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Web site Q & A for the week of March 1st
Q: Are there any plans to create a new form of Cyclonus for ENERGON like you did with Demolishor?
A: Yes, he becomes SNOWCAT in the ENERGON animated series.
Q: Will Hasbro participate in conventions this summer? Will new toys be shown?
A: Hasbro will be unveiling new toys at the Official TRANSFORMERS Collector Convention in Chicago on July 31, August 1 & 2. We will be announcing additional plans soon.
Sluggslinger is the new toy in hasbros Energon update
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 14:32:12 GMT
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Auto Assembly Booking Discount Deadline Looms...
Just to remind everyone that you now have less than FOUR weeks to get your booking forms in if you want to qualify for any form of advance booking discount. After the end of this month, tickets are going to be full price!
However, the 10% discount for all ACTIVE members of the Auto Assembly forum still applies no matter when you book though.
One thing we would say is that we would strongly recommend pre-booking. We don"t know how much space we are going to be using in the hotel yet although we do have a fairly flexible arrangement with them but the more people who book up early, the bigger the capacity can be for the convention.
One thing we want to say is that as a two day event, some of you may think that both days are going to be the same. Each day will be having different guest talks, obviously different video screenings, possibly different dealers tables, different activities, different free art cards for each day from the range we are producing, plus access to the Saturday night programme for weekend attendees.
If you do book for a single day or have already booked for one day, you can upgrade before the convention or on the day.
You can download the booking forms from the website or just send us an email with your address and we"ll send a form to you. If you want several forms to give to friends or if you know of any shops or places that might be willing to put some on display, again let us know and we"ll send a batch to you!
Finally, with the progress report packs that we are sending out with the tickets, there is a hotel brochure for Birmingham city centre, plus details of over 70 city centre car parks!
Looking forward to seeing you all in May.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 12:09:28 GMT
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Microman Forever has pictures from a "recent" Takara toy fair of other toys in this line, due for release this year.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:38:37 GMT
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We forgot all about this. The below is from
Latest issue of HyperHobby contained basically the same toys news previously reported, however they have some addtional updates.
1. Previously we reported that Kicker, the action figure from the Anniversary set (with STD Grand Convoy) will have some color different from the single pack version, Hyper Hobby has reported that the Anniversary set version will have Chrome parts for the chest plate and helmet, including the Energon saber and Destron Sword. This set will include a pin-up and should be out in stores on 25 Mar.
2. Some more combinations shots of Superlink ability by the Autobots. As there are currently 7 Superlink figures slated to be or have been released in Japan, you can have 49 different combinations if you collect them all (2 each).
3. HyperHobby clarified that the orange clear weapons of Command Jaguar Desert Type will be change to clear yellow.
4. Other TF related news include somemore detail shots of the upcoming Binaltech Hound and Binaltech Streak, USA edtition Energon Ultra Magnus, previously reported Double Convoy campaign and the store exclusive energy weapons.
Both TV-Magazine and TV-Boy featured a new ad on new Superlink toys, Rodimus Convoy, Red Alert, Signal Flare and Kicker. Single packed version seems to come with Energon Saber only.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:30:06 GMT
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E-Hobby Shop has been updated with Superlink Rodimus Prime, Small Optimus w/ Kicker and Mirage.
Rodimus is currently 1980 yen, which is around £10.00
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:26:25 GMT
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Tformers have pictures of the Worlds Smallest 2 toys. We have ordered a case load of these, so we should have some for sale in the next month or so.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:25:11 GMT
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Paul Cannon, organiser of Transforce, The UK"s longest running convention, has posted a reply on the Transforce Message board regarding question abotu exclusives. Here is what Paul had to say....
Can"t say yet. I don"t think exclusives are going to be a big thing this year as there is Transformers merchadise fallin off the shelves in most shops, however I do have something exciting in mind. And of course there"s the Transfans DVD.
To find out the latest information on Transforce, simply go to
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:23:39 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:22:16 GMT
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The London Film and Comic Book Convention starts tomorrow. You can read more about the event, from the guest to prices at the official site
here. Keep an eye on our Upcoming Events listing at the top right of the news page for the number of days left until events you might be interested in attending
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:20:37 GMT
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Atari have launched their Official Transformers website, you can see it
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th March 2004 at 08:15:53 GMT
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Join in the discussion regardign Mega Zaraks hands
here. Ours have the wheels on the top like on the Takara website in robot mode, Steels and soem others i"ve seen on the web have the wheels on the bottom. Which way around is yours?
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th March 2004 at 08:29:29 GMT
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TFW World 2005 report how a member of their site has now sold one of hsi 3D models to Turner Broadcasting. Go to their site to read more on this story. Remember if you are a would-be atrist or animate keep plugging away, your hard work can pay off
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th March 2004 at 08:23:32 GMT
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TV Tokyo have updated their site with the Episode 9 preview.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th March 2004 at 08:20:38 GMT
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The revised Generations book is now up for pre-ordering on Amazon Japan. You will find it
If you are thinking of waiting and purchasing this book from Ebay, make sure you know whether it is the first or second printing. Apart from released toys, the book features art and some photos of unreleased toys as well
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th March 2004 at 08:18:46 GMT
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Just a request for help!
We"re still looking for artists and writers to work on the AA2004 comic. Ideally, short stories of around 6-8 pages, with art in full colour. We can handle lettering ourselves if necessary.
We have stories that need artwork for G1, Alternators and Beast Wars (with a possible Armada one) and we would like to do an RiD story focusing on Sideburn and we"d need a writer and artist for this one.
Obviously we"re open to other submissions to and excess stuff could probably find a home as online downloadable comics.
Can anyonre help? Post here, send me a PM or email us at
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 3rd March 2004 at 16:20:30 GMT
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