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Finally, after a very lengthy delay, we"ve recieved our order from e-hobbies. The order consists of 9 e-Hobby Go-Bots (asll pre-sold), two Anime Astrotrains (which is why I had too few last time), 3 boxes of WSTF: SEt 2 and out Mega SCF Battle Damage Prime.
The WSTF will be sold on, see the message board Classifieds, once I"ve sorted them out.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 12:28:41 BST
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Today we received a free demo of the Playstation 2 game from Atari. I"ve got to be honest that I"m not sure where from (I think straight from Atari looking at the bubble bag), so I"d like to say a big THANK YOU to who ever sent it.
I"ve got a 1/2 day off work to wait for a parcel, so I know what I"m going to be doing now.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 09:25:59 BST
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The Transforce Website has been overhauled with another new look. Its much easier to find what you are after, so go have a look and update yourself on the Summer European Transformers convention. Remember you are Pre-Register from the 1st May.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 08:33:32 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 08:23:39 BST
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Thanks to DeathsheadX, you can find the latest alternator on
Is this the Mazda Alternator known as Meister?? Leave your comments
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 08:15:22 BST
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TFWorld 2005 have news on Euperlink Windcharged, a clear TRU Japan Superlink Perceptor toy
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 08:13:06 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 20th April 2004 at 08:11:23 BST
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The Ebay Auction for a painted Hasbro Alternator of Tracks ends later tonight. You can see the finished design with the logos on this toy
There is also an auction for a white STD Armada Prime that some people have been calling STD Ultra Magnus
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 19th April 2004 at 15:34:29 BST
| Share:
| Discuss: Read on have been working on a trailer for the Masterpiece Convoy (20th anni Prime). You can see the images of their work so far
Thanks to Cliffjumper for posting this on our message board
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 19th April 2004 at 08:37:38 BST
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Simon (AKA Simes) dropped by our message board to give us all an update on the AutoAssembly 2004 Charity Auction. Here"s what he had to say
Just to give you all an update on the charity auction for AA2004...
We"ve got quite a few items at the moment with more stuff on the way so we thought we"d tell you some of the highlights so far in the auction in aid of the NSPCC and Cancer Research.
1. Signed photo of Leonard Nimoy!
2. Signed photo of David Kaye!
3. McDonald"s Happy Meal 14-foot long forecourt banner
4. Signed photo of Neil Ross (G1 Slag etc...)
5. Signed Dreamwave comics
6. Signed MISB BW Depthcharge figure from David Sobolov
7. Signed photo of Mike McConnohie (G1 Tracks/Cosmos, RiD Ironhide/Hotshot)
8. "The Agenda" script signed by Bob Forward
Plus more stuff to be announced including lots more autographs including signed toys and photos, and rare/limited edition items...
You can only bid on this stuff if you"re an AA2004 attendee or if you have the non-attendee package so you can bid postally or via email. We are expecting other items to arrive as well, and if anything does turn up after the convention, then it will be auctioned off for charity via eBay.
We"ll update the list with photos on the AA website as we get them.
Leave your comments
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 19th April 2004 at 08:30:26 BST
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Chris McFeely has reported over on
The that
the latest word on July"s first DVD release of "Robots in Disguise" is that it"s being bumped up from a single-disc release to two discs, and will contain the first eight episodes of the series, rather than just the first five.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 19th April 2004 at 08:24:34 BST
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Thanks to Brawn for letting us know that Tesco"s are listing a new Generation Two video, which comes with a free un-named toy.
You can see his post, and get a link to the video,
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 18th April 2004 at 20:39:41 BST
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The first UK exclusive He-man toy is out. He"s a Re-deco He-man that comes with the Dragon Walker. He has a Dragon Tattoo on his arm. Also Zodak is also now out (with a varient on Red Card).
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2004 at 19:20:48 BST
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Hello guys,I got my demo today i have played it.I got to be Red alert.Its so smooth and the transformation is great!!,the controls need a bit of getting used to.I like the way optimus gives you a command then asks you if you got it.Anyway just to let you know its great!.It will be intresting to see if they have any G1 related items as you progress.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Betaprime -
on: Saturday, 17th April 2004 at 19:13:50 BST
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I"ve finally gotten around to adding in the News Quick Search feature to the new handler. This was suppose to have been added back in December when the new News script was completed, but other project work meant it was overlooked and also our Web Host has an extremely poor setup on their website for forms that use the POST method. You can now use the search box to retrieve matching articles from the news, simply type in the phrase you are after such as hound, message board or binaltech. You can even use the % as a "wild card" character (for instance hound%jazz will search on anything with hound then jazz at somepoint after).
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 16th April 2004 at 19:24:58 BST
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