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Simon Furman has updated his blog with a post regarding the upcoming IDW Transformers Spotlight on Arcee. Here's a quote
"...And I figured I’d attempt to apply a rationale to the whole issue! So,
I expect Arcee to be divisive. Though I hope also, regardless of the
whole he-she-it thing going on, people will enjoy it for the rattling
good actioner I believe it to be. And boy, does a lot happen this
issue. Guest-stars abound… Ultra Magnus, Fortress Maximus (taking his
full IDW bow), Banzaitron, the Combaticons (also debutees), Jetfire,
the Technobots and more! And it all revolves around a certain character
whose name has been uttered more and more frequently in various
Spotlights (and even the ‘ongoing’ by now… I think), and will play a
big part in what’s to come this year. So, while self-contained, this is
without hyperbole a KEY issue. And then there’s the breathtaking art of
Alex Milne. I can honestly say I’ve never seen Alex so up for a job,
and the results will simply knock your socks off (or “shatter your
trousers”, whichever is applicable)."
Visit Simon's Blog to read the full posting as well as an image from the issue.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 19th February 2008 at 21:35:26 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with a One Page Transformers Mosaic called Hail and Farewell. Set in the IDW universe, 2 years on, the story focus on Hunter O'Nion.
Go and read what Simon has to say, then have a read of the comic

Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 15th February 2008 at 13:56:24 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with a post regarding the 10th issue of the UK Transformers comic. Artwork by Jeremy Tiongson, colours by Jason Cardy. Here's a quote
"As bleak as things were looking for the Autobots (and pretty much the whole of humankind) in part 1, in part 2 things get that much worse. The Autobot counter-offensive against the ruling Decepticons looks to be derailed before it’s even started, with Bumblebee and Mikaela both hunted (by Megatron and Frenzy respectively) inside the former Sector 7/Hoover dam base and the moon-based Autobot reinforcements compromised, and Earth’s military response targeted (by Starscream and Dreadwing). Only Ratchet and Ironhide’s side of the main strike seems still to be proceeding on course, but (realistically) how long can that last? Chaos, carnage, all-out action, things haven’t been this epic since the days of Marvel UK. Whatever you do, don’t miss it."
You can read the post in full as well as see a preview image, if its been re-uploaded by then, over at Simon's blog.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 14th February 2008 at 15:27:52 GMT
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Its the day of the blogs, as the UKs own
Simon Furman has updated his blog with a new post entitled "ALL THIS AND DEVASTATION #5". The post, incase you've not guessed by now, talks about Issue 5 of Transformers Devastation, from IDW comics, which will be released on the 6th Feb in the states and on the 7th Feb here within the UK. Story by Simon Furman, artwork by EJ Su. Click
here for cover.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 6th February 2008 at 15:48:17 GMT
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Chris Ryall has updated his blog with some preview images of the June Transformers Spotlight, only with a bit of a twist. He doesn't mention the name nor the artist, instead inviting people to guess. From the last image, the Transformer appears to be Wheelie but you can view the images and post your response over on
Chris' blog.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 6th February 2008 at 09:53:31 GMT
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Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 1st February 2008 at 18:09:06 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with information on the latest issue of Transformers (the comic by Titan Magazines) which is due for release on Thursday (tomorrow).
Out this week (Jan 31st), in the UK only,
is issue #8 of Titan’s Transformers comic/magazine. As usual, in
amongst the features, free gifts and general fabulousness, there’s an
all-new, UK-original comic strip to be found.
This one, featuring
Ironhide and an elite Special Forces unit, is set in the immediate
aftermath of the movie and takes the action back to Qatar, where the
lethal Scorponok was last seen burrowing deep beneath the desert sand
to escape an aerial bombardment. That particular loose end is (over)due
to get wrapped up in spectacular style, but things don’t quite go as
planned for Autobot and escort! Story is by me, art by Staz Johnson
(doing his first Transformers work since… I don’t know when!).
issue (as well as the continuing saga of Beast Wars and the Movie
Prequel) contains a Bonecrusher character profile, a lesson in How To
Draw Bumblebee and the usual reader letters & art. Plus, free TF
tattoos and sweat band! For a look at the cover and some of Staz’s epic
interior strip art, click on the link and thumbnail (respectively)
below. And watch this space for upcoming details of US happenings in
the UK movie-verse direction!

Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 30th January 2008 at 19:47:03 GMT
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Simon Furman has posted a blog entry regarding the upcoming IDW Blaster Spotlight.
"Something happened to Blaster in the past that comes storming back to
confront him in the present. Betrayed, left for dead, someone went to
great lengths to silence ‘The Voice,’ and now—with Blaster returned to
the fold—they set out to finish what they started. With guest
appearances by the likes of Silverbolt, Bluestreak, Beachcomber,
Trailbreaker and Cosmos, plus a Decepticon or two, Spotlight Blaster
has something for everyone: mystery, intrigue, action, character
development. Art is by Emiliano Santalucia, making his IDW debut, story
is by me."
You can read the full post, plus see the cover art here.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 22nd January 2008 at 19:56:35 GMT
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In his latest blog TF writer Simon Furman talks a little about the events of Transformers (UK) Issue 9 as well as sharing some artwork from the issue
Remember that nice, happy ending the Transformers live-action movie
delivered? Well, we’re about to throw that out of the window!
‘Twilight’s Last Gleaming pt1′ (of 5) delivers an entirely alternate
take on the climactic scenes in which Megatron sought to claim the All
Spark, only to be denied by Sam Witwicky. In the new UK continuity,
things didn’t end quite so neatly, and in part 1 we look in on a world
now ruled (in a large part) by Megatron and the Decepticons, with the
few Autobots (and humans) still at large fighting for survival. Things
are desperate indeed as, with Optimus Prime a helpless captive,
Megatron begins to transform planet Earth into world where dark
technology rules. Can the Autobots (and humans) stage a last, desperate
fightback? Don’t count on it. Happy endings are in very short supply in
the new Decepticon dominium. Part 1 of Twilight’s Last Gleaming is
written by me with art by Simon Williams. Click on the thumbnail below
for a glimpse of what’s to come. TF-UK #9 hits on February 28th.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 18th January 2008 at 19:55:46 GMT
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Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 14th January 2008 at 22:03:23 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with an entry entitled "bla" in which he promotes Transformers Devastation issue 4 in which seven Autobots go up against the mighty Sixshot. Here's a quote:
"At the end of last issue, the Autobots (a bit waterlogged, but
otherwise undamaged after the crash landing/detonation of Ark-19 in the
Gulf of Mexico) rose to challenge the Decepticons’ living weapon
Sixshot (and save Ratchet from a messy end to boot). But the question
remains, can even seven Autobots (one of whom is the mighty Optimus
Prime) prevail against a one-bot weapon of mass destruction (with no
less than six alt. modes) like Sixshot? And what’s more, can they
really expect their ’secret’ war to remain a secret for much longer?
The answer to the first question is ‘wait and see.’ The answer to the
second question is ‘no.’ This is where it all hits the fan… big-time!
Expect a full on battle royal, plus more Headmasters, more Hunter, a
cameo appearance from the headliner in a recent Spotlight, Reapers
aaand Starscream!!! Story is by me, drawings by guest artist Robby
Musso (who does a simply outstanding job filling in for EJ, who’s back
next issue)."
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 14th January 2008 at 19:33:28 GMT
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Staz Johnson has updated his blog with three images, and a little comment, regarding his work on Tranformers Issue 8, the UK comic by Titan Magazines. You can see Staz' artwork here.
The issue is due for release on the 31st January and features another story on Ironhide.
Thanks to TransFans for the original find.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 13th January 2008 at 11:35:30 GMT
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Simon Furman has updated his blog with an entry about Beast Wars Ascending issue 4. Here's a litlte extract.
"On Cybertron Shokaract prepares to ascend to what he believes is a
higher plane of existence, but (unknown to him) it will actually spell
his total and utter obliteration, his ’sacrifice’ heralding the return
of the Transformers’ ultimate nemesis: Unicron. Trying to stop this
happening are Big Convoy, Lio Convoy (and the Pack) and, from afar,
Magmatron (who’s currently trapped in a timeless limbo). Following this
so far? Good. Their efforts are hampered by Shokaract himself (who’s
powered up to the max on Angolmois energy) and Shokaract’s heralds:
Antagony, Thrustor, Hellscream, Max B and Hardhead. Then, on
prehistoric Earth, the assembled Maximals and Predacons face off
against Rartorata, Elephorca and Drancron, with Razorbeast battling
alongside them (and, at the same time, battling the Angolmois
corruption that threatens to consume him)"
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 8th January 2008 at 14:47:43 GMT
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We have updated our In The Media section with an image gallery of Titan Magazines Transformers UK Issue 7 comic that was released here within the UK last week. The main story of the comic takes place directly after the final battle in the Transformers Movie and includes a brief cameo
by the Mountain Dew-bot or Dispensor as he has been called by fans.
This issue also saw the letters page finally have a host in Starscream.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 8th January 2008 at 10:02:42 GMT
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The Tranformer's Collector's Club (Fun Publications) have announced
details of their "Spring Timelines Special" as well as their next
exclusive ..... Nightbeat, a recoloured Transformers Energon Hotshot.
Transformers Timelines featuring Nightbeat
Forest Lee (w) Dan Khanna (a) Thomas Deer (c)
What are two of the strongest Dinobots, Slag and Sludge, doing with
Nightbeat and his Headmaster ally Siren? And who is following the
foursome to one of the most dangerous asteroid colonies in the galaxy?
Friend, foe or both? These questions are just part of the mystery
Nightbeat must solve in the all-new Timelines Spring Special "Cheap
Shots." Now offered quarterly, Timelines brings you another great story
from the Classicverse, set in one of the most beloved and popular
Transformers Universes ever! Featuring cover art by hot new
Transformers artist Thomas Deer, interior art by Fan favorite Dan
Khanna and two all-new Classics MTMTE profiles.
FC - 32 pages - $3.99
The Timelines Spring Special featuring Nightbeat is up for solicitation
in the January Issue of Previews. The book will be available March 2008
so be sure to request your copy of Timelines at a comic shop near you!

Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 27th December 2007 at 21:02:35 GMT
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