thanks to all ! And see all back next year on C.O.N.S. 2010.

We made it also to a big german papers:

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 21st July 2009 at 00:52:16 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

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