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Fan2Fan have added some information and images to their website from the latest editions of both Dengeki Hobby and Hobby Japan magazines. The images
include this one, which show how Starscreams 'expression changing' gimmick works.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 25th August 2006 at 14:31:24 BST
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The following trademark applications by Hasbro have had their status updated by the USTPO.THRUST (75911531) - This mark has now been registered. The registration number is 2470598. Its taken over 6 years since the initial application was submitted though.
SOUNDWAVE (75911534) - This mark has also been registered after a 6 month application period.
MEISTER (76596261) - This application has been granted an extension so that Hasbro can file a 'statement of first use'. This is simply to prove that they have used the mark and are not just requesing applications to stop other companies from using it.
HARDTOP (76612291) - The application for the mark HARDTOP has been updated with a note saying that that the paper has been received. This is in reply to the USPTO issuing a a Notice of Allowance.
You an view the full details of these and more trademark applications in our
Transformer Trademark area.
Update: - It seems that certain TransFans out there do not believe us when we say that these trademarks have taken 6 years to become registered and that we meant 6 months. Well, I'm sorry to tell you it was no mistake. If you don't believe us, then look at our Trademark section, read the history for yourself. All of the information in that area has come directly from the USPTO records. Check it on their site or at one of their offices, you'll see its correct.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 25th August 2006 at 08:36:48 BST
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Yesterday some leaked designs of Megatron from next years
Transformers film appeared on various Transformers websites. Now Brian Goldner has spoken out, via
Don Murphy's Message Board, regarding the images.
Good Afternoon--Let me answer your questions. Starscream is simply
the coolest, most aggressive military jet in the skies. The military
has given us unprecedented access to deliver this character to the
audience in the most compelling way. He is Very much like G1. As noted
to Nelson earlier in the week, the details, deco, weapons, and sculpt
itself will change as we move from grey model to final form.
Megatron is an early style board. Without revealing too much of the
story, there is a very important reason for his look to have evolved
from pure G1; although the final look is a work-in-progress--ILM has
just recently begun all their CGI development. Megatron has a iconic
personality, and approach that dates back to G1. Throughout time he has
had a very big gun.... Thanks to
Seibertron for pointing out the comments.
He posted a second message later on:
How do I say this--You guys say you want to see robots NOW, and then, when you see early work-in-progress, you flip out!!!
Let me try to frame where we are headed with TRANSFORMERS, and draw
some loved G1 the first time you saw it ( and every
time since), and so did we...It told a NEW story of sentient beings
that have human-like characters, and yet, there is so much more to them
than what's on the surface...they transform from recognizable objects
to unimaginable robots. They have their own history, and rivalries that
we witness, and get swept up in... We all owe it to the next
generations of folks to use the technology, storytelling, and access
(to real contemporary vehicles/military) that TRANSFORMERS provides to
drive this forward...your input in very important as it helps to shape
the delivery of TRANFORMERS as a LIVE-ACTION movie. We will show you
robots, when they are right....they will be PHOTO-REALISTIC. In fact,
this movie could have never been produced much before today....this is
worth the effort.
We need to tell an origin story because not everyone is as versed as
you in the history....we need to explain elements of the TRANSFORMERS
that can be glossed over in animation...there are logic gaps that do
need to make sense when a broad global audience buys a ticket and wants
to enjoy the show as much as you will...we continue to make progress.
Starcream is a complex character. He is loyal, and yet ready to mutiny
all at the same time. He is two-faced and duplicitious...his character
will be played out in his he evolves he is looking very
Megatron too is a very important link from past (G1) to present...there
are major story elements that will come to light as you watch the film
that make his evolving design ring true...of course, he has always had
big guns...just wait to see what we have done here....again,
The comments and jokes about leaving the boards are unjustified...there
has never been a group of producers, writiers, and studio executives
more engaged in this project, and for that reason not always attached
to these boards.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 25th August 2006 at 08:30:48 BST
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Fan2Fan have images and information from the latest edition of Figure Oh! magazine. The images / info are on MP-03 Starscream, Kiss Play Rodimus, MP-04 Convoy and the Japanese Transformers S.T.A.R.S fan club.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 24th August 2006 at 08:22:05 BST
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Snakas has updated his website,
Autobase Atachi, with an article pointing to the Hong Kong Transformers message board Actoys. The thread on
Actoys contains images of the Transformers: Classics Optimus Prime vs Megatron (tank) double set, with the sales tag of The Ultimate Battle.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 23rd August 2006 at 20:29:20 BST
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image was posted on from the Kiss Players strip which appears to show Megatron transforming from the Honda S2000 mould.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 22nd August 2006 at 08:28:16 BST
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| Discuss: Read on has been updated with the news that Peter Cullen will be attending BotCon this year.
The voice of Optimus Prime will be making an appearance at this year's
BotCon in Lexington, KY! Additional details to be announced soon.
Visit for additional information on the convention.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 22nd August 2006 at 08:25:48 BST
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Credit to Neo-Primus for
reporting on our Transformers Forum, that Primus, with Unicron Head, is now in stock in ToyMaster stores.
Want to know where your nearest Toy Master is? Check out our
Transformers Store Locator page.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 21st August 2006 at 17:40:54 BST
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Don Murphy have posted another one of his
Sunday Posts over on his message board where he talks about compromises and some of the new negative posts and opinions circulating the Internet over the last few days.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 21st August 2006 at 08:27:38 BST
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Loosecannon posted the following on
TF @ The Moon - Sake CommentsCybertron -50% off Leader Cass, Voyager Class, Ultra Class
These are all from the old catalogue and are in the clearance section online. Very limited stock. Swindle is also £9.99
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 21st August 2006 at 08:18:43 BST
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Snakas has updated his website with images from the CharaHobby convention. The images include Master Piece Starscream, toy, designs and packaging, a Starscream display and various other images.
Fan to Fan mean while have concentrated on Starscream with a much larger / detailed gallery.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 19th August 2006 at 18:42:37 BST
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| Discuss: Read on have a report that Rhino will finally release the 2nd part of Transformers: Armada on DVD. If like us you own the first half of the series you will be pleased with the news, and wonder why it's taken almost 2 years.
Thanks to TFormers for the spot.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 19th August 2006 at 18:38:00 BST
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Michael Bay's Blog:-
I just barely caught Michael in between takes. Among the things he
1- They will be releasing more teaser posters in the coming
2- Paramount made studies and concluded that the TF "ANNOUNCEMENT"
was the 2nd highest rated "teaser" this summer.
3.- They just finished shooting a lot of Pentagon interiors on a
soundstage in scenes that involved many Chiefs of staff in their
huge war room.
4.- Shia just was recently suspended over the edge of a 20 story
building in a very dynamic and intense scene.
5.- The average transformation time from normal mode to alt mode
and vice versa is about 3 to 4 seconds.
6.- The leaked pictures are legit (although a somewhat early
7.- Filming of massive chase scenes will begin in the following
8.- The CGI transformations by ILM are looking wicked and nastier
every single day.
9.- Part 1 will be about why the transformers came to earth.
10.- This movie will be a new start for the live action franchise
that will not be based on any particular TF TV series and/or comic
And last but certainly not least, the Autobots are:
Optimus Prime: idealistic view of humanity.
Bumblebee: underdog, spy, most "connected" to humans
Jazz: style, loyal, eager, contemporary
Ratchet: new form, medical officer, science officer.
Emergency vehicle.
Ironhide: tough, tough stare, first in battle, classic
cowboy, gritty. Optimus' oldest friend.
Decepticons are:
Megatron: survival of the fittest, social darwinism, less
idealistic view of humanity. Sees himself as advanced, sees humans
as lower.
Starscream: seems faithful but plotting, "we will see a lot
of that dynamic," explains why he does not push it, waits for his
Brawl: eager for battle, jumps in. From non-G1 character,
experimental, but will be in sequels. First disguised
Bonecrusher: closest to constructicon but not giving away
mode. Hates other cons except Megatron. Doesn't want friends.
Barricade: scout, hunter, lures into trap.
Scorponok: closest to Beast Wars, fitted to
Frenzy: "had some evolution for us," started off as
Soundwave but had contradictions and changed to stay truer to G1.
Smaller, able to infiltrate. Stealth spy, can hide anywhere.
Blackout: comes in, takes out fighting ability, sends EMP,
first-tier attack, transporter, biggest vehicle.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 19th August 2006 at 10:16:24 BST
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Thanks to Soundwave for letting us know the cast which was annouced today.
No Soundwave, apparently he was initially going to be in it, but they changed the character to Frenzy
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 18th August 2006 at 19:36:46 BST
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We just recieved the following from Paramount :-
Giant Freakin' Robots are coming.
It's here. Finally -- the word we've been waiting for. The announcement of ALL the TRANSFORMERS appearing in the film.
On Friday, 8/18, at 11am, the screenwriters - Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman - will announce the character names via a live webchat on Yahoo.
For fans, this is our chance to interact with the screenwriters, ask them questions via text and hear their answers live!
A live chat. With the writers. Of TRANSFORMERS. 'Nuff said.
On Friday morning, go to for the link to Webcast!
See you online, everyone. Roll out.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: paramount@mailchute. -
on: Thursday, 17th August 2006 at 19:20:41 BST
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