Thanks to Chinese Transformers site HK-TF images from the Dark of the Moon release in Toys R Us are now available. These images include the first in-hand images of the Lucky Drar Silver Dark of the Moon Bumblebee toy.
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Thanks to Chinese Transformers site HK-TF images from the Dark of the Moon release in Toys R Us are now available. These images include the first in-hand images of the Lucky Drar Silver Dark of the Moon Bumblebee toy.
Thanks to Snakas for point out more images and information on the Transformers Dark of the Moon First Day Sale Silver Bumblebee Lucky Draw figure, limited to either 5 or 24 (as its unclear how many are in the Hong Kong campaign) in the following breakdown
Information on Transformers Dark of the Moon First Day Sales Silver Bumblebee
Top Spender of Hasbro TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON items* between May 14th - 23rd will win 1 Limited Edition 6" Silver Plated. Submit personal details (name, Star Card #, email address, handphone #) and scanned receipt via star@toysrus.com.my.
Join the TRANSFORMERS Mid-Night Madness, get a
chance to win the lucky draw. Only valid for the customers who purchase
TRANSFORMERS 3 items during the Mid-Night Madness on 13/5
Transformers Prize (1 winner):
• Silver Bumblebee
AUTOBOT Prize (20 winners)
• Each winner get a 3D mask and coupon
DECEPTICON Prize (20 winners)
• Each winner get a TRANSFORMERS movie ticket voucher
MEGATRON Prize (100 winners)
• Each winner get $50 cash coupon for TRANSFORMERS 3 products
Lucky Draw for Silver Bumblebee @ 2/F West Wing Podium of Super Brand Mall
Hong Kong
With purchase over $400 between 9:30am - 11:30am @ Movie Toy Launch Day, customers will get 1 lucky draw ticket.
Grand Prize (1 winner) : Special edition Bumblebee. Special
Prizes (10 winners) : each winner get 4 pcs of "Transformers: Dark of
the Moon" movie tickets
Be one of the first 20 persons in queue to stand a chance to win the exclusive Silver Bumblebee.
TakaraTomy have updated their website with information on the stores that will be selling the chrome Transformers Dark Side Of The Moon Mech-Tech Weapons. The store are Toys R Us, Bic Camera and Singh Show (sharing a weapon), Yamada Denki and Yodobashi Camara (also sharing a weapon). The fourth weapon, the silver one, I can't quite translate but it doesn't appear to be a store. All stores will be selling the weapons on the 15th May
Cyber Gundam Blog has been a fantastic source for Japanese collectors magazines for several years now, and in its latest Transformers related update they have scanned Dengeki Hobby Issue June 2011.
In this issue, the Takara version of Transformers are Dual Model Kit Optimus Prime & Bumblebee as well as yesterdays announced Lucky Draw Transformers Darkside of the Moon campaign prizes.
Click for larger images
TakaraTomy have update their Transformers Dark Side of the Moon (Dark of the Moon) website with a new page dedicate to two MechTech prize campaigns. The campaigns are the first Lucky Draw Transformers Dark of the Moon prize draws and starts on May 14th for with the Gold and Silver MechTech Weapons. These weapons will be made available as store exclusives, though the stores are yet to be named.
The first campaign has four prizes, with the top prize being 10 gold chrome MechTech Dark of the Moon Bumblebee. The 2nd prize is 10 double set of Transformers and Transformers Revenge on Blue-Ray, the third prize is 100 sets of the MechTech weapons with the fourth prize being a poster.
The winners of the first campaign will then be entered into a second campaign, where 100 winners will go onto receive a gold chrome Transformers Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime.
Transformers At The Moon and Lucky Draw Transformers are proud to bring you the first ever confirmed images (that we know off) and information on the first Beast Wars Lucky Draw Transformers. The include never seen before images of Gold Convoy, Gold Cheetor, Gold Rhinox, Gold Rattrap and Gold Dinobot along with information on the release.
Steve and I picked this magazine up in November 2010, and I've only just got around to scanning and translating it .. and it was, to me, quiet shocking.
The text states the following prizes were available.
The toys are actually referred to as "glittering".
This confirms the following figures
For anyone who wants an original of this you need to purchase TV Magazine March 1998
For our "Lucky Draw Magazine project" this and the confimation of Gold Big Convoy are two of the three holy grails. We just have the colouring contest Beast Wars II to go.
I have updated the Magazine section of the website with four new galleries of scans from recent issues of both the Japanese television, toy and hobby magazines called TV Magazine and TV Boy. You can find galleries for the Jan 2011, Feb 2011 and March 2011 issues of TV Magazines along with the March 2011 issue of TV Boy.
Transformers At The Moon and its sister website LuckyDrawTransformers.com are the contain worlds foremost archive of TV Boy and TV Magazine and we still have between 60 and 80 back issues that we own to scan. These issues contain several never-seen-before in the west or rarely seen images of Japanese prize toys including the Gold Dinobot, Rhinox and Cheetor figures. Stay with us over the coming months as we will be added back-issues of TV Magaine, TV Boy, Hyper Hobby, Figure King and Comic BomBom from Magazines we have purchased over the last 12 months.
Well Steve' trip to Japan has, for the second time running, allowed us to put another question mark over one of our Lucky Draw figures to rest. He has purchased the copy of TV Magazine that shows a Lucky Draw with the prize of a Gold Big Convoy and Magmatron giftset.
What you may not know is that our Gold Big Convoy, the only proper one ever seen, was from a giftset with a Gold Magmatron.
Pictures of the magazine will come when Steve gets back, unless his email finally gets through to me - its: stuck in limbo at the moment.
As has become some what of a tradition here at Transformers At The Moon, January tends to bring Lucky Draw toys to this site and today the tradition continued as our latest Lucky Draw figure Transformers Animated Megatron Gold Version arrived from his long journey overseas. This is the worlds first extensive look at this gold Megatron figure and follows on from our exclusive look at Transformers Animated Bumblebee Silver Version
You can also find the gallery on LuckyDrawTransformers.comthe worlds only site dedicated to the Japanese prize campaign figures known as Lucky Draws.
Whilst checking out the Megatron toy gallery, why not take a look at our galleries of the figures also shown within that gallery, Transformers Animated Bumblebee Silver Version and Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Gold Version
Back in September TakaraTomy ran a competition where 40 lucky people could win a silver chromed Transformers Animated Bumblebee figure, well it pleases my to announced that we own one of those figures and can now bring you the first full and detailed look at this limited edition Lucky Draw. You can find the image gallery on LuckyDrawTransformers.com as well as on Transformers At The Moon.
Our normal digital SLR is currently on its way to New York, so the images were taken with my video camera but don't worry, its an HD camera so the quality is still pretty good.
Included are comparisons to the Optimus Prime Gold Version as well as the normal Bumblebee.
An auction has appeared on ebay for the Gold Transformers Animated Megatron figure, along with the Gold Transformers Animated Optimus Prime toy.
The auction is for $999.99 for the set of two gold Transformers Animated figures.
Remember to check out Lucky Draw Transformers for the most comprehensive, and only dedicated, website to the Japanese Prize Campain Transformers Toys.
Following on from the images we bought to you yesterday from the Jan 2011 issue of Hyper Hobby, thanks to ModXToys.com, we can now bring you full image galleries of the January 2011 issues of Hyper Hobby and TVBoy. TVBoy AKA TV-Kun contains only two pages of Transformers related figures, but if you are a fan of other Japanese shows its work a look through.
The images can be found both on Transformers At The Moon and on LuckyDrawTransformers.com.
HK-Tf member Magicikki has posted a new image of the latest Lucky Draw figure, the silver chrome Transformers Animated Bumblebee. Officially limited to 40 pieces, this figure was offered in a store prize with the winners announced last month. It was the second of three currently announced Transformers Animated Lucky Draw figures, though it is quite likely that the January issue of TV Magazine, on sale now, will contain a draw for more chrome Animated figures.
TFW2005.com have some new images of the recently started Japanese store campaign figures that are available at Family Mart. The exact quantity of each item is not yet know however according to a members or TFW2005, 2,000 stores are offering this lottery now, and each store has..
Prize A - Clear ROTF leader Prime: Qty. 2
Prize B - Animated DX Prime : Qty. 5
Prize C - Activators Skywarp: Qty. 6
Prize D - Clear EZ/Legends: Qty. 20
Prize E: - Deformed figurines Qty. 21
Prize F: - Lanyards Qty. 22
Prize G - Tumblers: Qty. 24
This figures are clearly wrong as TakaraTomy pack the cases that they send to stores with an even amount of figures. Each figure is sent in solid pack cases, normally of the same size as the regular figures. With the recent Gold Deluxe Animated Prime, the toys were shipped 12 to a case.