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Transformers News: Category - "Transformers Convention News"

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This area of the website is dedicated to Transformers news. Currently this website contains 830 news stories divided over 56 pages. You can submit a news story by using our news submission page.

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Transformers Convention News

The Transformers Collectors Club have release a robot mode image of the Subscription Service Circuit figure.

Circuit was one of the European Exclusive Action Masters released in the early 1990s and was a recolour of the Axer figure.  This new version pays hommage to this by using a recolouration of the Transformers Hunt for the Decpticons Axer toy, which is a remold of Lockdown.

Transformers Subscription Service Circuit

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 21st August 2012 at 07:42:58 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Transformers Collectors Clud Subscription Service is now open

Remember, there is no need to rush to get your order in as these are made to order. If you get your order in by the cut-off date, midnight on 10 September 2012, you will receive the set of six toys.



The launch of the Transformers Collectors’ Club Figure Subscription Service is imminent; we will notify you the link when we make the service active. While we are loading the final details, here are some things to remember:

1. You must be a member of the Transformers Collectors’ Club to take advantage of the Figure Sub
scription Service.

2. There is NO reason to rush the site or be in a hurry as this is a build to order system. We will build as many as you order, so we cannot run out. YOU CAN ORDER AS MANY AS YOU WANT, there is no limit.

3. What you do need to be concerned about is the closing date of the subscription service, which ENDS on September 10th at midnight.

4. You can either pay In Full or by Installment. There will be 3 installments. When you subscribe and choose pay by Installment, you will be billed for the first two months’ shipments. Then sometime during the second month, you will be billed for the 3rd and 4th months’ shipments and sometime during the 4th month you will be billed for the final 2 months’ shipments.

5. The figures will be shipped in random order. All members receive the same figures each month. The figure pairings will not be preannounced. So if you don’t mind, when you get your shipment each month, PLEASE do not go online and tell what you received. We want each shipment to be a surprise for as many members as possible.

6. The cost is $282 if Paid In Full (plus shipping) or three Installments of $94 (plus shipping). Please note that there is a $3 online processing fee for each billing. We take Visa, Discover or MasterCard. Unfortunately we cannot accept Money Orders or Checks for this offer.

7. If you pick a shipping service that does not include insurance or if you don’t pick the insurance, we do not have any responsibility for replacement of lost or damaged or misdirected orders.

8. If you move or need to change your credit card during the program, you can log into your account and change it there. This will change all of your future FSS billings and shipments. We will also be sending you reminders to check your address and cc before each billing/shipment goes out. We are not responsible for shipments that are lost due to incorrect shipping information on file.

9. We are waiting on the final schedule from China so we don’t know exactly when the first figures will ship, we “think” it will be sometime in January. We will announce this as soon as we get the final schedule.

10. Some of the figures (single figures) MAY be available in the Club Store after the subscriber’s figures ship. These will be at a much higher price per figure. There is no guarantee of availability of any of the figures in the club store. If you want to ensure getting these limited edition figures, you need to subscribe to the service.

The six figures are Prime Slipstream, Classics Circuit, Beast Wars Ultra Mammoth, Animated Jackpot, Universe Classics Breakdown and Generations Robots in Disguise Scourge.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 18th August 2012 at 09:23:29 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Official Transformers Collectors Club, from Fun Publications, has posted on Facebook that it's subscription service will start very soon

FB User: Does this mean the subscription service is starting soon?

Transformers Collectors' Club (Official): I would keep an eye on the Club website in the next day or two.

They have already posted up images of Breakdown, and in-hand images of Circuit and Scourge have also appeared.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 15th August 2012 at 07:17:45 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Auto Assembly website has been updated with a video from Michael Bell talking about his appearance at Auto Assembly 2012.

Click the link to visit the site and see the video.  Also remember that you can already purchase tickets for Auto Assembly 2013 which has already confirmed three guests, the returning Neil Kaplan (voice of Optimus Prime from Transformers Robots in Disguise), the returning Dan Gilvezan (voice of G1 Bumblebee) and Steve Blum (voice of Transformers Prime Starscream as well as Darkscream, Wars and Fortress Maximus in Transformers Robtos in Disguise, Heatwave in Transformers Rescue Bots along with countless other shows and video games).

Also keep an eye out for Roll Out Roll Call 2013, for an earlier fix of Transformers and GI-Joe goodness

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 15th August 2012 at 07:14:14 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

We have created a new image gallery containing the photos which we took whilst at Auto Assembly 2012 last weekend in Birmingham England.  The convention smashed it's own previously helpd European attendance record for a Transformers show with the total attendance increasing by over 1/3rd on the previous record to 773.

We would like to thank everyone for supporting the show from the attendees, through the volenteers (who's tireless efforts did not go un-noticed), through the committee members, the hotel staff, the dealers (who cover every line you could think off) and, of course, the guests.

So thank you everyone for making 2012 a record breaking year for Auto Assembly and we hope to see you all next year for Auto Assembly 2013 and, before that, for Roll Out Roll Call 2013.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Wednesday, 8th August 2012 at 15:41:28 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Hundreds of thousands of fans are expected to be in attendance over the course of Auto Assembly 2012 ... oh no, wait, that's for the other small event taking place isn't it (London Olympics 2012).  Though not on the same scale, today marks the opening of Auto Assembly 2012, confirmed to be Europe's Largest ever Transformers Convention (on pre-registration alone).

Joining us in Birmingham are comic starts from IDW Publishing from all of their Transformers books, Transformers More Than Meets The Eye, Transformers Robots in Disguise and Transformers Regeneration.  In addition we have three voice actors flying over for Auto Assembly, all making their European Transformers Convention début (some for their first trip to the UK).  We have Michael Bell (voice of G1 Prowl, Springer, Sideswipe and many others), Paul Eiding (voice of G1 Perceptor) and Townsend Coleman (voice of Transformers Animated Sentinel Prime - and a rather popular show called The Tick!)

The show starts tonight and lasts until Sunday, and don't forget what happened last year on Saturday night with the surprise guest appearance.

See you there

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 3rd August 2012 at 08:22:43 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Hasbro Prize Giveaway At Auto Assembly 2012
Auto Assembly 2012 is now only FOUR DAYS away but that doesn't mean we still don't have things to announce! We've kept a few things back until the last minute as we wanted to make sure we still had things to tell you right until you were all getting ready to leave for Birmingham and this is one that certainly put a smile on our faces here at Auto Assembly headquarters today...
We're please to announce that Hasbro UK are once again supporting the convention and our charity fundraising efforts and have very generously donated a great selection of Transformers Prime toys that we will be giving away in our charity raffle this year. After some great deluxe toys? No problem! How about a few of the Cyberverse Commander class figures? They've sent us some of those as well. They've even donated some of the new Weaponiser figures so some of our lucky raffle prize winners will be going home with some great prizes this year!
Tickets for our charity raffle will be on sale all weekend for just 20p each and draws will be taking place all weekend so if you don't win anything first time around keep your tickets safe. Remember the more tickets you buy, not only do you have more chances to win in each draw but the more you help us raise for three worthy charities. And with these great prizes and more besides including signed photos of various Transformers voice actors (did someone say Peter Cullen and Frank Welker?), it's going to be a fantastic charity raffle!
If you haven’t already booked up for the convention or ordered a Non-Attendee Pack which gets you our stunning goodie bag with autographs from our guests, pre-registrations close in just TWO DAYS. After that time, you’ll still be able to come along to the convention and pay on the day but Non-Attendee Packs will no longer be available. Attendees will not get a personalised pass and will not be entered into any of our free prize draws (which are also open to Non-Attendees) so pre-registration is well worth it.
So what are you waiting for? There’s no better time to book your tickets while you can to be a part of Europe’s largest Transformers convention!
Auto Assembly 2012 is Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out more including details of all the dealers present and a full schedule for the weekend, visit the website at
If you can't make it to the convention this year don't forget that tickets are now on sale for Auto Assembly 2013 which is set to be another stunning weekend!
Hope to see you on 3rd - 5th August.
The Auto Assembly Team
Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 30th July 2012 at 13:27:30 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

More Guests Announced For Auto Assembly 2012

We're just SIX DAYS away from Auto Assembly 2012, Europe's largest Transformers convention but we still haven't finished with our announcements for this year's event! We have a fantastic guest line-up with year with some great comic guests and - for the first time ever - three voice actors, but we thought that you deserved more...

We're now proud to bring you two final guests to the line-up and we hope that you will make them both feel welcome as they make their Auto Assembly debut. First up is our own in-house artist Ed Pirrie who is making Auto Assembly history as our first ever fan artist guest.

In his own words, Ed Pirrie spends most of his days either operating dangerous machinery or drawing it hitting each other. He has been accused of being a "prominent fan-artist" online (pffft!), providing work for several Transmasters UK publications and has a number of popular Mosaics under his belt. He came to the attention of Auto Assembly after winning their art competitions two years straight, and after that he was tapped to produce full-length strips for the convention magazine The Cybertronian Times, as well as working on many other illustrative projects for the convention including their exclusive postcards, lithographs and being responsible for the presentation and look and feel of the event since 2011.

Despite this, he considers having his artwork stolen and used without his permission his highest sign of success to date. He also has a soft-spot for mutants, radioactive monsters, and biotechnological humanoid weapons. Probably best ignored.

Joining Ed is Sam Palmer. Sam is a colourist from Hertfordshire. With a lifetime love of comics, Sam coloured his first ever piece of comic art during his Animation degree in 2008 and was instantly hooked. More hard work and practice eventually lead to fan work such as Transformers: The Lost Seasons and Transformers Mosaics, as well as various other small press work, which helped him try out different techniques and styles to improve and start to hone his craft.

A regular on the UK convention circuit and rarely seen without his trusty portfolio in hand, Sam is always eager to get help, advice and feedback on his work from anyone and everyone who will look at it. This drive and passion lead to a portfolio review with Titan Magazines at London Super Comic-Con in February 2012, from which he was sent 4 pages of try-out linework to colour, and less than 3 months later, He was given his first professional mainstream job, working on an issue of Titan's Transformers Prime Magazine, which is due out in September. Sam never rests on his laurels, He's worked his butt off to get that first mainstream job, and will keep working hard to send his career on to bigger and better things.

Both of them will be in our guest area all weekend meeting fans and sketching. They'll be there alongside all of our other guests including the entire creative team behind Regeneration One (Simon Furman, Andrew Wildman, Stephen Baskerville, John-Paul Bove, and Jason Cardy), James Roberts, Nick Roche, Livio Ramondelli, and our three voice actors - Michael Bell (G1 Prowl, Swoop, Sidewipe and more), Paul Eiding (G1 Perceptor) and Townsend Coleman (TFA Sentinel Prime). For a recap on our guests of honour, you can watch our latest videos here:-

If you haven’t already booked up for the convention or ordered a Non-Attendee Pack which gets you our stunning goodie bag with autographs from our guests, pre-registrations close in just FOUR DAYS. After that time, you’ll still be able to come along to the convention and pay on the day but Non-Attendee Packs will no longer be available. Attendees will not get a personalised pass and will not be entered into any of our free prize draws (which are also open to Non-Attendees) so pre-registration is well worth it.

So what are you waiting for? There’s no better time to book your tickets while you can to be a part of Europe’s largest Transformers convention!

Auto Assembly 2012 is Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out more including details of all the dealers present and a full schedule for the weekend, visit the website at

If you can't make it to the convention this year don't forget that tickets are now on sale for Auto Assembly 2013 which is set to be another stunning weekend!

Hope to see you on 3rd - 5th August.

The Auto Assembly Team

Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Auto Assembly is sponsored by

Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 28th July 2012 at 09:10:42 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Full Auto Assembly 2012 Goodie Bag Contents Revealed
As you all know, everyone who has a full pass for Auto Assembly 2012 this year will receive one of our now-traditional “Goodie Bags”. We have been producing these giveaway packages of free gifts to all of our attendees since 2003 as a token of our appreciation for attendees to thank them for coming along to the convention. We have always believed that there is nothing worse than going along to any convention and going home empty handed. Whether you go along and don’t find any toys that grab your attention or not, or whether money is tight and you are struggling to afford anything, at least you will know that you’ll go home with something.
We firmly believe that by doing this, we can ensure that even if our attendees can only afford their travel costs and tickets, they will have something that they can get signed by our guests and will have something to take home to remember the day / weekend and we think that 2012 is our best ever goodie bag. We’ve been talking recently about some of the things we have been producing for this year, but now we can reveal all of them to you…
Goodie Bag Preview
So what is there exactly? There are two A2 litho prints. One features G1 Galvatron and is a re-imagining of the final panel from the first chapter of the Marvel UK story Target 2006 and has been illustrated by Jeff Anderson with colours by Kris Carter. The second features characters played by our three guests of honour including Sentinel Prime, Prowl, Perceptor and many more and has been illustrated by our in-house artist Ed Pirrie with colours by Liam Shalloo.
Next we have our four latest postcards to our ongoing collection featuring artwork from Ed Pirrie, Kat Nicholson and Jeff Anderson plus an artcard from Jagex featuring concept art from their Transformers Universe game.
Moving away from artwork, we have two publications for everyone. First is the official convention magazine, The Cybertronian Times. This is our thirteenth issue this year, and it’s a full colour glossy A4 magazine with 40 pages packed with articles, features and comic strips as well as profiles on our guests. The we have a brand new title this year – Iacon Independent. This is our convention exclusive comic and is a 24 page A5 full colour comic full of original comic strips by a wide range of writers and artists. With stories covering G1, Beast Wars and Transformers Animated, there’s something here for everyone!
We do have a limited supply of extra bonus items and these are being inserted at random into the goodie bags that will be handed out at the convention but we’re not saying what they are and it could be anyone who will receive them! will be That’s not all though… if you have ordered our Non-Attendee Package, there are even MORE gifts including additional postcards and an audio CD! And you will also have an equal chance of getting these bonus random items that all our other attendees could end up getting so you could end up with as many as 17-20 items heading your way!
If you haven’t already booked up for the convention or ordered a Non-Attendee Pack, pre-registrations close in just SIX DAYS. After that time, you’ll still be able to come along and pay on the day but Non-Attendee Packs will no longer be available, and you won’t get a personalised pass if you want to attend the convention, nor will you be entered into any of our free prize draws (which are also open to Non-Attendees). If you’re not sure about attending or whether you can afford to come along and have enough money to cover your ticket, travel costs and have spending money left over if you can at least get your ticket and get to Birmingham, with this goodie bag you know you won’t go home empty handed and you’ll have something that you’ll be able to get signed by all our guests!
So what are you waiting for? There’s no better time to book your tickets while you can to be a part of Europe’s largest Transformers convention!
Auto Assembly 2012 is Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out more including details of all the dealers present and information on all our other guests including voice actors Paul Eiding, Michael Bell and Townsend Coleman, visit the website at
If you can't make it to the convention this year don't forget that tickets are now on sale for Auto Assembly 2013!
Hope to see you on 3rd - 5th August.
The Auto Assembly Team
Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 26th July 2012 at 20:00:15 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly have updated their website with a video on the first of their international guests, Transformers Voice Actor Michael Bell

 Michael Bell provided the voices for several Transformers inclugin Prowl, Sideswipe and Swoop in the original series.  You may also recognise some of his other credits as well.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 23rd July 2012 at 07:24:31 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Jagex Major Prize Giveaway At Auto Assembly 2012!

We already mentioned recently that Jagex, developers of the forthcoming Transformers Universe online MMO game were supporting Auto Assembly 2012 by providing us with a few prizes to give away to some of our attendees this year but now we can bring you full details of this amazing competition and how you can be one of our winners...

Jagex are sending us a staggering one hundred limited edition Transformers Universe t-shirts for us to give away to Auto Assembly 2012 attendees and all you need to be in with a chance to win one of these t-shirts is to pre-register for the convention! As long as you have booked your tickets for the convention by Wednesday 1st August 2012 you will be entered into a FREE prize draw and we will draw 100 names at random. We will then insert prize claim tickets inside 100 attendee packs that you will pick up from our Registration Desk when you arrive at the convention. All you need to do to claim your t-shirt is then bring your winning ticket to the Control Desk at any point over the weekend from 9:30 am on Saturday morning until the convention ends at 6:00 pm on Sunday and you'll be handed your t-shirt.

Please check your packs very carefully as we can't be held responsible for any lost or unclaimed prize tickets and we will not be able to issue prizes after the event.


1. The competition is open to all pre-registrants of Auto Assembly 2012 including Dealers and those purchasing a Non-Attendee Pack apart from employees of Jagex or their immediate families.
2. Holders of Partner Passes or Under 6s are not eligible to enter the prize draw.
3. Entrants must have registered for Auto Assembly 2012 by Wednesday 1st August 2012
4. Prizes must be claimed by 6:00 pm on Sunday 5th August 2012
5. Neither Auto Assembly or Jagex will be held responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged claim tickets.
6. Choice of t-shirt size is subject to availability
7. No substitute prizes or cash alternatives will be offered
8. Prizes will not be posted out with the exception of those for Non-Attendees whose prizes will be automatically claimed on their behalf.

Good luck and see you all in two weeks time!

So if you haven't already pre-registered for Auto Assembly 2012 or bought a Non-Attendee Pack there's still time before the deadline of 1st August 2012 and we still have plenty of announcements to make about the convention. After 1st August, the only way you can attend the convention is to buy your tickets on the day itself but you won't get a personalised pass or be entered into this or any of our other pre-convention prize draws!

Auto Assembly 2012 is Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out more including details of all the dealers present and information on all our other guests including voice actors Paul Eiding, Michael Bell and Townsend Coleman, visit the website at

If you can't make it to the convention this year don't forget that tickets are now on sale for Auto Assembly 2013!

Hope to see you on 3rd - 5th August.

The Auto Assembly Team

Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Auto Assembly is sponsored by

Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 20th July 2012 at 11:54:54 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Livio Ramondelli Art Workshop At Auto Assembly 2012!
Auto Assembly has been known for running various free creative workshops at the convention over the years, including a number of art and writing workshops which have been run by professional Transformers comic artists and colourists including Lee Bradley, Kat Nicholson, Kris Carter, Liam Shalloo, Nick Roche and Simon Furman. Now, we are proud to add Autocracy - and the newly announced Monstrosity artist Livio Ramondelli to that list...
Livio Ramondelli will be hosting a special workshop where he will take attendees through the process he goes through when he creates the stunning artwork that has adorned countless IDW comic covers and the pages of Autocracy and Robots In Disguise. You'll get to see how his art goes from the original pencil sketch to a fully coloured image and Livio will be able to answer any questions you may have about his work during the session.
As with all our workshops, entry is included as part of the ticket price to the convention so if you want to be a part of this unique workshop, you won't want to miss out on being at the convention!
So if you haven't already pre-registered for Auto Assembly 2012 there's still time before the ticket deadline of 1st August 2012 and we still have plenty of announcements to make about the convention. After 1st August, the only way you can attend the convention is to buy your tickets on the day itself but you won't get a personalised pass or be entered into any of our pre-convention prize draws!
Auto Assembly 2012 is Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out more including details of all the dealers present and information on all our other guests including voice actors Paul Eiding, Michael Bell and Townsend Coleman, visit the website at
If you can't make it to the convention this year don't forget that we still have our Non-Attendee Packs available, and tickets are now on sale for Auto Assembly 2013!
Hope to see you on 3rd - 5th August.
The Auto Assembly Team

Autocracy Issue 11 Cover 
Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 20th July 2012 at 08:07:26 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly 2012 Fans Vs Guests Quiz

It’s time to get your thinking caps on!!! Last year at Auto Assembly 2011 we introduced the first ever Transformers Eggheads to tremendous success. We are happy to announce that this year the premier Transformers game show will return and we are looking for contestants. A team of five lucky contestants will have the chance to pit their wits against a formidable team of Transformers creators including Nick Roche, James Roberts and Livio Ramondelli!

If you think you have what it takes then it couldn’t be simpler to enter. You must be at Auto Assembly 2012 on the afternoon of Sunday 5th August 2012 and simply answer the following question. Five people with the correct answer will be randomly drawn out of a hat to battle the evil forces of the creator-cons.

Question: Livio Ramondelli’s first official piece of work published by IDW was the front over to which collection?

Please E-mail your answers with your full name and Auto Assembly 2012 ticket number to The closing date for entries will be Thursday 26th July 2012.

Competition Round-Up

The annual Fans Vs Guests Quiz isn't the only competition taking place this year at Auto Assembly 2012 and there's something going on this year for everyone and for attendees of all ages...

For the creative types out there, we have our Cosplay Competition which will take place on the Saturday evening (sponsored by Big D's Toy Chest) and our Kitbash / Customs Competition (sponsored by Calloways Customs) so we want to see the best that your imagination can come up with!

For video games enthusiasts, we will be running tournaments all weekend on the classic Beast Wars: Transmetals game on the Playstation and if you really think you're a hot games player, dare you take up the Mystery Of Convoy challenge on the Famicom? For something a little more relaxed, why not take on other attendees head-to-head in Transformers Connect 4?

That's not forgetting our free prize draws... for those of you who pre-register for the convention, we will be randomly inserting lucky tickets to win prizes including limited edition t-shirts from Transformers Universe developer Jagex and other mystery items! The big prize draw will come on Sunday afternoon though and this will only be open to pre-registrants who have a) booked a weekend ticket and who are b) present at the closing
ceremony on Sunday afternoon. The prize? Two weekend tickets to Auto Assembly 2013 PLUS three nights hotel accommodation in the Hilton!

So if you haven't already pre-registered for Auto Assembly 2012 there's still time before the ticket deadline of 1st August 2012 and we still have plenty of announcements to make about the convention. After 1st August, the only way you can attend the convention is to buy your tickets on the day itself but you won't get a personalised pass or be entered into any of our pre-convention prize draws!

Auto Assembly 2012 IS Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out information about booking dealers tables, to sponsor the event or to enquire about advertising with us, visit the website at

However, if you can't make it to the convention this year don't forget that we still have our Non-Attendee Packs available, and tickets are now on sale for Auto Assembly 2013!

Hope to see you on 3rd - 5th August.

The Auto Assembly Team

Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

Auto Assembly is sponsored by

Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Thursday, 19th July 2012 at 13:28:13 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Here comes some updates for the German Transformers Convention C.O.N.S. 4 that takes place this sunday at Haus Seerose in Nettetal-Lobberich in Germany.


Each C.O.N.S. has its own exclusives and the 4th is no different. This time we have three exclusives for you. Just like last year you can get your own C.O.N.S. T-Shirt made live on location with the NTF-Archive logo and date. There's also a key chain with the same details. This year's highlight is our C.O.N.S. 4 coffee mug, though, featuring the printing "C.O.N.S. 4 - The German Transformers Fan Convention - July 22, 2012" and the NTF-Archive logo on the back. The T-shirt's price is 18 Euros, the mug is 7.50 and the key chain is 5.00. You can buy these items as well as many others such as printed shopping trolley tokens, mousepads, and buttons at the stand of Bedruckshop Sulz. Everything is made live on location and for little money.


DSC03459 DSC03460 DSC03461 DSC03462 DSC03463



Thanks to our special guest Klaus Scherwinski we have yet another C.O.N.S. exclusive. It's a post card with Klaus Scherwinski's All Hail Megatron artwork on the front. This post card will be a free give-away at C.O.N.S.4 and won't be available anywhere else. On the other side you'll see the NTF- and C.O.N.S. logo. This post card has been approved by IDW comics, making for a one-of-a-kind exclusive. Many thanks to Klaus Scherwinski and IDW!




Postkarte Vorn





Postkarte NTF Back 


Here comes the days program:



10.30 am Admittance for the participants of the Cosplay-, Custom- & Fan Art contests

11.00 am General admittance

11.15 am Opening song by Rampage

11.30 am Official welcome

11.45 am Cosplayers show

12.00 pm 4Connect Tournament

12.30 pm Kre-O competition at Starblight Booth

12.35 pm Klaus Scherwinski live

01.00 pm Live script reading by Simon Furman

01.30 pm Interview with Andrew Wildman, Klaus Scherwinski & Simon Furman

02.30 pm 1st raffle with Klaus Scherwinski & Raymond-T

03.15 pm Autograph Time

03.30 pm ReGeneration 1 Tour with Simon Furman & Andrew Wildman

04.30 pm Rampage live

05.30 pm Andrew Wildman determines winner of the Kitbash contest

05.35 pm Announcement of the kitbash & contest winners

05.40 pm 2nd raffle with Simon Furman & Andrew Wildman

06.00 pm Thank Yous & Goodbyes


And here a look on this years Booklet.




C O N S 4 Booklet Front 




C O N S 4 Booklet Inside




C O N S 4 Booklet Back


We're looking forward to your participation and a great convention!





Source for all infos and news can be found here:

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Tuesday, 17th July 2012 at 10:46:33 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

Auto Assembly Kitbash / Customs Competition
Auto Assembly 2012 is less than three weeks away and after much anticipation we can now reveal all of the details for another exciting new feature at Auto Assembly 2012 - our new and improved Custom Competition.
This is an excellent chance for kit-bashers of all ages to show off their customising skills, whether repaints or scratch-builds, homages or new designs, all are welcome to partake in this competition.
The Competition is split into two sections:  The advanced competition is Sponsored by Calloway Customs, who will be providing the very hard to find TFCC exclusive Runamuck figure as first prize for “Best Custom of the Show”, second and third place will be acknowledged with small prizes to be announced.  The advanced competition is open to anyone over the age of 14.
We also have special prizes going for our “Future Custom Champion” winner, in the form of PRID Bumblebee toys for the top three child entries (under 13's only, must be child's own work, entrance form must be filled out by parent), with thanks to our sponsor Kapow Toys.
Customs must be registered Saturday morning at the Calloway Customs booth, these will be stored in a protective display cabinet for protection (space permitting). These will be judged throughout the day by our panel of star judges, with the winner announced Saturday evening, during the party in the King's Suite.
Auto Assembly 2012 IS Europe's largest EVER Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd - 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out information about booking dealers tables, to sponsor the event or to enquire about advertising with us, visit the website at
Hope to see you there!
The Auto Assembly Team
Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Calloway Custom Designs -
Big Ds Toy Chest -
Toyz And Gamez -
Kapow Toys -
TF Source -
Robot Kingdom -
Transformers @ The Moon - - -
Titan Books -
3 Darths Comics -
Science Fiction Collectables -
Big Bad Toy Store -
Xyber Toys -

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 16th July 2012 at 07:37:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
Kraken Kraken
Click the link or image above to view the Kraken toy gallery. The gallery contains 4 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for MARK ONLY with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category and currently has as status of .
Transformers Cartoon Series
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The image of the magazine Broadcast was taken by UK TF fan Colin Warhurts, and appeard on his SiabsFilms website. ....
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We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

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