Twitter User Bluesmobile325 recently posted two new images of the soon to be release Transformers Alternity GTR-Prime (???? / Optimus Prime / Convoy) which you can view below.
Don't forgot to also check out the official site at toyhobby.jpg
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Twitter User Bluesmobile325 recently posted two new images of the soon to be release Transformers Alternity GTR-Prime (???? / Optimus Prime / Convoy) which you can view below.
Don't forgot to also check out the official site at toyhobby.jpg
A new image has been published of the BigBadToyStore exclusive (within the US at least) Transformers Prime Dark Energon Knock Out figure. The toy, which can be seen below, is a translucent recolour with the bio "KNOCK OUT doesn't often test weapons himself - the danger of a catastrophic malfunction is just too great. But when he saw the power granted by Dark Energon he just had to have a taste. Now he's amped up and ready to bring the hurt to the AUTOBOTS".
The Toy Retailers Association has now released their annual "Dream Toys" lists as part of the count down to Christmas. In the Boys Toys category the contest is normally fought over by the big three, Mattel, Bandai and Hasbro and this year is no difference. You will find the top 8 toys listed below which include some of the usual suspects in the form of Ben 10 as well as Hot Wheels, Nerf and Star Wars.
Transformers at the Moon celebrated it's 13th anniversary over the last few days, after officially being online since the end of October 1999. Back then the internet was a much different place. Many of the more popular Transformers websites around now didn't exist. There was no TFW2005, no Seibertron, no TFWiki. Images of Transformers mainly consisted of grainy pictures, standing on tables. We introduced a concept of photographing our Transformers Toys against a white card background, so the figure showed out more, and we knew which images were ours. This plain white background became the mainstay of most Transformers photography for the following decade, and even now many sites still use clear white backgrounds - whilst others have moved onto black or diorama sets.
As our site has grown and trailed off over the 13 years, we've been pleased to bring unique features such as our Trademark Database, UK Store Finder and large Transformers toy resource. Other, less documented, areas of the site include our Beast Wars II Cartoon image gallery. Cartoon concept art, prototypes and design work and of cause our Lucky Draw Collection and resource.
Though the site is a shadow of it's former glory, in terms of updates and visitors (due to "real life commitments") our passion for the toy line we love, and website which we dedicated so much time to continues. Our plans for future concepts and features drive us forward, as we look to bring you something unique and exciting.
We hope you choose to stay with us, and recommend looking though the vast resource of information we have here for you to read through and look at.
TFW2005 have an in-hand look at Transformers Generations Fall of Cybertron Voyager Soundwave and Soundblaster. They come with Laserbeak and Buzzsaw , who transform into Cyberdiscs.
The images include packaged, loose, both modes and transformation pictures, along with comparisons to the much smaller Transformers War for Cybertron Soundwave figure, and other Fall of Cybertron toys.
Following on from our report on Thursday 25th October, Toy-Hobby World have posted some full scans from the 177th issue of Figure King. Last Thursday we bought you news regarding the contents of the magazine, well now we have mirrored the images, which were originally available here, after the jump.
In an articles entitled " ‘Transformers: Prime’ producer talks Beasts, mythology, Michael Bay", Transformers Prime producer Jeff Kline has sat down with LA Times to talk Transformers. The article, which can be read in full here, includes the following snippet on Season 3 and a preview of what is to come during the Beast Hunters story arch.
HC: Have you formulated a new three-year plan?
JK: We definitely reconfigured ourselves through Season 3, which we are in production on now. One of the nice things about “Transformers: Prime,” not true of all animated series, is that we have a full-time writing staff. A lot of animated series have to make do with one story editor and freelancers. It can be very hard to plot out long-term stories by yourself in a room. But we have a full-blown writing staff, so we spend a lot of time before we get down to script writing talking about where do we want to go, where do we want the characters to go.
HC: What can people expect in Season 3?
JK: As anybody who’s been watching the show knows, we tend to get bigger and bigger and paint ourselves into corners. So the end of Season 2 will paint us into a corner and hopefully you’ll be surprised at how we get ourselves out of it. For Season 3, we’re actually bringing Beasts into the story, which is a big game-changers. Not necessarily “Beast Wars” way or “Dino-bots” but Beasts, which are part of the Transformers lore. For us, it’s important to be able to justify that previous lore within our own continuity. One of the big things for us is the idea that Earth and Cybertron have been interrelated for eons. The Unicron arc played with that quite a bit. But Season 3 will be even more about how Earth and Cybertron are brother, or twin, planets in some way. And, as we’ve been doing for two seasons, allegiances will change, good guys and bad guys will switch sides, new elements will be brought in and old elements will be sent away. We try to change it up because we always want our Autobots at a disadvantage. From the very beginning, there have always been fewer Autobots than Decepticons, they’re technologically disadvantaged. We’ll continue to try to stack the deck against them.
Asian Blogger,Alfes 2010, have updated his blog with a gallery and review of the just released TakaraTomy Transformers Prime Arms Micron AM-22 Dreadwing. The gallery, found here, covers Dreadwing as well as his Arms Micron figure and will allow you to visually compare the figure to the Hasbro release, though Alfes has not included a side-by-side comparison for once
Following on from the recent news that Ultra Magnus is going to be re-issued in Asia is the news that he will not be alone as Optimus Prime and Astrotrain will also be re-released across Asia. If you are not in Asia then these toys will be imported into Western collectors stores.
YouTuber Bens Collectables has posted a video review of the just released Transformers Masterpiece Sideswipe (Lambor) figure which you can watch using the plugin below.
If the video is not enough of a teaser Alfes 2010 has updated his blog with a full image gallery of this figure as well
TakaraTomy have announed the 2nd in their "Seeker Set" Transformers Generations releases with the announcement of the "Deluxe Seeker Set Elite" which contains Dirge, Thrust and Ramjet. The price point is not currently known for these figures but official images have been released which can be viewed below.
The 177th issue of the Japanese hobby magazine Figure King is out now and contains various pages dedicated to the Transformers. This months articles cover:
CyberGundam Blog have put up scans from the December issue of Dengeki Hobby magazine. You can view the two Transformers pages below.
A new video preview of this weeks Transformers Prime episode, Regeneration, has been posted onto the video sharing website YouTube. You can watch the trailer for the 51st episode of the Transformers Cartoon below.
Kapow Toys have put a pre-order for the Chinese reissue of the Generation One Ultra Magnus figure. The toy is going to be a Toys R Us exclusive and will give fans who missed out on the previous re-issues another chance to buy the figure.