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The limited exclusives for the G.I.Joe / Action Force / Transformers cross over convention, Roll Out Roll Call, are now availalbe to pre-order from AllTheCoolStuff. Here's a copy of the announcement.
Roll Out Roll Call 3, the show dedicated to Transformers, GI-Joe & Action Force is a little over a week away.
There is so much lined up for the show, from amazing guests to presentations & panels to competitions to exclusives.
The 2012 exclusives have been revealed.
RORC-04 V.I.P.E.R Armour is proving to be our most anticipated show item ever. Available in 3 colours and limited to just 30 of each colour at £49.99 each.
You can check out the photo gallery here:
RORC-05 Dreadnought is an evil reworking that would sit nicely in any Transformer or GI-Joe collection. Limited to 25 at £24.99 each.
The exclusives will available to Weekend Ticket holders from 20.00GMT tonite, so if you still need to order a ticket, please make sure you book before 19.30GMT to ensure your account is active for 20.00GMT exclusives 'go-live'.
All the best,
All The Cool Stuff
64 High Street
Tel: 01425 650696
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Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 1st March 2012 at 21:52:51 GMT
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Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th February 2012 at 19:56:17 GMT
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Simon Plumbe, head of Auto Assembly, has posted an update regarding their 100% record on credit card security across the 12 year history of the convention.
We know that many Transformers fans across the globe are currently concerned about repeated incidents of credit card fraud that have been taking place recently that are affecting many of you in these difficult financial times. To allay any concerns that you may have, bookings for Auto Assembly 2012 are still open and have been unaffected by this and we have not had any issues regarding credit / debit card fraud since the convention started in 2000.
We have been using PayPal to handle all our transactions safely since 2004 and are happy to offer alternative methods of payment for anyone wishing to attend the convention if you do have any concerns about paying using any electronic method. I can personally assure you that none of my team have access to any of your financial details or any of your personal information other than your name, address and email address which we need for the purpose of the convention itself.
In addition, I offer my personal guarantee that none of this information is shared with any third part organisation or individual not involved in the running of the convention.
In addition, I would like to offer assurances to all of you that our sister convention, Auto Assembly Europe, also uses PayPal for all of its bookings and transactions and as such is also unaffected by any credit card issues but they too will also be able to help with any concerns you may have once bookings open for this year’s event later in the year.
Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly Committee Head
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 28th February 2012 at 08:22:00 GMT
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In a few months it's that time again. The 4th C.O.N.S. opens the doors. On the 22nd of July 2012 we will transform Germany with even more power. This year we have space for more dealers and even more fans like ever bevor. We will care for the entertainment with a really great program. This years special guests are:
Simon Furman - Comic Author
Andrew Wildman - Comic Artist
Neil Kaplan - The voice of Transformers R.I.D. Optimus Prime and more
The rockband Rampage will once more do the musical entertainment. The pre-sale for the tickets has already started and everyone can get a ticket now for 8 Euro. Those of you who want to attend as a dealer has still the possibility to do so. But here is the space already limited.
Tickets available: here
Dealers can book their stand: here
The exact address is:
Haus Seerose
Steeger Straße 38
41334 Nettetal
Here are the official flyer and the first teaser:

Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 26th February 2012 at 20:14:42 GMT
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The exclusive figure for this years Roll Out Roll Call convention has now been revealed and it's another G.I-Joe / Transformers cross-over Pretender. Last years exclusive was a Pretender of The Kraken which was received with mix reaction from fans, well this year the exclusive is the S.N.A.K.E armour from G.I-Joe only as a up-scaled Pretender figure. We've seen the prototypes of these and they are big! The figure are being made exclusively for the show and will be very limited. They are available in three colour schemes red, white and blue and come with a sticker sheet to allow you to customise the figure to your favourite faction. You can view the reveal below.

Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 25th February 2012 at 17:37:57 GMT
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The Auto Aseembly website has been updated with the annoucement of a Transformers video game tournament for the 2012 show.
As part of our expanded Game Zone for Auto Assembly 2012, we will be running not one but THREE video games tournaments throughout the weekend at the convention this year. They will be running all weekend and will be open to all attendees and are completely free to enter. All you will need to do is come along to our Game Zone at any time during the weekend and as long as the games are running, one of our team will take your details and set you up in one or more of our competitions and you could be in with a chance of winning some great prizes, courtesy of
As we said, there will be three tournaments running all weekend, each focusing on a different game
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th February 2012 at 13:44:15 GMT
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Hasbro are now taking names for the 2012 Hall of Fame
In 2010, Hasbro inducted humans and robots from the worlds of toys, entertainment and CYBERTRON into the inaugural class of its TRANSFORMERS Hall of Fame, honoring more than 25 years of “robots in disguise” action. Now in its third year, Hasbro is once again turning to fans to help finalize the 2012 robot inductee class.
?Hasbro’s internal panel of judges has chosen three iconic characters to induct into the TRANFORMERS Hall of Fame in 2012—Heroic AUTOBOTS JAZZ and GRIMLOCK, as well as evil DECEPTICON SHOCKWAVE. But we need your help to determine this year's fourth robot inductee!
Check back on later in March to cast your vote for the “Fans Choice” TRANSFORMERS robot to be inducted into the 2012 class.??
The winning character will be announced at the TRANSFORMERS Hall of Fame ceremony on Saturday, April 28 at BOTCON, the Official TRANSFORMERS Convention in Dallas, TX.??
The TRANSFORMERS Hall of Fame was created to honor those influential in building the iconic entertainment brand, as well as the actual “ROBOTS IN DISGUISE.” The inaugural induction ceremony was held at BotCon 2010. TRANSFORMERS influentials Bob Budiansky, Peter Cullen, Hideaki Yoke, and Kohjin Ohno were members of the inaugural class, along with five notable robot characters that are a part of TRANSFORMERS lore. The previous robot honorees (who are ineligible for the fan-voted slot in this year's ceremony) are:
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 24th February 2012 at 13:40:14 GMT
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TFormers have more images from the Winter Wonderfestival, this time showing off some of the nice Garage kits. Included are Victory Leo (who was sold at the previous years event) along with a really nice Chromedome and a small Super Deformer Ultra Magnus (white cabinet robot).
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 14th February 2012 at 19:31:19 GMT
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Rather than posting several stories we have decide to post one simple story containing all of the official Transformers images of Transformers toys which were shown off at the New York Toy Fair. The lines include Transformers Prime and Transformers Generations (which includes figures from the highly anticipated Transformers Fall of Cybertron game).
For us, the biggest news from the Toy Fair was the annoucement of the Marvel Universe Death's Head figure schedule for release in 2013.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 12th February 2012 at 15:30:39 GMT
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More news in from the Winter Wonderfestival is that a new Transformers related Revoltech toy is in the works. This time it is Transformers Movie Bumblebee. Click the full story for images
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 12th February 2012 at 15:26:40 GMT
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Images from the 2012 Winter Wonderfestival have started to come in. Since Tomy (TakaraTomy) are not in attendance it was thought that Transformers images would be thin on the ground.
CMS Corphave filled the gap by showing of a resin prototype Ginrai and (a possible final version) Minerva, as well as an upcoming "Minerva Special Edition" figure based on the colors of Nightbeat (and the Minerva Night Beat special release in Japan.) Also shown off on the Minerva Special poster is an extra head based on Hi-Q from the Marvel Comics Transformers run that can be attached to the Gutto Kuru Ginrai's body.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 12th February 2012 at 15:24:30 GMT
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TakaraTomy has tweeted a few additional images from the Asahikawa Winter Festival. In addition to the giant Optimus Prime snow sculpture there is also a sculpture of Transformers Prime Bumblebee to greet guest. We also see a coupled of illuminated images of the Optimus Prime sculpture.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 8th February 2012 at 19:30:48 GMT
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Jim Sorenson has updated his blog, Diciples of Boltax, with the news that he will be working on a new GI Joe Animation model book along with Bill Forster. Transformers fans will know that Jim and Bill released two Transformers Ark books covering the animation art from the original Transformers series and Japanese Transformers series.
Jim has posted the following.
Yo Joe! The time has come for much rejoicing and cavorting. I can now officially announce what many of you have guessed... my next book is going to be an Ark-style book of G.I. Joe animation models, out this summer.
(Nice Snake Eyes model courtesy of a frequent contributor to the model book, Tim Finn of A Real American Book.)
It's going to be pretty spectacular. For some reason I've been able to find WAY more material than I have for Transformers. As the illustration to the right jokingly illustrates, I'm going to be taking a few thousand model sheets and condensing the very best and most interesting of them down into one volume of a few hundred pages. I'm really stoked at my first work in this new and glorious arena. I've come across some amazingly cool rare stuff, plus most of what you'd expect for a book about the Sunbow animation models. I'm still looking for more material, too, so if you're a collector of such things drop me a line. I'm especially interested in material from the movie and the commercials beyond, as well as incidental characters.
So you see, my Roll Out Roll Call appearance is doubly fortuitous! I can show off some early sneak-peaks of the book there. Definitely swing by if you're in the UK.
Now you know the significance of Jim and Bill's appearance at Roll Out Roll Call 2012, and as we all know Knowing is Half the Battle
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 8th February 2012 at 08:49:38 GMT
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Transformers Collectors Club Pre-Orders are now online!

2012 Over-Run (AKA Runabout) TCC exclusive (1 pc)
Member Price - $54
Non-Member Price - $94
OVER-RUN® tries to pass himself off as a suave connoisseur of fine things. It’s not a façade he can really maintain for long, less because of his generally low intelligence and more because his interest in beautiful objects starts and ends with “blow them up!” His drive to seem sophisticated is in direct conflict with his enthusiastic love of explosions and action. The former is almost always on the losing side of that battle. He’s not interested in the DECEPTICONS’® plans for conquest; he’s just with them because of the greater opportunities for his kind of fun. He’s always on the move, looking to create a bigger fireball, a larger bomb crater, and generally cram every microsecond with action!
Over-Run is a Deluxe sized figure featured in the Wings Universe and is Runamuck’s demolition partner. Over-Run utilizes one of the extremely popular “Classics” molds and features an all-new head sculpt by Dan Khanna and Paul Brooks. The toy is packed in a convention style box with a foam insert for easy removal and display.
Non-membership price ($40 domestic) includes 6 bi-monthly full color magazines and 2012 Free membership incentive figure (ships Spring 2012).

2012 Shattered Glass Drift TCC exclusive (1 pc)
Member Price - $49
Non-Member Price - $89
Even amongst the villainous hordes of the Evil AUTOBOTS ®, DRIFT is considered the most brutal. Laws and morality have no stay with him, only money and profit. And occasionally thrills. He’d blast his own batch initiators if he were paid for the job. Or if he thought it might be fun. Typically given free rein by the AUTOBOT ® leader, OPTIMUS PRIME ®, to complete his objectives, DRIFT’S methods of taking out his targets are only limited by his imagination. In other words, they are almost boundless. The mercenary relishes dreaming of new ways of taking out his marks, and logging them when he reboots in the morning. Regardless of the elaborate traps he might set, he always ensures that he is there at the final move, with his finger on the trigger or his hand on the blade. ??
Drift is a Deluxe sized figure featured in the Shattered Glass Universe. This “Bot of Banter” utilizes one of the extremely popular “Classics” molds and comes with a selection of weapons. The toy is packed in a convention style box with a foam insert for easy removal and display
UPDATE: The Transformers Collectors Club store went down due to too many orders
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 31st January 2012 at 08:39:51 GMT
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Roll Out Roll Call 2012 update: author of the Rahc Guide, James Kavanaugh Jr, will be attending for his first ever show in the UK. The R.A.H.C Guide is the best reference book covering all GI-Joe releases from 1997-2007. Signed copies are available for reservation though All The Cool Stuff which is strongly urged as a limited number may only be available over the weekend:
James "KuuKuuSon" Kavanaugh Jr. is the author of the R.A.H.C. Guide, printer of the Declassified newsletter and a contributor to the G.I. Joe Collectors Club and the Declassified Booth.
While KuuKuuSon is a member of many online G.I. Joe forums, he is more known for his "in person" approach to the community, co-founding two Ohio area collectors clubs and a regular attendee at the International Convention. A collector of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero action figures since their debut in 1982, KuuKuuSons paused in 1990 to pursue other avenues only to be drawn back in by his late discovery of the then cancelled Marvel Comic series in 1996; a move which inevitably led to his "no turning back" full-on collecting point in 2002.
KuuKuuSon utilized his graphic design skills produce a supplemental fullback card for the Collectors Club renewal figures that are given away free at conventions as well as design the official 2007 exclusive Sigma Six Red Ninja file card. It has also been stated that he put G.I. Joe costuming on the map. KuuKuuSon also collects Transformers Comics, Starscreams, World of Springfield and Masters of the Universe.
James is traveling from Dayton, OH U.S.A. to promote his new book R.A.H.C. A Guide to Second Generation O-Ring G.I. Joe Action Figures.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 23rd January 2012 at 22:24:35 GMT
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