HighMoon Studios have updated the official Facebook page for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron with a render of Hound. Hound will be available next week as a part of the "Massive Fury" DLC pack.
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HighMoon Studios have updated the official Facebook page for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron with a render of Hound. Hound will be available next week as a part of the "Massive Fury" DLC pack.
Autobase Aichi have posted a new image gallery over on their Facebook page containing the display within Snakas local Bic Camera store which is advertising various upcoming Transformers releases from Takara-Tomy. The display contains various figures including:
It also reveals several new details which were previously unknown such as the fact that Arms Micron Wheeljack will come with both an Arms Micron sword and one of the normal swords from the Hasbro release.
Planet Iacon has once again come through with the following image of the Japanese Arms Micron Gaia Unicron with packaging.
Earlier this week Jim Sorenson posted a brand new Ark Addendum over onto his blog. The new article was regarding the transformation sequence for the Headmaster triple changer Apeface. You can view the entry here along with the character model, but below you will find the post which Jim made.
"Hola, amigos! I know it's been a long time since I rapped at you, but I've been HELLA busy with my move to Albuquerque. I love my new home, but between closing the deal and repairing all the minor things wrong with it and unpacking and furnishing it, it's sucked up just about all of my time.
Anyway, it's been a couple of weeks, but I should be back on track for a while as life calms down. So, checking on Martin's tally of my missing model sheets, I come to... APEFACE!
Full disclosure: I don't have the model sheet of his transformation to jet mode. I dunno why, I just don't. I do have both sets for Snapdragon, so look for that soon.
My main memory of Apeface is trying to hunt down a spare gun for him. You see, you can snap his gun into either side of his jet mode, but that seemed awkward to me, so I went ahead and got an extra. The gun isn't perfectly symmetrical, so that doesn't work 100% either, but it was neat at the time. He never got a lot of screen time, but in the Underbase arc he used his own arm to bludgeon another Decepticon into pulp. You gotta love that!"
Huffington Post have recently held an interview with Transformers Director Michael Bay regarding why he choose to return to the franchise, whether Peter Cullen would remain the voie of Optimus Prime and whether the 4th live action movie would ignore the previous 3 and indeed be a reboot or whether it would continue within the same universe. Below you will find an extract from the interview, which you can find in full here.
Why do you want to do it? I was under the impression that you were done after "Transformers 3"?
I thought I was done. Then the ride came out [at Universal Studios Hollywood] and the two-and-a-half-hour lines. And then you're thinking, Oh my God, someone's going to take this over. And you start doing a lot of soul-searching. Like, OK, I'm about to do a little movie, "Pain & Gain" ... and the studio says they want to restart the franchise. And someone could come in here and screw it up, you know? So I'm thinking that if I do this last one, we set it on a new footing, we change a lot of things -- but we keep the history of the three in place. But we broaden it so it can be set up and be carried on -- it would have a better chance for survival, I guess. You know?
So with the plot of "Transformers 4," it's not like the other three movies didn't happen? It's not a reboot?
No. We're basically taking from the history of where it was -- or where we left it in Chicago. And we're going to carry it on from there.
I spoke to Peter Cullen at Comic Con earlier this year. He said he doesn't know if he's going to be back as the voice of Optimus Prime or not. He'll be back, right?
Of course! Of course.
Below you will find a video preview of next weeks Transformers Prime episode, episode 47, which is titled Alpha Omega. The episode continues on from last nights episode with the story arch running for at least another week afterwards.
AT&T's U-Verse listings has vbeen updated with an expanded description of the upcoming Transformers Prime episode, episode 48, Hard Knocks. The episode is the third in episode within the story arch which began last night with Episode 46 - Legacy. You cxan view the description below
When their desperate efforts to acquire the coveted Omega Keys take an unexpected and frantic turn, Knock Out is able to take advantage of the power of sound while Starscream uses his efforts to focus on the power of hyper-speed.
Smyths are current running a 20% off discount in all stores as well as online. If you are after any Dark of the Moon toys you can pick them up for under three pounds each.
You can find the Transformers page here.
HigekumaToyToy have posted some new images of the Transformers United Combatmaster Prime figure. the toy is a recolour of Powercore Combiner Bombshock.
You can view some of the images after the jump
The race is on for the next Marvel/HeroClix figure, and everyone's favourite boun— Freelance Peacekeeping Agent and former Transformers co-star, Death's Head, needs your vote! You can help Death's Head see off the competition (Ghost Rider - pah! Sleepwalker - feh!) by heading over to the HeroClix site (http://heroclix.com/heroclix/marvel-heroclix-fan-vote/#axzz26fDZt6Iq) and voting now (before September 27th anyway).
Synopsis have been released for Transformers Prime episode 21 to 24
2.21: Alpha; Omega
Air date: 28th September, 2012
Synopsis: Omega Keys and the secret they hold; Megatron takes extreme measures to harness the power of the Primes.
2.22: Hard Knocks
Air date: 5th October, 2012
Synopsis: As the race grows more desperate, Knock Out harnesses the power of sound while Starscream the power of hyper speed.
2.23: Inside Job
Air date: 12th October, 2012
Synopsis: When Smokescreen is captured, he learns the location of the Omega Key and attempts to retrieve all the other stolen keys.
2.24: Patch
Air date: 19th October, 2012
Synopsis: Starscream proposes a truce with Megatron but Dreadwing threatens to stand in his way.
eHobby has updated their page with new images of the packaging for their shared exclusive Shattered Glass Blaster vs Soundwave set. Featuring a Shattered Glass take on the old-school Generation One packaging,
Planet Iacon has uploaded a new picture from Cybergundam blog from Figure king number 176. Show in the scan are a new deluxe Arms Micron Thundercracker figure made from the First Edition Starscream mold. The other figure shown is of deluxe Optimus from the First Edition line, referred to by Planet Iacon as "Orion Pax".
Transformers Prime voice actors, Jeffrey Combs and Tony Todd, appeared at the El Paso Comic Con in Texas this weekend in which Jeffrey Combs (Ratchet) made mention to a few things which suggest that Transformers Prime may be coming to a premature end two years earlier than was originally planned. TFW2005 board member MiraiBaby was at the convention and reported the following:
With the recent "Beast Hunters" trademark being applied could this mean that Prime will end in 2013 with that taking over? At the same time the recent leaked Hasbro document which suggested that Transformers Prime was still planned to continue right through 2015 suggests otherwise.
With the New York ComicCon due to take place next month, keep your eyes on to the Internet for the latest news on this story.
Credit goes to TFW2005 for the initial report
Part One Ltd have updated the e-Hobby Shop with images of Solatron, the final (fifth) Cassette transformer from the Shattered Glass Soundwave and Blaster set, based on the Last Autobot.