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Older NewsOur good friends at E-Hobby nowhave Binal Tech Hound listed. You can see him here Priced at 4,980 Yen. And out March 2004, here is the information they have
Series first popularity outdoor model appearance! It is very popular bi- null TEX series 4th feature appearance! From jeep lung Ra deformation to robot! The suspension which is rich in elasticity is equipped, also the engine part has been reproduced to real. In rear spare tire cover weapon receipt possibility. * With vehicle mode vehicle gimmick full load 1. Equipping the suspension which has flexibility! 2. Door bonnet opening and closing possibility 3. Rubber tire 4. Die-cast use 5. Reproducing the marketing car which actually it is running to real! 6. Among robot mode indirectness work is many, can enjoy various ?????. The rifle gun it is receipt possible in the spare tire cover at the time of the vehicle. You can see an image here

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 2nd February 2004 at 13:48:02 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsFan2Fan posted soem news at the endof Jan regarding the Kicker toy... The single figure package will contain not only the Transformers logo but as well as Microman logo, denoting 20th anniversary of Transformers as well as 30th anniversary of Microman. Expected to release end of March, more info on the special giftset in the next issue, but it was hinted that there might be some difference in the paint schemes as well as accessories. You can see the picture here

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Monday, 2nd February 2004 at 13:39:29 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsMarch is the month for US DVD releases, with both Beast Wars Series 2 and Transformers: Series 3 pt 2 and Series 4 (Rebirth) both sheduled. BW is out 23rd March
G1 is due 9th March Speaking of TF DVDs, Rhino"s Series 2 DVD is now their second best selling dvd.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 2nd February 2004 at 09:09:56 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsBarnes & Noble have a pre-order for Simon Furman"s Ultimate Transformers Guide Here"s the low-down Transformers: The Ultimate Guide is a detailed look at the fantastic world of these mechanical marvels. Follow each character"s history and witness the amazing evolution of the Transformers, from physical structure and weaponry to personalities, alliances, and important battles. Detailed illustrations show exactly how each character "transforms" from warrior robot to high-powered vehicle. Special feature spreads cover all aspects of the Transformers" world and include specially commissioned maps and detailed city plans of their home planet of Cybertron, descriptions of the giant space ark in which the Transformers traveled to Earth, major wars in Transformers history, and much more.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: Moonbug - on: Monday, 2nd February 2004 at 09:06:01 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsGet your hands on the new Energon Arcee Proto! Excellent and long awaited toy.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: NightSaber - on: Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 19:35:50 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsOur Interview with Lee Sullivan is online. On the 26th Jan we activated our Stats package with our webhost. If you are interested you can see it here. In the past our stats packages have only been tracking the sites main page. We"ve written our own one for certain page, but this is the first time we can get a true look at the stats for the whole of the website.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 14:03:36 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on


All Unicron statues owed (as far as we know) have been shipped. We still have several remaining for those of you who want to pick this great piece from Hard Hero up at a low price. All initial issues from comic book orders or subscriptions (i.e. TF UNIVERSE #1) have been shipped via USPS. All orders as of today"s mail (as far as we know) have been shipped. The collector plate manufacturing facility has begun work on pre-production samples for Hasbro to test and approve. The first draft of the fan club magazine should be in Hasbro"s hands by the end of next week, if not sooner, for approval. Final revisions and a subsequent approval are REQUIRED by licensee agreement prior to printing and shipping.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 09:23:47 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsOur Anime Astrotrains should have arrived on Friday, however parcelforce only delivered the 2nd of the two boxes. That box contained the Universe toys we ordered for ourselves. If it has not arrived on Monday we shall be following it up.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 09:18:55 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsEnergon Episode 1 aired in the US last night, you will find most of the US sites have reviews, screengrabs and some video files of this episode.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 09:16:44 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsYOu can read Mini"s review here on our message board.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Sunday, 1st February 2004 at 09:15:57 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsTRU in Leeds has the following items in stock: 50+ G1 Jazz
30+ G1 Starscream
30+ G1 Powermaster prime

But more interestingly, they had a ticket for Optimus Prime priced at £15. So it looks like G1 prime is now cheap too! Keep your eyes open people!

Category: Older News | Submitted by: Loosecannon - on: Saturday, 31st January 2004 at 15:46:05 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsThe GlowBot Go-bots that are for sale in the new argos catelogue which feature lights, are being shown of at the UK toyfair. You can see picture here Speaking of the Go-bots. Woolworths have them on offer as buy one get one half price. The include many that are feature in those pictures

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 30th January 2004 at 18:48:05 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsTF Club have a report up on the 2004 Animation Toy fair which they recently had a "stall" at.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 30th January 2004 at 09:26:01 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsFan2Fan have put up some images of Sunburn here.

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Friday, 30th January 2004 at 09:19:24 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

Older NewsProwlus attended the trade toyfair that started in London today. Here is what he found out. ok i"m back and heres the lowdown on what i saw tf wise : The good news is, Energon is there and is poised to launch mid summer here are the prices for them NOTE PRICES ARE WHOLESALE NOT RETAIL
Basics ie minicons, Strongarm skyblast etc : £4.75
Deluxes Hotshot, Inferno = £6.80
Megas Ironhide, Jetfire = £13.50
Ultras scorpunok. Tidalwave = £24.55
Super sized ie Prime (one i saw there had a mouth) = £38.93
Unicron (Any version) = 34.50
looking around, there are cards of wheeljack(yellow stripe)and hoist so we should be getting them any time soon.
Also final battle prime was there although its price was undecided according to the rep (who recognized me from last year!)
Prelude to energon was also being promoted at a retail price of £35 on the ps/2 and according to the rep he said tf has been selling pretty well . The only downers are that we as the uk may have a tempomary hiatus on reissues and that Alternator sideswipe will only be available next year because they favor alt smokey since he won the wrc last year.
Masterpiece Prime is also undecided and also not present .
BTW watch out for the said rep with a US accent . He recognized my reason for being there during the guided tour and egged me to present the tf product line myself Also he was a bit strapped for presenting any media for energon so if anyone has a laptop (or if anyone wants to meet me sunday and i"ll lend them my laptop for the guided tour) bring it along with a copy of an energon or even a superlink promo There was a fanboy there who wanted to know when the show will start You can read more and the reaction here Thanks once again to Prowlus

Category: Older News | Submitted by: quartz - on: Thursday, 29th January 2004 at 19:22:10 GMT | Share: | Discuss: Read on

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Transformers Toy Galleries
Incinerator Incinerator
Click the link or image above to view the Incinerator toy gallery. The gallery contains 22 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Transformers related trademarks filed with the USPTO
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for MARK ONLY with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category and currently has as status of .
Transformers Cartoon Series
Transformers Comics
Choose Your Fate Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Videos
Ep 27: Preparing To Fight Ep 27: Preparing To Fight
The Constructicons Mixmaster and Scrapper follow a trail of oil from the leaking Bumblebee back to the Autobot HQ, where they bump into Sari. After being chased, Sari decides now is the time to fight back. ....
Transformers Conventions and Events
OTFCC 2003 (USA) OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Transformers Toysheets
US Sheet 1 US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Instructions
Transformers Animated Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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Visit the Portal area of this website for the members only features. To become a member, visit the message board.
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Transformers At The Moon Transformers Prime Transformers Animated Lucky Draw Transformers AFA Graded Transformers The Visionaries .net
About Transformers At The Moon -
Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.

You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics

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