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Jim Sorenson has posted a link to a public Google Drive share containing PDF files of scripts that were purchased from Heritage Auctions when Ron Friedman was selling a lot of material from Sunbow. Below is a copy of his announcement via Facebook
So, a few years back, several Transformers fans worked together to buy some Ron Friedman scripts at auction, digitize them, and post them. Since the original postings are somewhat lost to the sands of time, Chris McFeely and I made sure to get them all back up where they should be easy to find. Here's the google drive link:
Transformers: Robots In Disguise Season 2.5 is scheduled to air on Cartoon Network here on within the UK on November 5th at 7:00AM.
Transformers: Robots In Disguise
From Saturday 5th November, airs weekends at 7am
Years after we left the Autobots in “Transformers Prime” Bumblebee is summoned by Optimus Prime to save Earth from a new faction of Decepticons. Bumblebee assembles a rogue team of young Autobots including a COOL REBEL “BAD BOY,” an ELITE GUARD CADET, a BOMBASTIC DINOBOT and a hyperactive MINI-CON to chase and capture their new enemies. Each new BOT is a fully capable action hero, but relatively inexperienced in working together in a team. Thus Bumblebee finds himself needing to be equal parts squad leader and coach. Every episode is packed full of action, adventure and comedy as Team Bumblebee strive to complete their new mission.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 31st October 2016 at 09:15:57 GMT
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Following on from the first five videos covering extended and deleted dialogue from the Transformers Generation One cartoon episode More Than Meets The Eye - Part 1 we, at Transformers At The Moon, are pleased to bring you a video containing the changed, extended and missing dialogue from Part 2 of More Than Meets The Eye.
Part 2 of the episode starts at the oil rig as the Autobots save Spike and Sparkplug before returning to The Ark. Spike has picked up Soundwave, who he finds laying on the floor, enters The Ark to talk to the Autobots and is taken our for a ride by Hound.
This is where we join the new dialogue.
HOUND: was quiet and peaceful.
SPIKE WITWICKY: You miss it?
HOUND: Sometimes. Hold tight!
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Yahoo!! Yippee!! Waaooww!
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Woah, thanks Hound that was the greatest ride I have ever had
*NEW* HOUND: My pleasure Spike. See you later, I ... better go check my coil springs
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Oh, you didn't see a cassette player laying around here did you?
*NEW* HOUND: Nope. Sorry
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: That's okay. I must have left it in the ship. See'ya
SPIKE WITWICKY: Hey! what's going on here?
SPIKE WITWICKY: Who... who are you?
[Ravage snarls before being ejected, this is corrected in the final version]
RAVAGE: *snarl*
SOUNDWAVE: Ravage! Eject! Eject!
*NEW* SPIKE: *coming around*
OPTIMUS PRIME: A Decepticon! Get him!
[The Decepticons start a tidal wave which is noticed back at the Ark]
[NOTE: In the Ron Friedman script there is additional dialogue between Jazz and Spike which was not recorded during the session that this tape was used.]
JAZZ: Could be the Decepticons, all right. I'll tell Prime!
*NEW* PRIME: Autobots ready! To the Air!
*NEW* WORKER: Run! They're coming!
*NEW* WORKER 2: Get back!
MEGATRON: I am Megatron - leader of the Decepticons! you will do exactly as I say!
[Act 2 starts]
MEGATRON: Perfect. The electrical output is at its peak. Exactly where I want it. Starscream, activate the null ray.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Skywarp! Thundercracker! Transfer the electrical power
MEGATRON: Soundwave, prepare the energon cubes.
MEGATRON: Quickly, quickly!
[NOTE: In the scripts Wheeljack is with Bumblebee and it's Ironhide who is with Trailbreaker. During the recording session that this tape is from the characters have been changed]
IRONHIDE: Stop talkin', tighten your shock absorbers, and get in! We're gonna make a new river!
BUMBLEBEE: Let's go!
*NEW* CIVILIAN: Help! Somebody help us!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: Ready the laser, Bumblebee - I think we're gonna make it!
MAN ON ROOFTOP: Thanks, neighbours!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots, to the power plant!
*NEW* SUNSTREAKER: If I can just shoot some protoglue into the cracks - maybe we can save it
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: Seems like the Decepticons want to shoot something else! Go ahead, Sunstreaker .. I'll cover you
*NEW* SUNSTREAKER: Sure hope this works, Trailbreaker
OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots - To the power plant!
CLIFFJUMPER: For someone who doesn't like to fight, heh, you're not bad, Mirage.
*NEW* MEGATRON: It's a long way down Prime!
MEGATRON: Any last words??
OPTIMUS PRIME: None you'd wanna hear, Megatron!
NOTE: Shortly after the previous dialogue Megatron say the following lines.
MEGATRON: You fool, Starscream! Help save the Energon cubes! Get them out of here! Follow me!
NOTE: On the tape we own the line "Follow me!" is missing from this exchange.
NOTE: The tape of the recording session we own has slightly reorderd dialogue from Spike as Rumble emerges from the water. The dialogue is spaced out so that it could be cut and edited together and so we have decided not to include it within this video
SPIKE WITWICKY: Hound! Hound! You all right down there?
*Line order swapped* SPIKE WITWICKY: Whoa!
*Line order swapped* SPIKE WITWICKY: Where's Hound?
SPIKE WITWICKY: Heelp! Heeelp!
NOTE: As Act 2 closes Megatron says the following line
MEGATRON: Who's the scrap metal now, Prime? You'll never stop me! (Laughs)
NOTE: On the tape this is then followed by the "Follow me!" cry that was missing earlier.
SPIKE: Hound! Are you down there?? *takes breath*
*NEW* HOUND: Thanks!
SPIKE: *spluttering*
HOUND: Easy, Spike. You almost flooded your engine.
[Megatron and Soundwave talk whilst a shot is fired]
MEGATRON: What was that?
MEGATRON: Starscream! What in the universe are you doing?
STARSCREAM: Testing the Energon cubes ..
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: You know something? I like bein' a spy a lot better than workin' the oil rigs.
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: As long as you're on the right side
SPIKE WITWICKY: Look, Dad, no hands.
TRAILBREAKER: Heheh, big deal. I'm driving!
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: we've got company!
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: Decepticons!
SPIKE WITWICKY: Can't you go any faster, Trailbreaker?
TRAILBREAKER: Sorry, this is it! I'm not built for speed!
TRAILBREAKER: It's Sunstreaker and Sideswipe!
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Go get 'em Autobots!
SUNSTREAKER: Hey! That's a new paint job!
SOUNDWAVE: Enough here to power the entire planet of Cybertron.
[WALLY BURR]: Alternate for scene at 450 Soundwave
SOUNDWAVE: Enough here to power the entire planet of Cybertron.
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: There won't be any problem, Prime. This one's for Cybertron and Earth. Let's go, Bumblebee!
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Looks like they mean business
*NEW* GUARD #1: STOP! Don't come any closer
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Sorry to bother you - ah - but I think I'm lost. I was looking for an animal reserve - thought it was around where somewhere.
*NEW* GUARD #2: Who are you?
*NEW* GUARD #1: Blast him!
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Thanks. That was close.
BUMBLEBEE: Come on. Let's go inside.
[Having entered the mine and explained about the ruby crystals]
BUMBLEBEE: What's that?
THUNDERCRACKER: You know what Skywarp ..
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: We have to do it now!
BUMBLEBEE:It's done.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Autobots!
*NEW* BUMBLEBEE: Run Sparkplug!
JAZZ: They ought-ta be outta there by now.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 11th October 2016 at 08:24:35 BST
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This video contains audio taken from the original Sunbow Productions / Marvel Productions unslugged analogue cassette tape "MP4023 Transformers Day 1 Unslugged" containing original studio recordings. This video covers the very end of the final act of the Generation One Transformers episode More Then Meets The Eye Part 1 where the Autobots battle the Decepticons on the oil rig.
This video continues on from the previous video where Megatron and Optimus Prime are battling it out on the oil rig. The following exchange of dialogue has just taken place:
PRIME: "Give it up, Megatron! Leave these people alone."
MEGATRON: "Not until the power of the universe is mine to command!"
Within the original script it is Soundwave who interferes within the fight and not Laserbeak. This is where we re-join the action.
Transcript below:
**** Extended and altered dialogue ****
*NEW* MEGATRON: Save the Energon Cubes!
MEGATRON: So long, Prime!
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Help! Help! We can't get out!
SPIKE WITWICKY: Somebody! Save us!!
[NOTE: The order of the next two pieces of dialogue is reversed within the final edit]
OPTIMUS PRIME: (Pants) I can't lift it! Too heavy!
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: The fire! It's coming closer!
**** Extended and altered dialogue ****
*NEW* HUFFER: This'll never work Brawn. The fire's too far gone.
*NEW* BRAWN: It's worth a try, Huffer. Windcharger turn it on!
*NEW* WINDCHARGER: Here it comes!
*NEW* BRAWN: More, Windcharger! Full on!!
*NEW* WINDCHARGER: That's all there is! ... Look out! The rig's breaking up!
*NEW* HUFFER: We're going over!
*NEW* BRAWN: Jump, Huffer ... JUMP!
*NEW* HUFFER: I'm stuck! I can't get free!!
*NEW* BRAWN: Hold on, Huffer - I'm comin!!
[The original tape has a gap before two sections of additional dialogue and effects were recorded]
**** Additional oil right sounds ****
SPARKPLUG: Come on! Lets Fight!
WORKER 1: Grab something!
WORKER 2: Let 'em have it!
WORKER 3 [Scatman]: Do somethin'
WORKER 4: Everybody come on!
[WALLY: "Okay, erm just ... ughhh, grunts in different pitches and .."]
[VARIOUS]: [different grunts]
WORKER 5: Look out!
WORKER 6: Run!!!
WORKER 7: *yell*
SPIKE: Stop 'em!
**** Additional oil right sounds ****
**** 2nd batch of additional walla bass, noises ****
[VARIOUS]: * Decepticons yelling *
[WALLY: "I'm going to do one. 213, all Decepticon troops as they brawl and ..."]
[VARIOUS]: * brawling *
[WALLY: that's good - lets just do [cuts].. this is second level for 213 brawling and ..]
[VARIOUS]: * brawling *
[WALLY: "Thank you very much"]
We shall be posting new audio from More Than Meets The Eye Parts 2 and 3 soon, so please check back for further updates.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 7th October 2016 at 12:55:19 BST
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This video contains audio taken from the original Sunbow Productions / Marvel Productions unslugged cassette tape "MP4023 Transformers Day 1 Unslugged". The contains the original studio recordings including both extended dialogue and additional scenes. At the time of publication the new dialogue contained within this video had not been played since 1984. This is the fourth five part series of videos covering the Generation One Season One Episode More Than Meets The Eye Part 1.
This video contains some extended dialogue and a lot of body english calls. Transcript below the video:
[Scene: The Decepticons are attacking the oil rig, Megatron has ordered them to dive]
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Look! Up there! What is it?
*NEW* WALLY BURR [direction]: Eer Walla base for 489 and ..
*NEW* [VARIOUS]: *muttering* including "It's unbelievable", "what is that", "I don't believe it", "ok it's coming", "oh my G"
*NEW* WALLY BURR [direction]: Same thing but pitched a little bit higher, identical, then we've got two layers and the editors can use both or none and it's B level of the walla base for 489 and ..
*NEW* [VARIOUS]: *muttering* including: "I've never seen anything like this before", "What is it?", "I don't know"
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Who are they?
SPIKE WITWICKY: What are they??
*NEW* SPARKPLUG: Get back you! Uhh! Uh!
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Stop! Let go of my dad!
[ Dialogue order for the next two lines are reversed on final edit]
MEGATRON: Starscream, activate the null ray. Now!
*NEW* MEGATRON: Thundercracker! Skywarp! Take the oil!
MEGATRON: Soundwave. Prepare the energon cubes.
[Scene: Autbots arrive and the battle breaks out]
OPTIMUS PRIME: Give it up, Megatron. Leave these peolpe alone.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Not until the power of
MEGATRON: the Universe is mine!
[NOTE: In the script the line continue with "to command", that was not recorded during this session]
******* Sequence of isolated body english *******
NOTE: exact wording may not match transcript. This dialogue was to be used during the fighting on the oil rig until Megatron flies off. In the final cut it was replaced by metal sound effects
*NEW* WALLY BURR: 540 Megatron, body English and ...
*NEW* MEGATRON: *struggles*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: and Prime, 540, body english
*NEW* PRIME: *groans*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: Now 541 Starscream body english
*NEW* STARSCREAM: *strains*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: Now, now I need some impacts "Urggh uh umph", more of those kinda things so 541 second piece of Starscream ... fighting with stabs
*NEW* STARSCREAM: *stabbing sounds*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: Ok now I need uh, I need Wheeljack doing a little 541, Wheeljack they are blows, taking blows, "huh" like that and here we go
*NEW* CHRIS LATTER *in background*: My god, most of these guys really hit each other
*NEW* CHRIS LATTER *in background*: *laughing* Sh!t Wally
*NEW* WALLY BURR: This is Jazz wrestling at 542 body english, go!
*NEW* JAZZ: *sounds*
*NEW* VARIOUS: *muffled laughter*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: 542, Reflector body english
*NEW* VARIOUS: *muffled laughter*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: Who's Reflector?
*NEW* REFLECTOR: *body english*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: Okay, now .... 542, lift and toss
*NEW* REFLECTOR: *Struggles and throws*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: And uhh uhh, Mega ... mega-whatever he is
*NEW* VARIOUS: *laughter*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: 543, slugging
*NEW* MEGATRON: *effects*
*NEW* WALLY BURR: and .. and this is, first we can't have Optimus Prime wrestling right let's just ... Prime slugging, boxing, 543 go!
*NEW* PRIME: *boxing*
******* Sequence of isolated body english *******
* Laserbeak attacks Prime, Megatron takes to the end *
More Than Meets The Eye Pt1 will conclude in the next video
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 5th October 2016 at 13:17:26 BST
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This is our third entry within our Original Marvel Productions / Sunbow Production Audio Tape project which is seeing us digitise some of the original studio tapes used during production (slugged and unslugged taped) and then share the additional and changed dialogue with fans in a series of YouTube videos.
You can listen to today's entry using the plugin below. Some notes as well a transcript of the changes / additional scenes.
Even though Soundwave is listed as having spoken the first line on Earth in the scripts for this episode it is still Skywarp who speaks the lines.
Teletraan 1's repairing of the Optimus Prime was not in the original recording with the scene jumping from Starscream straight onto Megatron preparing their new base of operations.
*** Extra Dialogue Starts ***
MEGATRON: ... convert the area for construction
STARSCREAM: What about materials?
MEGATRON: Use your imagination!
*NEW* MEGATRON: Skywarp, Thundercracker, coming with me!
STARSCREAM: Well? Any ideas?
*** Extra Dialogue Ends ***
*** Extended Dialogue and off key Rumble vocals start ***
STARSCREAM: Someday I'll be giving the orders, Rumble. You'll do what I say.
RUMBLE: Look, Starscream. Megatron is strong. He's merciless. He can't be beaten, and you'll never be our leader.
STARSCREAM: I will find a way. Everyone has a weakness.
RUMBLE: Yeah? Well, not Megatron.
STARSCREAM: We shall see. Now, shake things up a little!
STARSCREAM: I'm impressed!
*NEW* STARSCREAM: It's working!
*NEW* STARSCREAM: I'm glad you're on our side, Rumble
HOUND: Sure is a lot different than Cybertron out here.
*** Extended Dialogue and off key Rumble vocals Ends ***
*** Extended scene as Hound and Cliffjumper watch the Decepticons - Some dialogue different to the Ron Friedman script ***
MEGATRON: (Laughs) How ironic. By leading us to this planet, the Autobots have sealed their own doom.
*NEW* SKYWARP: These things are heavy Thundercracker. Why do we have to carry them?
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: I can't wait till the Autobots are our slaves so they can do all the work.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Skywarp! How dare you question the task!
*NEW* SKYWARP: We ... we just thought
*NEW* MEGATRON: You are not to think, you are to do!
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: We're sorry Megatron, We
*NEW* MEGATRON: Silence!
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: It won't happen again.
*NEW* MEGATRON: I don't think it will!
HOUND: Cliffjumper! What are you doin'?!
CLIFFJUMPER: I've got Megatron dead center in my viewfinder.
*NEW* HOUND: But Prime said
*NEW* CLIFFJUMPER: Prime isn't here, we are!
[Decepticon's react to Cliffjump firing]
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: What was that?
*NEW* [Unknown character]: Where'd that come from?
*NEW* [Unknown character]: Look out!
SKYWARP: Who could be firing on us
THUNDERCRACKER: Who even knows we're here?
STARSCREAM: The Autobots.
MEGATRON: Impossible!
STARSCREAM: They're the only ones!
MEGATRON: Soundwave, send Laserbeak to investigate!
SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak, prepare for flight. Course heading: northeast.
*NEW* SOUNDWAVE: Operation reconnaissance
HOUND: Now you've done it!
CLIFFJUMPER: Let's burn rubber!
*** Extended scene as Hound and Cliffjumper watch the Decepticons ***
*** Extended Dialogue at the end of Act II and start of Act III ***
HOUND: You don't give up, do you?
*NEW* HOUND: Help!!
*NEW* LAZERBEAK: [Sqwarks]
[Act 3]
*NEW* CLIFFJUMPER: Hang tough Hound - We're comin!!
RATCHET: Where's they get you?
THUNDERCRACKER: Okay, Reflector. Let's see what you can see.
*NEW* SKYWARP: Starscream - look what I found.
*NEW* STARSCREAM: What is it?
*NEW* SKYWARP:Don't know, some Earth gadget I guess. Here
*NEW* STARSCREAM: I don't want it, you keep it!
*NEW* MEGATRON: This is no time for games, Starscream. Get to work, like all the others!
*NEW* STARCREAM: Don't tell me what to do, Megatron! I'm not like the others. I do what I want, when I want!
*NEW* MEGATRON: No Starscream ... as long as I am the leader of the Decepticons, you will do exactly as I tell you to.
THUNDERCRACKDER: Thundercracker to Soundwave. Thundercracker to Soundwave.
*** Extended Dialogue at the end of Act II and start of Act III ***
*** Extended and additional scene ***
WORKMAN #2 (NOT JOE): Lookout
*EXTENDED* BOTH WORKMAN: [Body english as they scramble when Ravage acts]
*NEW* WORKMAN #2 (NOT JOE): Get in!
*NEW* JOE: Step on it!
HOUND: And that's all we heard, Prime. They're gonna put the energy in some kind of cube, then haul it back to Cybertron.
*NEW* PROWL: We better warn the people of Earth.
*NEW* JAZZ: They'd never believe us, Prowl.
*NEW* PRIME: Jazz is right. It's up to us to stop them. We brought them here.
*NEW* HOUND: From what I saw, this planet's a pretty place. Hate to see something happen to it
*NEW* HOUND: Hey Ratchet! Be careful!
*NEW* RATCHET: I'm fixing you! Your torque converter's jammed.
PRIME: Jazz! Organise a battle unit. We're going after them!
*** Extended and additional scene ***
*** Extended and additional scene ***
SOUNDWAVE: Megatron. Laserbeak has returned. He has found a source of energy.
MEGATRON: Excellent ... Excellent!
*NEW* MEGATRON: Assemble a strike force!
[Scene shifts to the Autobots]
*NEW* PRIME: Convoy, hold!
*NEW* JAZZ: What's up Prime?
*NEW* PRIME: I've got something on the Vistascope
*NEW* JAZZ: What is it?
*NEW* PRIME: The Decepticons!
*NEW* PRIME: Autobots! Transform!
[Autobots fly after the Decepticons]
*** Extended and additional scene end ***
[Scene shifts to the oil rig]
Sparkplug: Gimme a hand Spike
Continue in the Video 4
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 4th October 2016 at 17:38:42 BST
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This video contains audio taken from the original Sunbow Productions / Marvel Productions unslugged cassette tape "MP4023 Transformers Day 1 Unslugged". The contains the original studio recordings including both extended dialogue and additional scenes. At the time of publication the new dialogue contained within this video had not been played since 1984
This is the second of an eight part series of videos covering the Generation One Season One Episode More Than Meets The Eye Part 1.
Please see the video "Transformers More than Meets the Eye Part 1 deleted scene audio - Part 1/8" for additional dialogue and additional scenes prior to where this video starts.
OPTIMUS PRIME: Any luck, Jazz?
JAZZ: Negative. The north side of Cybertron's blacker than the inside of a driveshaft.
***** Start of extended scene 1 *****
*NEW* JAZZ: Looks like we're runnin' on empty.
*NEW* PROWL: That's it, then. We've scoured the planet. The resources are gone.
OPTIMUS PRIME: Unless a new supply of energy is found nobody's going to win this war
PROWL: When so we start the search mission?
OPTIMUS PRIME: Soon as you're ready to launch.
*NEW* PROWL: Gears! Give me a countdown!
*NEW* GEARS: Fourteen minus five!
*NEW* PRIME: Ready The Departure
***** End of extended scene 1 *****
***** Start of extended scene 2 *****
STARSCREAM: My time will come, Megatron.
MEGATRON: Never. Never!!
*NEW* Megatron: You are destined to be a follower, Starscream.
***** End of extended scene 2 *****
MEGATRON: Blast off!
***** Deleted Scene 1 *****
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: Teletraan One can give us info on some scources, but we'll have to use the Optical Scanner for the rest
*NEW* PRIME: Just find them, Trailbreaker, I don't care how you do it.
*NEW* IRONHIDE: I may be gettin' old, Mirage, but I'd rather be back on Cybertron where the action is. All these flashing lights make my pistons sputter.
*NEW* MIRAGE: Me, too, Ironhide... but not to fight. I remember what it was like before the war - everything was beautiful
*NEW* PRIME: I know how you feel, Mirage - But if we don't fight, we won't have a home to go back to.
*NEW* PROWL: Prime! I think we're being followed!
*NEW* PRIME: Release the Viewtrex!
*NEW* SOUNDWAVE: Autobots in sight, Megatron.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Excellent. Execute cover phase. We don't want the Autobots to see us ... not yet
*NEW* STARSCREAM: Why don't we just blast 'em into a pile of nuts and bolts and be done with it?
*NEW* MEGATRON: You're off your flight path, Starscream - As usual. If Optimus Prime knows of an energy source - let him lead us to it.
*NEW* SOUNDWAVE: Cover phase complete.
*NEW* PROWL: That's strange. Whatever is was just disappeared.
*NEW* PRIME: I don't like it.
*NEW* MIRAGE: Maybe it's hiding
***** End of Deleted Scene 1 *****
PROWL: Look!
OPTIMUS PRIME: What is it?
PROWL: An asteroid.
MIRAGE: There's another one.
***** Start of extended scene 2 *****
*NEW* PROWL: They're headed straight for each other!
*NEW* PRIME: And we're smack in the middle!
***** End of extended scene 2 *****
OPTIMUS PRIME: They're going to collide!
IRONHIDE: Leakin' lubricant!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Hang on, everybody!
SOUNDWAVE: Meteor shower! Meteor shower!
MEGATRON: We're losing our cover!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Jazz! Ironhide, man the laser gun!
***** Dialogue continues as normal until the Ark crashes *****
The story continues in part 3
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 4th October 2016 at 00:59:01 BST
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Since we announced that we had acquired some original audio cassettes containing Marvel Productions slugged and unslugged material which we would be sharing the deleted and extended scenes from we've received numourous requests regarding specific episode. Currently we are still working through the tapes to find out what is on them and to transfer them into a digital format. Remember these tapes have not been played in 30 years or more so we are being extra careful with them. What we can do is to share what recordings we have recovered thus far:
More than Meets the Eye Pt 1 - Unslugged
More than Meets the Eye Pts 1& 2 - Slugged
More than Meets the Eye Pt2 - Unslugged
More than Meets the Eye Pt2 (copy)- Unslugged - Needs comparing to see if its a duplicate audio track or a different composite
More than Meets the Eye Pt2 - Slugged
More than Meets the Eye Pt3 - Unslugged
More than Meets the Eye Pt3 - Slugged
Roll For It - Unslugged
Roll For It - Slugged
Divide and Conquer - Unslugged
Divide and Conquer - Slugged
A Plague of the Insecticons - Unslugged
The Revenge of Cobra Part 4: The Revenge of Cobra - Unslugged.
Jungle Trap (slugged/unslugged TBC) - On B side to MTMTE Pt 3
7x BGM tapes
The Age Of Magic - Unslugged
Dawn of the Sun Imps - Unslugged
Excerpts from Dawn of the Sun Imps
Muppet Babies (yeah, not what was expected)
Noisy Neighbors - Slugged
Dungeons And Dragons
Day of the Dungeon Master - (slug status to be checked, believed to be unslugged)
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 1st October 2016 at 12:18:12 BST
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We recently announced, via Twitter, that we have aquired several audio cassettes containing original studio dialogue from both the Sundow Productions cartoons of Transformers and Visionaries as part of our larger Visionaries archive project. Whilst the documents and audio are being sorted, checked and slowly converted to digital format we are please to be able to not only confirm that we have both slugged and unslugged tapes, but that they do include the audio dialogue for the scenes that were removed from the final cartoon episodes.
As such we are please to be able to bring you this short teaser of content from the Generation One episode More than Meets the Eye - Part 1. Within this almost two minute clip you shall hear dialogue from two extended scenes as well as a scene that was completely removed. There is also a little something extra at around the 40 second mark to confirm that these are studio recordings ;)
You can listen to the audio by using the embedded video below. We have includes a transcript of the dialogue underneath the video on this site as well as under the description on the YouTube video.
The missing scene is between Wheeljack and Bumblebee with the first extended dialogue also between the two with the second being Soundwaves.
WHEELJACK: Uh-oh. A Decepticon welcoming committee!
*NEW* BUMBLEBEE: Lets crash it!
*NEW* WHEELJACK: [laugh] Good idea! I'll raise my deflector shields
SEEKER #1: Autobots! Stop them!
BUMBLEBEE: Prime told me there'd be days like this!
WHEELJACK: Heh, and you didn't believe him?
BUMBLEBEE: I do now!
WHEELJACK: We've gotta get these energy conductors back to Iacon!
BUMBLEBEE: I'm right behind ya!
WHEELJACK: Mind if I cut in?
*NEW* SEEKER #1: Halt! Stop him! Don't let him pass!
*NEW* SEEKER #1, Thundercracker, Skywarp: Urgh Argh Errgh
*NEW* SEEKER #1, Thundercracker, Skywarp: [beat dialogue]
WHEELJACK: Bumblebee! Get in, quick! You all right?
BUMBLEBEE: Yeah. I th... think it's my rear axle.
WHEELJACK: Well, hang on to your crankshaft! I'm shiftin' into overdrive!
THUNDERCRACKER: They've gone underground. We'll never catch 'em now!
SKYWARP: We've gotta report back to Megatron.
WHEELJACK: Wheeljack to Iacon. We're comin' in!
**** Missing Scene Starts ****
*NEW* RATCHET: You'll survive Bumblebee, they just blew away your universal joint
*NEW* BUMBLEBEE: Yeah and my rear axle and my tyres
*NEW* OPTIMUS PRIME: But you made it back safely Bumblebee, good work.
*NEW* BUMBLEBEE: [joyful] thanks Optimus Prime, I'm only sorry we couldn't find mroe energy conductors
*NEW* OPTIMUS PRIME: Maybe Jazz will find some
**** Missing Scene Ends ****
SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak, prepare for flight. Destination: Iacon. Operation: assimilation.
SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak, Autobot alert!
*NEW* SOUNDWAVE: Transformation required!
SOUNDWAVE: Disclosure averted. Continue observation.
Ben’s World of Transformers (or have posted a photograph taken of a large billboard in New York City which is advertising the next Transformers film, Transformers: The Last Knight and features Optimus Prime facing up against either three "dragons" or a three-headed dragon, a Decepticon flag hoisted atop a space vessel of some kind. Whatever the case, it already looks like the cast of villains for Transformers 5 will be an interesting one.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 14th July 2016 at 08:30:40 BST
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Hasbro Expands TV and Feature Film Capabilities with Purchase of Irish Animation Studio
PAWTUCKET, R.I.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS) today announced that it has acquired Boulder Media, a multi-award winning Irish animation company based in Dublin. Boulder has produced a variety of award-winning series for Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney and BBC. As a wholly-owned subsidiary, Boulder will continue to produce animated series on behalf of third-party clients, in addition to producing animation projects for Hasbro’s best-known brands. Terms of the transaction, which closed on July 13, 2016, were not disclosed.
“At Hasbro, we’re building our brands through storytelling, and today, we’re telling richer stories across more platforms than ever before,” said Brian Goldner, Hasbro’s Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are also reinventing traditional modalities of animation production, both creatively and financially. With Boulder, we will deliver the highest quality animation that will engage our audiences with deep storytelling and great characters in a very cost-efficient manner.”
Founded in 2000 by Robert Cullen, Boulder is one of the fastest growing animation studios in Ireland with approximately 150 full-time employees. Boulder will retain its brand and report into Stephen Davis who leads Hasbro’s entertainment and consumer products licensing division. In February 2016, Hasbro was ranked No. 3 on Fast Company’s list of Most Innovative Companies in Hollywood.
“As one of the largest independent studios producing animation in Hollywood, the time is right for Hasbro to acquire its own animation studio, allowing us to expand our animation and storytelling capabilities even further,” said Stephen Davis, Executive Vice President and Chief Content Officer, Hasbro. “In Boulder, we have found one of the most progressive, innovative and creative teams in the business. We are thrilled to partner with Rob Cullen, Pete Lewis, Jenni MacNeaney and the entire Boulder team as we significantly enhance the execution of our story-led Brand Blueprint strategy.”
“Boulder and Hasbro have ambitious plans for growth, and working together, we will substantially expand our team and our business,” said Robert Cullen, Creative Director, Boulder. “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to bring to life the Hasbro stories and characters that mean so much to our team, and join a company that’s emerging as an entertainment powerhouse.”
About Hasbro
Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global company committed to Creating the World’s Best Play Experiences by leveraging its beloved brands, including LITTLEST PET SHOP, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, MONOPOLY, MY LITTLE PONY, NERF, PLAY-DOH and TRANSFORMERS, and premier partner brands. From toys and games, television programming, motion pictures, digital gaming and consumer product licensing, Hasbro fulfills the fundamental need for play and connection with children and families around the world. The Company’s Hasbro Studios and its film label, Allspark Pictures, create entertainment brand-driven storytelling across mediums, including television, film, digital and more. Through the company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, including philanthropy, Hasbro is helping to build a safe and sustainable world and to positively impact the lives of millions of children and families. Learn more at, and follow us on Twitter (@Hasbro & @HasbroNews) and Instagram (@Hasbro).
About Hasbro Studios and Allspark Pictures
Hasbro Studios is responsible for entertainment, brand-driven storytelling for Hasbro across television, commercial productions and short-form content. It develops, produces and distributes content based on Hasbro’s world class brands, including TRANSFORMERS, MY LITTLE PONY, and LITTLEST PET SHOP. Many of its series air on Discovery Family Channel and on networks and digital platforms in more than 190 territories globally. Since its formation in 2009, the studio has received ten Daytime Emmy wins.
On the film side through its film label Allspark Pictures, the Company has developed and produced a number of features based on Hasbro’s brands. Films in development or planned for release include OUIJA 2 (Universal), MY LITTLE PONY: THE MOVIE (Lionsgate), MAGIC: THE GATHERING (21st Century Fox), PLAY-DOH (21st Century Fox), TRANSFORMERS 5, 6 and 7 (Paramount) and the Cinematic Universe (Paramount) which includes GI JOE, MICRONAUTS, M.A.S.K, ROM and VISIONARIES.
About Boulder Media
Boulder Media is a multi-award winning Irish animation company based in Dublin. One of Ireland’s largest animation studios, it has produced many great shows for Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, BBC and Disney, including Wander Over Yonder for Disney, and Go Jetters and Danger Mouse for BBC. Learn more at
Frank Welker will receive a lifetime achievement award at the 43rd annual daytime creative arts emmy awards, it has been announced. You can read the full press release below but we would like to say a big thank you to the uber talented voice actor.
New York, NY – April 12, 2016 – The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) today announced that Frank Welker, legendary performer of the voices of Scooby-Doo and many others will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 43rd Annual Daytime Creative Arts Emmy® Awards on Friday, April 29th, 2016 at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites in downtown Los Angeles.
“Every child in America has grown up listening to Frank Welker bring the adventures of Freddy Jones and Scooby-Doo to life,” said Bob Mauro, President, NATAS. “Frank is an audible magician. He has made an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of us all with his ability to bring these and so many other characters into our lives and make them real. It is with great pleasure that the National Academy bestows the prestigious Emmy Award for Lifetime Achievement to him for his great body of work.”
“I have been a fan of Frank Welker’s work my entire life,” said David Michaels, SVP, Daytime (NATAS). “He is a unique person creating very unique characters such as Curious George, Wonder Dog, Shmoo, Megatron and his body of work over the last 40 years is remarkable. It is our great pleasure to acknowledge his long career in front of his many peers at the Daytime Creative Arts Emmy gala.” Frank Welker Responsible for creating the voices and sound effects of hundreds of animated characters over a span of nearly fifty years, Welker has garnered the respect of audiences and peers alike for his unparalleled skills as a voice actor. While he has also appeared on television series, variety and talk shows, in pilots and commercials, it is because of his invaluable work behind the camera that Frank Welker has been chosen to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s 43rd Annual Daytime Emmys.
Born in Denver, Colorado, Welker developed a stand-up comedy act in college, which got him started on the concert circuit touring withThe Righteous Brothers and Sergio Mendes. He continued with stand up, appearing in places including Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe as the opening act for such headliners as Sonny and Cher, Diana Ross, Loretta Lynn, Ann-Margret and Neil Sedaka.
Welker’s first on camera film role was as a bar fight participant in Stan Dragoti’s Dirty Little Billy. He played a college kid from Rutgers University in the Elvis Presley picture, and later co-starred with Don Knotts in Universal’s How to Frame a Figg. Welker also appeared in two Disney films, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes and Now You See Him, Now You Don’t.
His on camera television appearances included Love American Style, The Partridge Family and The Don Knotts Show. He played a prosecutor in the highly acclaimed ABC special, The Trial of General Yamashita, and as ‘Captain Pace’ beside Richard Dreyfuss’Yossarian in Paramount television’s pilot Catch-22. He also made appearances on Laugh In, The Dean Martin Roast, The Mike Douglas Show, The Tonight Show, Merv Griffin, The Smothers Brothers, The Burns and Schreiber Comedy Hour and returned to an on-camera role in the film The Informant, playing Matt Damon’s father.
His first cartoon job was for Hanna Barbara voicing Freddy Jones in the legendary Scooby Doo series. It is believed that Frank holds the record for voicing the longest running character in the history of animation Freddy Jones. Frank is still doing the teenaged Freddy45 years after he began and is currently recording the latest iteration Be Cool Scooby Doo. In addition to Freddy Jones, he has been the voice of Scooby Doo for over a decade. Frank was also voices of Dinky on CBS’s Dinky Dog, Fangface on Ruby Spears’ Fangfaceand he also played Dynomutt in The Scooby Doo/Dynomutt Hour. He was the voice of Jabberjaw and the voice of Bufford on The Bufford Files, Schlepcar on Sid and Marty Kroftts’ Wonderbug, Herbie on Fantastic Four and seven regular voices on Hanna-Barbera’sYogi Space Race.
Other indelible characters created by Welker include Wonder Dog, Shmoo , Doctor Claw on Inspector Gadget, including various G.I. Joe heroes and villains, Baby Kermit and Skitter on the Muppet Babies. Also, he brought many characters alive in Steven Speilberg’sTiny Toons! and in Animatics, including the studio boss Mr. Plotz, and the studio’s questionable “guard” Ralph the Guard. He also played Runt, the sweet but dumb dog, against Bernadette Peters’ Rita the cat; both strays.
His other characters include the wide-eyed monkey Abu in Aladdin to the Green Ghost Slimmer in The Real Ghostbusters. Welker voiced Gargamel‘s cat Azrael in live action/animated film versions of The Smurfs, a role that he will reprise in the upcoming SmurfsFeature Film. He can be heard as Nibbler in Futurama, as well as the very opinionated cat Garfield and the mischievous, curious monkey, Curious George.
Welker voiced many recurring characters in the multiple iterations of Transformers animated series, including eight of the original 14 Decepticons including Megatron, Galvatron, Soundwave, Skywrap, Laserbeak, Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage and Ratbat. Welker also reprised the roles of Megatron and Soundwave in the series Transformers: Prime (retitled Transformers: Prime – Beast Hunters for its third season) and the video game Transformers: Devastation. In the motion picture world he voiced Soundwave in the filmTransformers: Dark of the Moon (2011), and reprised his role as Galvatron in Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014), adding to his already large list of roles within the Transformers franchise.
Responsible for a broad spectrum of character voices, and other vocal effects that have appeared over the last 45 years in American television and motion pictures, Welker was listed as the number one “All Time Top 100 Stars at the Box Office for five consecutive years,” not as a box office draw, but in terms of the total revenue generated by the films in which he has participated.
The Daytime Creative Arts Emmy Awards (part of The Daytime Emmy Awards) recognize outstanding achievement in all fields of daytime television production and are presented to individuals and programs broadcast from 2:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. during the 2015 calendar year.
The 43rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards is a presentation of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
FX Group, Inc., is the official provider of the Daytime Emmy Award Almanac, the official program for the event. Yangaroo, Inc. is the official provider of the Digital Media Distribution System Awards Management Solution (“DMDS”) for the submission, judging and voting of all programs in the 43rd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards.
United Airlines is the official airline of the Daytime Emmy Awards and The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
A full list of all nominees in all categories can be downloaded from our website at
About The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) is a professional service organization dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational and technical achievements within the television industry. It recognizes excellence in television with the coveted Emmy® Award for News & Documentary, Sports, Daytime Entertainment, Daytime Creative Arts & Entertainment, Public & Community Service, and Technology & Engineering. NATAS membership consists of over 15,000 broadcast and media professionals represented in 19 regional chapters across the country. Beyond awards, NATAS has extensive educational programs including Regional Student Television and its Student Award for Excellence for outstanding journalistic work by high school students, as well as scholarships, publications, and major activities for both industry professionals and the viewing public. For more information, please visit the website at
Emmy Nominated ‘Transformers Rescue Bots’ Returns to Discovery Family Channel with Back-to-Back Premiere Episodes Beginning Saturday, April 23
– This Season, Celebrity Guest Stars Kristen Schaal and Alex Kingston Visit Griffin Rock and TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS Celebrates its 100th Episode Milestone –
(New York) – Power up, energize and roll to the rescue as the fourth season of TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS premieres on Discovery Family Channel with back-to-back episodes on Saturday, April 23 at 8 AM ET/7 AM CT and 8:30 AM ET/7:30 AM CT. Additionally, the animated series will introduce new characters – the first-ever female Rescue Bot “Quickshadow” voiced by Alex Kingston (“ER”) and “Chickadee” voiced by Kristen Schaal (“Bob’s Burgers”). TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS will also celebrate its 100th episode milestone this season.
In the season four back-to-back premiere episodes “New Normal” and “Bridge Building,” the invasion of an evil alien race forces the Rescue Bots to reveal their true extraterrestrial identities to the citizens of Griffin Rock. But before the townspeople vote on whether to let the robots in disguise stay in their town, the Auto Bots are transported to the Sahara Desert and must band together with their human counterparts to get home safely. Throughout the action-packed season, the Bots work tirelessly on a new project, construction of the Mainland Training Center and continue to test the powerful “Groundbridge” portal that allows them to transport between their firehouse headquarters and training center.
TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS follows the adventures of four young Transformers and their human counterparts – a family of emergency responders with 12-year-old Cody Burns at the center. The Rescue Bots – Heatwave, Chase, Blades and Boulder are tasked by Optimus Prime to study the ways of humanity and protect mankind on the island of Griffin Rock, a highly advanced hub of technology located off the coast of Maine. Throughout the series, Cody and his family teach the Bots how to live amidst humankind while learning about teamwork, cooperation and overcoming obstacles along the way. Created specifically for a younger generation of TRANSFORMERS fans, each 30-minute episode of TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS is full of family, heart, humor and adventure as the Rescue Bots support their mission to protect and learn from humans.
TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS is produced by Hasbro Studios for Discovery Family Channel. For Hasbro Studios, Stephen Davis is the executive producer. The series was developed for television by Jeff Kline, Nicole Dubuc and Brian Hohlfeld. To learn more, go to, on Facebook at and on Twitter @DiscoveryFamily.
About Discovery Family Channel
The leading television destination for families in the United States, Discovery Family is available in nearly 70 million U.S. homes and is a joint venture of Discovery Communications and Hasbro. Discovery Family is programmed with a clever mix of original series, family-friendly movies, and programming from Discovery’s non-fiction library and Hasbro Studios’ popular animation franchises, including MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, LITTLEST PET SHOP and TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS. The smart entertainment choice for families, Discovery Family attracts children and their parents with the highest-quality, real-world content that appeals to the entire family in the General Entertainment, Adventure and Animals genres at night and award-winning animation programming in Daytime.
About Hasbro Studios
Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global company committed to Creating the World’s Best Play Experiences, by leveraging its beloved brands, including LITTLEST PET SHOP, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, MONOPOLY, MY LITTLE PONY, NERF, PLAY-DOH and TRANSFORMERS, and premier partner brands. From toys and games, television programming, motion pictures, digital gaming and consumer product licensing, Hasbro fulfills the fundamental need for play and connection with children and families around the world. The Company’s Hasbro Studios and its film label, ALLSPARK PICTURES, create entertainment brand-driven storytelling across mediums, including television, film, digital and more. Through the company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, including philanthropy, Hasbro is helping to build a safe and sustainable world and to positively impact the lives of millions of children and families. Learn more at, and follow us on Twitter (@Hasbro & @HasbroNews) and Instagram (@Hasbro).
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 9th April 2016 at 10:59:45 BST
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| Discuss: Read on have posted a transcript of the Digital Fronts session held yesterday, in which Transformers: Combiners Wars was covered.
The series is set to consist of 8 episodes and will debut in July.
Below is the summary of the series
Taking place 40 years after the great war on Earth, Transformers: Combiner Wars introduces new lore and all-new characters that, combined with the characters fans have known for decades, will bring the Transformers storytelling in a new direction.
The Autobots and Decepticons have disbanded and returned to Cybertron. With the days of Optimus Prime and Megatron over, Cybertron is now ruled by a triumvirate. However, an ancient technology has enabled a new threat, the power for multiple Transformers to combine into one massive, dangerous form: Combiners. Who will stand-up to this threat to ensure that the fragile peace that was 4 million years in the making remains?
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 5th April 2016 at 19:00:19 BST
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Emmy Online have issued a Press Release regarding the Annual Daytime Emmy Awards which include three nominations for Hasbro Studios work on TRANSFORMERS products
You can can the nominations below
Outstanding Special Class Animated Program – Nomination: Transformers Robots in Disguise (Cartoon Network)
Executive Producers: Stephen Davis, Jeff Kline, Shuzo John Shiota
Animation Producer: Therese Trujillo
Producer: Jack Liang
Line Producer: Masanari Kubo
Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program – Nomination: Jeff Bennet as Mayor Luskey in Transformers Rescue Bots (Discovery Family)
Outstanding Writing in an Animated Program- Nomination: Transformers Rescue Bots (Discovery Family)
Writers: Nicole Dubuc, Brian Hohfeld, Greg Johnson
Story Editors: Cydne Clark, Steve Granat, Andrew R. Robinson
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 26th March 2016 at 10:16:46 GMT
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Click the link or image above to view the Sideswipe toy gallery. The gallery contains 12 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for
with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category
and currently has as status of .
Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Ep 12: Bombburst and Submaraurder
After being captured my the super-villan Meltdown, Prowl and Captain Fanzone must fight for their lives against some mutated humans who happen to look like the Decepticon Pretenders Bombburst and Submaraurder ....
OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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of this website for the members only features. To become a
member, visit the message board.
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy
better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.
You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics
Transformers Toys - Transformers At The Moon -