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You can find the first full image gallery and review of the 2008 Transformers Animated Bulkhead toy in our Transformers Toy Gallery and Transformers Prototype areas.
The image gallery features over 80 images of the red Transformers Animated Bulkhead testshot, and include images of both robot and vehicle mode, close-ups of the joints, poses showing the articulation and the toy's mace as well as comparisons to some other Transformers figures.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 3rd September 2007 at 20:15:48 BST
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WizardUniverse have put up an interview with Voice Actor Phil LaMarr who is best known for playing Samurai Jack in the series of the same name, and who will be voice Jazz, a guest star in the upcoming Transformers Animated series.
"WIZARD: Changing subjects, you are set to play Jazz in the new Transformers show. It’s a great role with a lot of history, so are you going to follow the footsteps of the old series, the movie, or should we expect something new?
LAMARR: There’s no way to follow in the footsteps Scatman Crothers [Jazz’s original voice from the old series]. I mean, those are just shoes that are too big to fill. So, yeah, we’ve gone a different direction. Obviously the “cool” element is still there, that’s never going to go away with Jazz, and in my head I always hear Scatman but it’s a different sound. It’s a new sound.
WIZARD: I’m glad you brought up Scatman Crothers, because it must just be cool to pick up after such a legend. What is that like?
LAMARR: It’s an honor to be able to play something that somebody so talented originated. Even though they’re revamping the story, you know and the fans know that that’s where it came from and it’s nice to be connected to that kind of history.
WIZARD: So, by the technical and scientific laws of acting does this make you the best choice for the role if they ever redo Hong Kong Phooey?
LAMARR: [Laughs] I’d say so.
WIZARD: What is it like to be doing the voice of Jazz for a whole new generation of Transformers fans?
LAMARR: Well, it’s been interesting for me because I was not really familiar with much Transformers stuff. It sort of fell in between my kid years and my adult years. So, I missed it the first time around. So, I’ve been doing a lot of research actually. [I’ve been] looking at the old cartoons and reading the old comics just because I’d be reading the scripts and going, “My gosh, what an intricate world!” And it just got me more and more interested in what’s going on. How much of this is new? How much of this is original? So, I’ve been getting into it.
WIZARD: I’m sure fans will love hearing that you are doing your research of the source material. Is that something that you might have picked up from doing your voice work on “Justice League”?
LAMARR: I’m sort of a comic and cartoon geek myself, so most of the stuff I know coming into it. “Transformers” just happened to be one of those few that I was unfamiliar with and it was just really interesting to see that for the first time, to look into that world. Especially a world that so many people are already a big part of. I’m like, “God, how did I miss this?”
Skywarpantulas has posted a variety of spoilers for the Transformers Animated series on TFWorld2005's message board. He doesn't say what his source is, only that he has fast forwarded through various episodes. Some of the information is different to what has been shown thus far (but then there is no way to tell from which episodes the footage used at BotCon / Comiccon were sliced from).
Below you'll find a basic round-up, but you can go here for the original thread. Please note these are unconfirmed.
Episode Names: Ep.1 - Transform and Roll Out (or Transformers and Roll Out)
Ep.? - Nanotech (features the human supervillian with the whip).
Ep.? - Blast from the Past (introduces the Dinobots)
Episode Synopsis
Episode 1 features the footage from the second video available at Transformers Animated.
The Autobots are on the Ark watching old episodes of the G1 cartoon series.
Megatron (VTOL Plane) on Cybertron leaves the Decepticons (and Starscream in charge) in the first episode. He is later seen on Earth (100 years in the future), as a head being worked on by scientists. The scientists create the Dinobots from Megatron. (note this would tie into the Transformers Movie theory of all technological advances stem from "Megaman". It also ties in with the original Hasbro press release "..Robots are common-place on Earth, but they hold a hidden secret
The first episodes focus on characters, mainly Bumblebee and Ratchet. (Again this sounds plausible with Bumblebee the focus character in the Transformers Movie).
The Decepticon's come to Earth in search of the Allspark. (Again this ties into the information Hasbro gave at the BotCon panel).
In the first episode Optimus is injured. He turns black (like in Transformers The Movie) and his spark (Matrix) is shown in his chest. (This part is new, nothing shown so-far would indicate this, but it could be the reason for choosing a new form).
Megatron's head is very damaged on Earth, and looks very "cyborg like". (note the only image of Megatron from the cartoon have been of the silhouette. It could well be that is his "Cybertronian form", however Hasbro stated the Decepticon's aren't in it at the start).
Slag and Swoop did not talk in the first episode.
As mentioned these should remain as rumours until more evidence is bought to prove / disprove them. Most of them fit in nicely to information we have previously learned. Remember to check out Transformers Animated for all your Transformers Animated news and information.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 29th August 2007 at 08:53:28 BST
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Just to show how many there are, the fourth Transformers Animated Bulkhead testshot, made of entirely red plastic, has appeared on ebay. This time it's a different seller, No_CD, and the first for sale outside of Singapore (this one is from China).
Thanks to Transformers for sharing four new images of a testshot of the Transformers Animated toy of Bulkhead. Like the previous images, shown earlier this week, the testshot is completely red and is the third testshot of the figure to originate in Singapore.
An auction for a Fast Action Battlers Optimus Prime testshot, on eBay, which included two pictures of a blue testshot of Transformers Animated Megatron. This is the first time any Transformers Animated figure has been leaked from a TakaraTomy factory in Hong Kong into the secondary market.
The images have already been removed from the auction but we have managed to mirror a copy for you.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 22nd August 2007 at 08:28:15 BST
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Thanks to The Allspark for pointing out an listing for part two of a Transformers Animated trade-paperback featuring Megatron and a watermark of the Sumdac Tower in the background.
The image of Megatron is the first colour picture to be released.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 19th August 2007 at 09:50:00 BST
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A 4 minute 53 clip from Transformers Animated has been posted over on YouTube. The clip is from an early episiode , as Optimus Prime is in his Cybertronian form. You can view the clip using the flash plugin below.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 30th July 2007 at 21:32:16 BST
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During SDCC a flyer was being handed out of Transformers Animated. The flyer was the same poster that had been seen before but with the addition of the Decepticon characters heavily faded out at the top. You can view the image in our Transformers Animated image gallery or by clicking the link below.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 27th July 2007 at 11:50:52 BST
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Here's some of the information on Transformers Animated, most of which was given away at BotCon though the David Kaye panels and the Hasbro Future Product Panels, although I've since found some more information:
Main Autobots
Optimus Prime - voiced by David Kaye (transforms into a Fire Truck). He will appear in both Cybertron and Earth modes (both have toys, deluxe for Cybertron, Voyager for Earth) and is armed with a red / blue axe, which is huge. The axe is formed from his trailer, which will appear and disappear (G1 style).
Prowl - voiced by Jeff Bennet (transforms into a Motorcyle). The character is a ninja and will be smart. The toy features some impressive tooling, with the motorbike wheels not appearing. The toy looked similar to Beast Machines Silverbolt (cartoon not toy), in how smooth and round it looked.
Ratchet - voiced by Corey Burton (fire truck). Very Movie like in vehicle mode, Ratchet is the only Autobot to have served in combat before and is the medic of the team.
Bumblebee - voiced by Bumper Robinson (yellow sports car). Bumper is said to sound like "Chris Rock style voice". Bumblebee is the youngest of the Autobots, and it very enthusiastic and likes Earth.
Bulkhead - voiced by Bill Fingerbekke (military vehicle). Bulkhead is the typical "strong-man" character, said to be like the Thing.
Grimlock - David Kaye (Tyrannosaurs Rex). Very G1 like in robot and dinosaur mode, even down to the gold collar. Grimlock is said to speak in the same grammatical way in which the Dinobots did in the original series. Two other dinobots will also appear, although they may only be guests.
Guest / Additional Autobots
Jazz - voiced by Phil LaMarr (unknown vehicle)
2x Dinobots - not named, although Swoop and Slag (probably called Triceradon) would be the most likely.
Blurr - voiced by John Moschitta (unknown vehicle). John was the original voice of Blurr and will make a guest appearance.
Ultra Magnus - voiced by Jeff Bennett (unknown vehicle). Jeff is said to do a good Robert Stack (G1 Ultra Magnus) style voice.
Arcee - possibly voiced by Susan Blu (unknown vehicle)
Junkion - voiced by Weird Al Yankovic (dump truck). The name is currently unconfirmed, although it has been reported as simply Junkion. David Kaye believed the form of the Transformer was a dump truck, which would fit the name.
Main Decepticons
Megatron - voiced by Corey Burton (Vertical Take-Off / Landing Alien Fighter). Megatron will appear as a blacked out silhouette at first and will then show himself as his true form. Megatron's form will change throughout the show to get completely different (probably turning into Galvatron - though I hope not). Two toys of Megatron will be avaliable, like Optimus Prime.
Starscream - voiced by Tom Kenny (Reverse sweep-winged jet - Cyclonus style). Tom is said to do a very good Chris Latta style voice for Starscream.
Blackarachnia - voiced by Cree Summer (spider). Blackarachnia is the unknown Decepticon. Supposedly she starts out at first as a completely different character, and will undertake a lot of character development. The toy was extremely detailed.
Lugnutz - voiced by David Kaye (Bomber Aircraft). Lugnutz is the strong, dumb but overly loyal Decepticon, truely believing in their cause. Lugnutz is said to be "The Hulk, if Bulkhead is The Thing", similar to Cryotek / Cindarr (Visionaries)
Blitzwing - unknown voice actor (triplechanger - tank / plane). Blitzwing is said to not only have three modes but also a split-personalilty, which should make for an interesting character. He is in his G1 colours.
Guest / Additional Decepticons
Shockwave - voiced by Corey Burton
Human Characters
Isaac Sumdac - voiced by unknown. The main scientist who works at the Sumdac Tower in Detroit, where they make Robots.
Sari Sumdac - voiced by Tara Strong. Sari is Isaccs daughter and main human companion of the Autobots. Hasbro explain that she is not a "annoying sidekick telling the Autobots what to do, but more explaining what things are on Earth and how they work".
Angry Archer - voiced by unknown. The Anrgy Archer is based on Aaron Archer (I wouldn't be surprised if he played the voice), and is one of several Super Villans the Autobots will be fighting. The other villains have various powers including speed, strength and spewing acid
Captain Fanzone - voiced by unknown. Captain Fanzone is the head of the police department in Detroit.
Places of Interest
The Ark - the Autobots ship. Very G1 style.
The Nemesis - the Decepticon ship. Hughe compared to the Ark, will mainly appear as a background. Very dark in and outside, quiet Snake Mountain like (from the latest He-Man series).
Sumdac Tower - the main tower in Detroit, this is where Isaac Sumdac designs / creates the robots on Earth.
Detroit - the main city on Earth where the robots are built and home to the Sumdac Tower.
Other Guest Voice Actors
Fred Willeke will make an appearance in the show, although it has not been confirmed as to who he will play.
Series Background / Information.
Two 13 part series have currently been recorded. The first series starts with a 3 part mini-movie, followed by 13 episodes. The second series is an additional 13 episodes.
Hasbro / Cartoon network have not ruled out an additional 2 series.
The show is due in December 2007 / January 2008
The show was moved to the US as Hasbro no-longer like the results of dubbing the show into English.
No other Beast Wars actors can appear in the show, as they only have Canadian VA permits. David Kaye lives in LA and is hoping to become an American citizen soon, so he was able to take part.
The guys at Cartoon Network were fans of the Transformers series, so wanted the show.
Transformers Heroes was the working title.
Although Transformers Animated has a more stylised look, they will not be dumbing down the series. It will have more humor in it then previous series (more like Beast Wars).
The show will be about the impact of the Transformers on Earth, rather than going into space.
The Autobots will mainly fight human Super Villans at the start, whom are controlled or influenced by Decepticons. The Decepticons will appear later, and will be shown as much stronger than the Super Villans. The Decepticons are supposedly much larger than the Autobots.
The show will feature realistic transformations (although from what was shown, they are not very detailed), and will only have a few "cut away" style transformations.
The Cybertronian forms of the Transformers (Optimus Prime / Megatron) will have toys.
Optimus Prime has both a mouth and faceplate, like in the Transformers Movie.
Serveral G1 characters will be guesting in the series, which will mean more charcters can appear (more toys relating to the show), but they still get to focus on the main 10 characters).
There will be new charcaters as well as old ones appearing.
The Autobots arrive on Earth in search for the Allspark, which they crash into. The Decepticons then follow them.
There will be combiners in the Transformers Animated line, probably in the cartoon series, although not confirmed, and probably not until later series.
Transformers Animated Toys
Transformers Animated has been in development for a few years, and this is reflected in the toy design. They feature the freshes looking Transformers for years, with a look and feel similar to the new Masters of the Universe toys (when compared to the old ones). They feature new sculpting techniques, which give them a smooth, rounder apearance.
The toys look like the characters from Beast Machines, on screen, and have very few parts which stick out.
The toys feature "character specific" poses, although there is not a single gimmick which runs through the entire line. The gimmick is the Transformation (although some characters may have gimmicks themselves).
The toys have signature weapons (Prime = axe, Megatron = sword), poses, attutides and stances.
They feature the highest level of articulation and motion of any Transformers line released so far.
The toys have a 90% show accurate look, as it was developed alongside the cartoon series, rather than prior.
Optimus Prime will have two toys (deluxe and voyager), one for the Earth mode and the other for the Cybertronian mode.
Bulkhead looks quite chibby like, due to how round he is.
Bumblebee is very smooth and the car mode is similar to Classics Bumblebee
Prowl was the most impressive toy shown at BotCon.
Grimlock looked very much like the G1 toy in robot mode (with how he will transform).
Lugnutz is a Voyager class toy, very round looking.
The toys have a matt finish to them, not gloss, in a Batman Animated style.
The toys have a very Anime toy style look
One of the jokes in the show, when Bumblebee and Sari first meet, goes like this:-
Bumblebee: I'm Bumblebee
Sari: I'm Sari
Bumblebee: Don't be
Nice, simple pun that one.
Category: Transformers Animated
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 8th July 2007 at 15:46:28 BST
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Black Robot
Click the link or image above to view the Black Robot toy gallery. The gallery contains 1 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for
with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category
and currently has as status of .
Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
TV3 Kids Preview
The TV3 Promotional advert used to advertise Transformers Animated before it started to air in Malaysia ....
OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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