TFClub have released some small images of the upcoming Blackbird prototype, which is their "not-Silverbolt" figure of the combing Uranos (Superion) set
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TFClub have released some small images of the upcoming Blackbird prototype, which is their "not-Silverbolt" figure of the combing Uranos (Superion) set
Bens Collectables has a nice video of the Maiden Japan Planet Junk Upgrade kit which is a reallyt nice looking 3rd party add on set for the Transformers Generations Junkion figures.
Alfes 2010 has done some nice work translating the profile, backstory and bio for Transformers United Combat Master Prime (Power Core Combiners)
The battle between Autobot and Decepticon for the Power Core Drones was one that would determine the course of a new generation. Two Transformers crouched in the snow, both precariously low on energy. Around them were scattered four drones. Then, laughter rang out beside them.
“You should know that victory all comes down to strategy… Unite!”
As another Transformer, Combatmaster, calmly appeared on the battlefield, the four drones obeyed his will and merged together with him.
“Ung.. How could the Decepticons know about the project… They’ve got their own Master Class?”
Paying little attention to the gravely wounded Choppermaster, the cool-headed strategist Combatmaster lifted his injured comrade up off the ground.
“We’re called ‘Master Chaos.’ Of course, you’ll be the first and the last Autobot to ever know that name. Farewell.”
Speaking these words, Combatmaster fired off a barrage that struck the snowy slopes far above them. Moments later, the area resonated with a soft echo. The sound grew louder and louder, and soon a thundering avalanche swept toward them. Leaving the wounded Autobot to meet his fate, Combatmaster flew off into the distance.
Inside the secret Decepticon underground base, Combatmaster saluted the visage that appeared on a wall monitor.
“Very soon, High Regent. All of the Power Core Drones will be under our control.”
The figure he addressed showed not even a hint of emotion in response, with a face as expressionless as a mask.
“Use the combiner created from your data as a diversion… While the Autobots are occupied, we shall seize victory. We are the rightful masters of the next generation.”
Function: Strategic Commander
[Prime Mode]
Strength 8 10
8 8
Speed 3 7
Endurance 7
Rank 8 8
Courage 6
Fireblast 8 10
Skill 9
Total 57
A strategist who has been active seen the early stages of the war. Usually prefers to issue commands to his subordinates rather than enter battle himself.
Morser Drone:
A missile tank drone that transforms into an arm.
Panzer Drone:
A heavily armored tank drone that transforms into an arm.
Kanonier Drone:
An APC drone that uses a machinegun to attack. Transforms into a leg.
Spaher Drone:
An armored car drone used for scouting. Transforms into an arm.
Combatmaster Prime Mode:
Combining with the four Combat Drones gives Combatmaster full command of power that formerly required five Transformers to harness. Its awesome firepower can obliterate targets from dozens of kilometers away.
Takara Tomy have updated their webpage for the upcoming Transformers Masterpiece Lambor (Sideswipe).
The images include some high resolution close up shots of the highly anticipated figure.
Many thanks go to Full Metal Hero for posting a confirmation images that some Toymaster stores are now stiocking Transformers Prime Wave 5 figures which include Kup, Rumble and Shadow Strike Bumblebee.
So far just Kup and Bumblebee have been spotted.
The only down side is that not everywhere has a toymaster, and if you live in an area like us, we never got past Wave 2.
Transformers Masterpiece 15 will be a repaint of Convoy. Who will it be? White as Ultra Magnus, Black as Scourge / Black Convoy / Nemesis Convoy, Purple as Shattered Glass Convoy?
Stay tuned to find out more
The Malaysian Blog Famitoy have posted a picture of an upcoming Kabaya release of Big Powered. Big Powered is the combined form of Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber and Roadfire. You can check out the image below: kabaya-
The New York Comic Con organises have sent out a press releae regarding the door prizes for their sold out convention
Here at New Jersey Collectors Con the focus is on Collecting Action Figures! There are many other options for fans to attend shows but we like to think we present a unique event with the best toy dealers on the East Coast. Because our event is focused on the Toy Collector, we wanted to give back to the fans of our show by releasing the door prize schedule and the Mega Door Prize for the October 7th, 2012 Fall NJCC.
The Transformers SDCC 2012 Fall of Cybertron Bruticus will be this years NJCC 2012 Fall Show Mega Door Prize. One lucky winner will be walking away with this awesome box-set, but the door prizes don't stop there.
The door prize announcements will start at 9AM and conclude at 3:30PM with our last door prize announcement.
New Jersey Collectors Con Fall Show Date October 7th 2012
Holiday Inn Cherry Hill – New Jersey
2175 West Marlton Pike (Rt. 70), Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Sunday, October 7th, 2012
The NJCC 2012 Dealer Room is 100% sold out!
Japanese store Yamashiroya in Ueno has a new display showing off the next release for the Masterpiece Transformers line, MP-12 Lambor aka Masterpiece Lambor.
As well as showing Sideswipe in both his modes the display has a healthy amount of artwork, concept drawings and other material to showcase the new Masterpiece. Particularly awesome are the concept sketches showing how Red Alert and Sideswipe's head has subtle differences, and the scale chart from the original cartoon which designer Hasui Yuki is using to determine the appropriate scale of Sideswipe in relation to MP-10 Convoy Version 2.0
You can see the images at TFW2005.com
Full Metal Hero have some preview images of the upcoming Transformers Robots in Disguise Annual which continues on from the previously released MTMTE Annual, this issue picks up the story of the Metrotitan and events on Cybertron.
TRU.com are now listing the eagerly-anticipated MP Optimus Prime for pre-order. Priced at $99.99 and scheduled for release on 15th October, it has free shipping within the US. Unfortunately, there is no option to ship internationally.
Glen Moreshower has been quoted talking about nto only Transformers 4 but also Transformers 5. This follows on Michael Bays' comments about handing over the reigns after Transformers 4, using that to set up a new story arc.
Last weekend at the Con X KC in Kansas City, Missouri, actor Glenn Morshower, who has appeared in all three films so far, talked about the continuation of the series. According to Morshower, who provides an introduction to the brand new "Transformers 3D" ride at Universal Studions, Bay and producer Steven Spielberg are not only working on 'Transformers 4', but more than likely 'Transformers 5' as well.
"After I did the opening ceremonies for the ride, Steven Spielberg walked up to me and chatted and said 'You know we've got you set to do the fourth one and probably the fifth one on the heels of that," said on how he was approached about the new sequels. "So, I guess in December we are on our way to making 4 and 5."
Source: Examiner.com
TFW2005.com are reporting that the Transformers: Generations GDO Legion class figures, the "Asian exclusives", have now been released at retail stores within the US. The assortment which has been spotted thus far contains Bluestreak, Motorbreath, Thundercracker and Hoist and were sighted at the National City, CA Toys R Us by TFW2005 boards member Astroscream.
The Allspark.com recently visited the Comic Expo which was taking place within Cincinnati where soem of the Transformers Collectors' Club Fans Subscription Service figures were on display. The figures, which were still at the sample phase, were Ultra Mammoth and Slipstream. You can view the images over on the Allsparks facebook page.
High Moon Studios have released some changes to the Multi-Player mode for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron which will make the game a little fairer for players using different classes of robot. You can find full details of the changes over on the High Moon Studios website or by reading the copy below.
"We mainly focused on abilities and weapons with our first update, and we're happy with how those changes turned out. We've had enough time to gather data about the weapon and ability upgrades, and it was clear some changes could improve the parity in these choices. So, the focus in this update is to make the upgrade choices better balanced.