Transformers News: Category - "Lucky Draw Transformers"
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Luck y Draw has been updated with more images in it's Transformers Super Link Fire Kicker gallery showing more details of the oty which we purchased a few months ago.
The figure is a red and yellow reclour of the Transformers: Super Link Kicker toy, which uses Takara's Microman body.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 11th October 2008 at 15:13:34 BST
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lucky draw toy listings page on has been updated with a new filter menu which enabled you to filter the lucky draw toys by toyline, year offered or source. To open the menu simple click on the "Filter Toy List" link on that page and a menu will appear on the right handside. To close the menu, click on the "Close Filter" button at the bottom of the menu.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 27th September 2008 at 14:45:40 BST
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Just a quick update of some images we've had for quiet a while sitting offline. Some of these images go back over 4 years and include some toys that you probably haven't seen before.
The updates are mini galleries, some only contain one picture, but we thought it would be nice to share them with you. Black Hound features some very blurry images we were sent of a broken version of the toy. We turned it down and have since not seen one for sale.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 6th September 2008 at 21:01:52 BST
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Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 6th September 2008 at 12:21:43 BST
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We have updated both Lucky Draw and Transformers At The Moon with a full image gallery of the Hong Kong exclusive Lucky Draw Gold Leader Class Transformers Movie Optimus Prime.
This, we believe, is the worlds first full image gallery of the latest Lucky Draw Transformers figure to be released. The gallery contains 61 images of the figure, including comparisons to the two Lucky Draw Gold Transformers Movie Voyager Optimus Prime figures that we own (who's gallery was also recently updated with new images of the figure in the box as well as information on the variant that we own).
The terminology, Lucky Draw, refers to a competition prize draw, where
winners are selected by random. Lucky Draw Toys are the prizes given
away, usually these are very limited. Lucky Draw Campaigns are run in Japan usually by magazines. The main
magazine which runs Lucky Draw competitions is Telebi Magazine (TV
Magazine). Bom-Bom Magazines and Comic Bom-Bom also run Lucky Draw
campaigns. In later years TV Boy also run prize draw campaigns as did
DVD production companies and some stores. Hasbro UK also gave away
hardcopy Transformers Animated toys in a competition, where winners
were choosen at random. Meanwhile Hasbro Hong Kong gave away 10 gold Movie
Optimus Prime statues to people who spent over a certain amount of
money at a convention. Although this meant the figure isn't a Lucky
Draw toy, most fans count it as one due to it's appearance.
LuckyDrawTransformers.comis the internets only dedicate Lucky Draw resource site. The website was initially launched in April 2006 and was relaunched with a new look and message board in August 2008. It remains the best place to view and find out more about the various Transformers Lucky Draw items that have been released, as well as now containing image scans from various Japanese hobby magazines. All of this information is available on the sites parent-site, Transformers At The Moon, however due t the shear size of "The Moon", the information is not as easy to access.
We hope you enjoy this first full look at the latest Lucky Draw figure to be released, and do not forget to check back with us over the coming week, as we have more Lucky Draw figures to share with you.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 2nd September 2008 at 09:17:02 BST
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Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 31st August 2008 at 12:41:04 BST
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We are pleased to announced that the Internet's only dedicated Lucky Draw website,, has been relaunched with a brand new look and some new sections. The new layout should make navigation of the site much easier and means that now contains all of the image scans that we have taken from the various Japanese Hobby Magazines. We have also included a check list showing which of the magazines we have looked through for any Lucky Draw figure. This should help others who are looking to acquire back-issues that contain lucky draw articles.
To help celebrate the re-launch we have added some new images to the Brave Maximus toy image image gallery, showing all of the extra pieces that come with the Lucky Draw version of the toy. These images were kindly supplied by Transfan2.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 30th August 2008 at 11:20:40 BST
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Following on from yesterdays update of Hyber Hobby Magazine scans, you can now find another 26 Japanese Magazine Galleries, this time featuring the magazine TV-Boy. The galleries date back form 2004 and contain between 2 and 12 images a piece, depending on their Transformers related content.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th August 2008 at 14:55:06 BST
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Recently ten gold Transformers Leader Class Optimus Prime figures were given away at the Hong Kong Animation and Comic Show 2008 to the first ten people to spend HK$3000 or more. Since then four have been sold internationally from the same seller for varying prices with two more appearing on auction sites within the last few hours. eToysJapan has listed his fifth one on ebay at the moment with a starting price of $3000, with a 6th figure appearing on Yahoo! Auctions Hong Kong via seller ieolawse with a starting price of $1,639, the lowest price of this figure so far by $900.
So far numbers 85,86 and 24 have been confirmed. The Yahoo auction one appears to be 69, though it is hard to read. The one on Ebay at the moment is not known which number it is, but it should be number 24. If you own one of these figures, could you please get in touch with us and let us know which number you have.
This means that there should only be only four others left that were given away at the convention.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th August 2008 at 10:10:02 BST
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Earlier this year we started what we called our "Lucky Draw Research Project". This mini-project involved us trying to track down any and all hard evidence relating to the Takara Japanese Exclusive campaign prize draw Transformers figures known as Lucky Draw toys.
The project, which we had technically started several years ago with online research, involved us spending quiet a bit of time and an awful lot of money to buy back issues of various Japanese toy , TV and collectors magazines. There were a few issues to get over with the research.
- Language barrier - though our Japanese is far better than it used to be thanks to some lessons a few years ago
- Lack of online information, other than on the Lucky Draw Transformers website
- Age - the magazines we were after date back to 1997, with some issues required from 1987/1988.
- Range of magazines - the magazines, which are released monthly included TV Boy, TV Magazine, Hyper Hobby Magazine and Comic BonBon (that's over 10 years worth of 4 magazines, at 12 magazines a year), which works out at 480 magazines.
Anyway we bought over 150 magazines over a month and had them shipped into the UK (which was a whole new story) where we had to sort through them, document the information and then scan each of the magazines for evidence. We decided to scan any and every page which featured Transformers on them, as well as a few other series which we liked such as Microman.
Anyway the first batch of updates are now available on Transformers At The Moon in our In The Media section. The new galleries include Lucky Draw Transformers toys, Transformers protype and testshot toys, a Beast Wars II manga and much more. The Issues also include the Hyper Hobby magazine which featured the Black Rodimus Convoy toy currently on eBay:-
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 24th August 2008 at 20:27:38 BST
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Ministry of Toys has listed their testshot of the black Rodimus Convoy Transformers Collectors Edition figure which originally planned as a Lucky Draw for Hyper Hobby Magazine in 2003.
The figure a starting price of $2,999, double the price that it failed to sell for, the last time the toy was listed a few years ago.
MOT have listed the figure at least three time in the past, reducing the price from $5000 dollars to $1500. Each time it was listed, the figure failed to sell.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 23rd August 2008 at 13:18:24 BST
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etoysjapan have posted images and information on a Hasbro Hong Kong prize item, a gold chromed Leader Class Optimus Prime toy. The figure, which Hasbro HK have said is limited to 88 pieces worldwide, will have 10 copies of the toy given away at the Hong Kong Animation and Comic Show 2008 to the first ten people to spend HK$3000 or more.
Here's the spiel.
(Revised version)
Collected here are pictures of worldwide 88 pieces limited
production of the Transformers Movie Voyager Optimus Prime.
Gold plated everything except the tires (of course). Comes
with a case and platform with numbers, so nice!
How to get it? Don't you just hear me :
88 pieces Worldwide!!!!
Feel better after shouting. This project is initiated and
carried out by Hasbro Hong Kong; According to their
information all the Optimus Primes are gifts for certain
special occasions (what occasions they refused to tell me). Now the
first chance.
Hasbro is putting up a booth in the Hong Kong annual
Animation and Comic Show 2008. They have 10 pieces available
as gift to the first 10 persons who spend HK$3000 or more
buying their products.
HK$3000 is about US$390, not a lot but then to make sure you
are the first 10, probably you have to queue up in front of
the exhibition hall the night before. Of course you can always
pay someone to do it, say another US$100 to $200. So this
piece worth more than US$500, will you get it? I am not young
and foolish enough for overnight lining up any more but
certainly do want one..........deadlock.
This is the second Lucky Draw toy to be released outside of Japan, after Hasbro US's chromed coloured Leader Movie Prime toy.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 13th July 2008 at 09:56:28 BST
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Just over a month ago we won an auction on Yahoo Japan for the Transformers Super Link Custom Colour Grand Convoy Lucky Draw Transformers toy. This figure was given away to the 10 winners of a colouring competition featured in TV Magazine which took place in December 2004.
The image which appeared in the magazine, which can be found at, featured a strange colour Grand Convoy with orange arms and legs. The toy which we won is the same colours as that which appeared in the magazine only with a grey base colour rather than orange. It is currently unknown why there is a difference, although the orange toy could be a testshot for the figure, with the grey base colour being the actual prize campaign item, so that it it blended in to it's trailer in vehicle mode.
For those interested we now own 35 Lucky Draw Transformers, plue Black Tracks who we do not believe is a true Lucky Draw toy.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 5th July 2008 at 15:48:06 BST
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Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 15th June 2008 at 12:38:28 BST
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Lucky Draw has been updated with some images of the
gold chrome Transformers Movie Starscream and Voyager Optimus Prime toys which were recently pictured on ebay (a day after we showed the scans of the original draw).
The pictures are a little blurry but you can get the idea of what both toys look like. Lucky Draw Gold Starscream is the first Blister Packaged Lucky Draw Transformers toys and was limited to 5.
Gold Transformers Movie Optimus Prime gallery now includes the first boxed image of the toy. This image confirms that the finalised version of the Gold Optimus Prime toy is in fact the same as our loose version of the figure.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 10th June 2008 at 18:25:12 BST
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