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Transformers News: Category - "All News Stories"

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This area of the website is dedicated to Transformers news. Currently this website contains 11223 news stories divided over 749 pages. You can submit a news story by using our news submission page.

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Below you will find a list of the categories in which news stories on this website are published. Simply click on the category to view the latest news stories within that category.
  1. AFA Graded Transformers - AFA graded Transformers related news and information. For more details regarding AFA Transformers including the latest ratings, going prices and how to get your figure rated, please visit
  2. G.I. Joe - We are also fans of G.I-Joe and so on occasionally we run news stories related to that Hasbro line, primarily related to the live action films.
  3. Lucky Draw Transformers - These news stories are reported both on Lucky Draw Transformers .com as well as Transformer Toys
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  7. Toy Industry News - This section contains toy industry related news stories, including press releases, NPD sales charts and other events that may have a knock on affect to Hasbro Inc, TakaraTomy or Transformers in general.
  8. Trans-Europe Express Group News - The Trans-Europe Express was a Yahoo! Group where a few people collaboration to share information on what was going in within Europe relating to Transformers as well as promoting a united European fan community.
  9. Transformer Toy Sightings - This is where you will find toy sighting related news stories.
  10. Transformers Animated - Transformers Animated was the cartoon / comic / toy form that the Transformers took from late 2007 until 2010. These news stories are published on Transformers as well as on Transformers At The Moon
  11. Transformers Cartoons
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  13. Transformers Convention News
  14. Transformers Interviews and Articles
  15. Transformers Merchandise
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  17. Transformers Power Core Combiners - News related to the 2010 Transformers subline known as the Power Core Combiners. These news stories are published both on Transformers At The Moon as well as Transformers Power Core
  18. Transformers Product Listings
  19. Transformers Rumours
  20. Transformers Toy News
  21. Transformers Trademark News - News stories relating to trademark applications that Hasbro Inc have made with the USPTO. These stories are always broken here first.
  22. Transformers: Prime - Transformers: Prime is the name of the 2010 CGI Transformers cartoon which aired on the Hasbro-Discovery joint TV channel The Hub in the fall of 2010 within the US.
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Transformers Toy News

A member of has posted a scan of an image which came with the MakeToys Giant Giftset of Mobain, their PowerCore Combiner Addon in the form of The Fallen.

I'll have to admit, personally, The Fallen means nothing to me, as i've not read any of the IDW comics and I never really got into the Dreamwave War Within stories, but the toy looks pretty nice anyway.


The Fallen - Mobain

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 20th August 2012 at 08:02:48 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Planet Iacon have psoted more images of the Hasbro MP-10 Optimus Prime toy on their facebook page.

You can see the imaages by following this link

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 20th August 2012 at 07:50:37 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Thanks go to HK-TF for scanning a catelogue image for a Transformers Prime 2-pack of Optimus Prime and Gaia Unicron.  The images confirms that Unicron will seperate and combine with Optimus Prime to form armour.

Gaia unicron appears to be a mixture of orange, silwer and gold., and looks rather slim.

Transformers Prime Gaia Unicron

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 19th August 2012 at 08:39:47 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

The TFC TOys group have announced that they will be producing a torso for their Iron Army Power Core Combiners upgrade kit.  The set, if you havn't got one, is fantastis, and we really hope they do more.


TFC Toys Iron Army

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 19th August 2012 at 08:36:57 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Interviews and Articles

e-HOBBY has uploaded the final installment of their interview with Yoshioka Hidetsugu. Yoshioka Hidetsugu is a Japanese Illustrator who did the box art for toys in Masterforce, Victory, Zone, Operation Combination and Return of Convoy; as well as many of the e-HOBBY pack-in comics.

Category: Transformers Interviews and Articles | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 18th August 2012 at 09:27:20 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Transformers Collectors Clud Subscription Service is now open

Remember, there is no need to rush to get your order in as these are made to order. If you get your order in by the cut-off date, midnight on 10 September 2012, you will receive the set of six toys.



The launch of the Transformers Collectors’ Club Figure Subscription Service is imminent; we will notify you the link when we make the service active. While we are loading the final details, here are some things to remember:

1. You must be a member of the Transformers Collectors’ Club to take advantage of the Figure Sub
scription Service.

2. There is NO reason to rush the site or be in a hurry as this is a build to order system. We will build as many as you order, so we cannot run out. YOU CAN ORDER AS MANY AS YOU WANT, there is no limit.

3. What you do need to be concerned about is the closing date of the subscription service, which ENDS on September 10th at midnight.

4. You can either pay In Full or by Installment. There will be 3 installments. When you subscribe and choose pay by Installment, you will be billed for the first two months’ shipments. Then sometime during the second month, you will be billed for the 3rd and 4th months’ shipments and sometime during the 4th month you will be billed for the final 2 months’ shipments.

5. The figures will be shipped in random order. All members receive the same figures each month. The figure pairings will not be preannounced. So if you don’t mind, when you get your shipment each month, PLEASE do not go online and tell what you received. We want each shipment to be a surprise for as many members as possible.

6. The cost is $282 if Paid In Full (plus shipping) or three Installments of $94 (plus shipping). Please note that there is a $3 online processing fee for each billing. We take Visa, Discover or MasterCard. Unfortunately we cannot accept Money Orders or Checks for this offer.

7. If you pick a shipping service that does not include insurance or if you don’t pick the insurance, we do not have any responsibility for replacement of lost or damaged or misdirected orders.

8. If you move or need to change your credit card during the program, you can log into your account and change it there. This will change all of your future FSS billings and shipments. We will also be sending you reminders to check your address and cc before each billing/shipment goes out. We are not responsible for shipments that are lost due to incorrect shipping information on file.

9. We are waiting on the final schedule from China so we don’t know exactly when the first figures will ship, we “think” it will be sometime in January. We will announce this as soon as we get the final schedule.

10. Some of the figures (single figures) MAY be available in the Club Store after the subscriber’s figures ship. These will be at a much higher price per figure. There is no guarantee of availability of any of the figures in the club store. If you want to ensure getting these limited edition figures, you need to subscribe to the service.

The six figures are Prime Slipstream, Classics Circuit, Beast Wars Ultra Mammoth, Animated Jackpot, Universe Classics Breakdown and Generations Robots in Disguise Scourge.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 18th August 2012 at 09:23:29 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

TFC have just confirmed on their Facebook page that Uranos will feature 6 members! Oh the horrors! So how will this no-longer-G1-Superion-but-kind-of-still-is homage work out?

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Saturday, 18th August 2012 at 09:19:16 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Planet Iacon has posted a new image of the Third Party TFC Toys Aerialbots / Uranos.

TFC Aerialbots

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 17th August 2012 at 07:22:01 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Product Listings

DINOBOTS enter the TRANSFORMERS PRIME world for the first time ever!

San Diego, CA (August 15, 2012) – IDW Publishing, Hasbro, Activision, and High Moon Studios are thrilled to welcome the launch of the new digital comic series: TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON! Announced at Comic-Con International San Diego last month, and beginning today, this new series will offer fans an exclusive look at the story that precedes the explosive new game.

In the days leading up to the events of Activision and High Moon Studios’ TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON video game, we see the origin of the fearsome DINOBOTS as they encounter a secret DECEPTICON plot and take on a slew of enemies including SHOCKWAVE and the INSECTICONS!

"It's a lot of fun to have a chance to play in the sandbox of the Fall of Cybertron game. I'm lucky enough to get to write one of our Transformers ongoing comics, and edit the rest, but doing these stories in this setting... well, it's a real blast!” said writer JOHN BARBER.  BARBER continued "I sat down with Dave Cravens, the head writer of the game at High Moon Studios, and we plotted out the whole comic one afternoon. It was great to get to work that closely with somebody so intimately involved in the game, so we could really make sure this comic actually fits in with the story the game is telling--and plays into the larger TRANSFORMERS mythology. Plus, anybody who knows me knows I love me some Dinobots, so it was a thrill to get to write them!"

Don’t miss TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON, a prequel to the much-anticipated videogame, written by Barber (Transformers: Robots in Disguise) with art by Dheeraj Verma (Escape of the Living Dead)! Issues #2-5 will also include exclusive preview pages from TRANSFORMERS: THE ART OF THE FALL OF CYBERTRON, coming soon from IDW!

The series will run for six digital-only installments on a bi-weekly schedule, and will be available all digital platforms including Apple iOS, Android, and online.

TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON ($0.99, 8 pages; full color) will be available in August in IDW’s Apple iPad™, iPhone® and iPod touch®, apps – Transformers Comics and IDW Comics, and on the Web at The series will also be featured in the Comics by comiXology platform for iOS, Android, Web and Kindle Fire, and Comics + by iVerse.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME – RAGE OF THE DINOBOTS #1 ($3.99, 32 pages; full color) will be available in November 2012.

Visit to sign up for updates and learn more about the company and its top-selling books.

About IDW Publishing
IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. Renowned for its diverse catalog of licensed and independent titles, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry, including: Hasbro’s The TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE, Paramount’s Star Trek; HBO’s True Blood; the BBC’s DOCTOR WHO; Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Toho’s Godzilla; Wizards of the Coasts Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons; and the Eisner-Award winning Locke & Key series, created by best-selling author Joe Hill and artist Gabriel Rodriguez. IDW is also home to the Library of American Comics imprint, which publishes classic comic reprints, and Yoe! Books, a partnership with Yoe! Studio.

IDW’s critically- and fan-acclaimed series are continually moving into new mediums. Currently, Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Disney are creating a feature film based on World War Robot, while Michael Bay‘s Platinum Dunes and Sony are bringing Zombies vs. Robots to film.

About Hasbro

Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS) is a branded play company providing children and families around the world with a wide-range of immersive entertainment offerings based on the Company's world class brand portfolio. From toys and games, to television programming, motion pictures, digital gaming and a comprehensive licensing program, Hasbro strives to delight its global customers with well-known and beloved brands such as TRANSFORMERS, LITTLEST PET SHOP, NERF, PLAYSKOOL, MY LITTLE PONY, G.I. JOE, MAGIC: THE GATHERING and MONOPOLY. The Company’s Hasbro Studios develops and produces television programming for markets around the world. The Hub TV Network is part of a multi-platform joint venture between Hasbro and Discovery Communications (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK), in the U.S. Through the company's deep commitment to corporate social responsibility, including philanthropy, Hasbro is helping to build a safe and sustainable world for future generations and to positively impact the lives of millions of children and families every year. It has been recognized for its efforts by being named one of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies.” Learn more at  © 2012 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

Category: Transformers Product Listings | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 17th August 2012 at 07:10:23 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers: Prime

The AT&T U-Verse listings have updated with another new listing for an upcoming episode of Transformers Prime. Out of the Past, the second new episode following Hurt.

Out of the Past

"When Arcee is unexpectedly brought back into the company of an old friend, they discover together that a Decepticon has been scheming behind their backs an elaborate plan with the intentions of destroying the Autobots and claiming his victory

Category: Transformers: Prime | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Friday, 17th August 2012 at 07:09:15 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Official Transformers Collectors Club, from Fun Publications, has posted on Facebook that it's subscription service will start very soon

FB User: Does this mean the subscription service is starting soon?

Transformers Collectors' Club (Official): I would keep an eye on the Club website in the next day or two.

They have already posted up images of Breakdown, and in-hand images of Circuit and Scourge have also appeared.

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 15th August 2012 at 07:17:45 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Convention News

The Auto Assembly website has been updated with a video from Michael Bell talking about his appearance at Auto Assembly 2012.

Click the link to visit the site and see the video.  Also remember that you can already purchase tickets for Auto Assembly 2013 which has already confirmed three guests, the returning Neil Kaplan (voice of Optimus Prime from Transformers Robots in Disguise), the returning Dan Gilvezan (voice of G1 Bumblebee) and Steve Blum (voice of Transformers Prime Starscream as well as Darkscream, Wars and Fortress Maximus in Transformers Robtos in Disguise, Heatwave in Transformers Rescue Bots along with countless other shows and video games).

Also keep an eye out for Roll Out Roll Call 2013, for an earlier fix of Transformers and GI-Joe goodness

Category: Transformers Convention News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Wednesday, 15th August 2012 at 07:14:14 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Transformers Asia, the website for the Hong Kong / China branch of the Transformers brand, has updated with fresh information on the upcoming Asia-exclusive release of Dark of the Moon Striker Optimus Prime. The page teases at a few features for this upcoming release, which include:

  • Metallic Paint And Chromed Parts
  • Special Designed Packaging
  • Bonus Weapon
  • Limited Production

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 14th August 2012 at 19:04:13 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Kapow Toys have received word that the Takara-Tomy Transformers Fall of Cybertron toys, TG01 Optimus Prime & TG02 Jazz,?are both due this coming December. There are no product images at the moment but they have confirmed that the figures will come with improved paint and chrome parts.

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 14th August 2012 at 19:02:03 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Transformers Toy News

Full Metal Hero member Drift recently wrote to Hasbro UK to get an update on the release on some upcoming Transformers figures

Prime First Edition deluxe Vehicon,Arcee, Cliffjumper and Starscream and Voyager Optimus Prime and Bulkhead – Not releasing in the UK as all characters feature in the mainline of Prime Voyager and Deluxe.

Transformers Prime robots in disguise VOYAGER/powerizers wave 2 – already out

Transformers Prime Robots in disguise DELUXE/revealers wave 4 – we are not releasing this wave but the characters in this wave are also in wave 5 which we will be releasing in Sept

Transformers Generations Wave 2 – expected around Sept

Transformers masterpiece Optimus Prime – expected around Sept

Transformers Prime cyberverse commanders wave 3 - available from the end of July

Transformers Generations "China Import" deluxe Wheelie, Springer, Swerve and Cliffjumper – Not releasing in the UK

Transformers Masterpiece Thundercracker – Not releasing in the UK

Transformers G2 Bruticus, Year of the dragon ultimate Optimus Prime and (Jetwings) Optimus Prime – Not releasing in the UK

The Transformers Dark Energon line. – Not releasing in the UK

Category: Transformers Toy News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Tuesday, 14th August 2012 at 18:59:41 BST | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
Lodoni Lodoni
Click the link or image above to view the Lodoni toy gallery. The gallery contains 29 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for MARK ONLY with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category and currently has as status of .
Transformers Cartoon Series
Metrodome Transformers Series 1 Metrodome Transformers Series 1
Transformers Season 1 - Region 2 - Released by Metrodome ....
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 10: Enter Soundwave Ep 10: Enter Soundwave
Soundwave makes his debut in the Transformers Animated episode, after being created by Isaac Sumdac and Megatron for Sari's birthday. At this stage Soundwave was not yet sentient and was just a music player. ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
Transformers At The Moon Members Only
Visit the Portal area of this website for the members only features. To become a member, visit the message board.
Right Now on eBay
Other Websites run by The Mapes Bros
Transformers At The Moon Transformers Prime Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Transformers AFA Graded Transformers The Visionaries .net
About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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