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Its not long till
Auto Assembly 2004, the UKs first Transformers convention of the year. If you are still undecided whether to make the event in Birmingham, we urge you to pop along to the Auto Assembly Website, have a read over the evetns and guest for the weekend, drop by the Auto Assembly forums or even our own
Message Board to find out how other people are feeling regarding this upcoming event.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 27th April 2004 at 08:22:16 BST
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Look out for the Transforce collector postcards in comic shops from June. There are four to collect. You can see two of the images (Deaths Head and Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron) on the
Transforce website
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 27th April 2004 at 08:19:54 BST
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The latest RPG to feature on our message board has now started. It"s an aventure story, as a group of toys leave a closing down shop in order to find the fabled "Sanctuary".
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 18:04:45 BST
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The nice fellows at
Tripitaka Toys sent us an email regarding the latest Takara releases :
Just a quick note to let you know the just released Takara Transfomers are on their way from Japan today and should reach us in the next couple of days.
We are now taking orders for the confirmed quantities on the website.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 18:03:44 BST
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Although this prototype has been seen for a while before I haven"t seen it in this colour scheme before. Red Con Logo??? See it
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: I-Primus -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 16:57:24 BST
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Primal Prime has posted a Nemesis Prime (Big Convoy repaint) Photogallery on Chinese Transformers Site TFClub. You can see the images
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 08:33:12 BST
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Ebay Testshot seller TFKung has listed an auction for what appears to be a re-deco Armada Jetfire into Blastoff. You can see the auction and the two images
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 08:28:52 BST
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Season 2 Part 2
Release date
3rd May 2004 Season 3 and 4
Release date
19th July 2004
Visionaries release date change
New release date 17th May 2004
Auto Assembly 2004 - your chance to ask the experts.
Many apologies for the problems with our "cyberton" email. Due to our over zealous virus checker we have not received
any of your questions for the Auto Assembly guests. Your questions are really important to us so if you have any for Simon Furman,
Andrew Wildman or Lee Sullivan please could you post them in the
feedback box along with your name - we are really sorry for the problems this has caused.
Thanks to everyone who have left messages in the feedback box - we have now added the answer section where we will reply to as
many of your questions as possible.
Visit the site now to access the new downloads and get a first look and Andrew Wildman"s new artwork for Season 3 and 4
Art competition
Closing date for entries is 7th May 2004 so get your entries in to
in time for inclusion into the Season 3 and 4 box set.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 08:24:52 BST
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Auto Assembly 2004, the UK Transformers convention taking place on 8th-9th May 2004 in Birmingham, England is now able to offer a
reduced price ticket option for those of you planning on attending and paying on the door...
As standard, everyone attending Auto Assembly 2004 will receive a copy of the convention magazine, The Cybertronian Times and this
year the magazine features brand new cover artwork from Lee Sullivan and has a range of features, articles, fiction, interviews
and much more. However, because of the cost of producing this magazine we will not be able to print vast quantities of this in advance
and we can only guarantee that those who have pre-booked will receive the magazine on arrival, with many having it posted after
the convention.
If you are planning on paying on the door and are not interested in the magazine, we are able to offer a cut-price "economy"
ticket. This offers basic admission to the convention but it does NOT include the magazine as part of the package. You will still
get the free gifts provided by our sponsors while supplies last, but not the magazine. However, you will be able to get into the
convention at a reduced rate.
These economy tickets will be very limited in availability so we would still strongly recommend pre-booking for the convention,
but the economy tickets that are available will be at the following rates:
Adult: £6 single day, £12 weekend
Student/OAP: £5, £11 weekend
Child: £4, £10 weekend
saving £3 off the standard admission price!
This package isn"t intended to undermine those who have already pre-booked for the convention, but we know that many of those wanting
to pay on the door would rather pay a reduced rate rather than wait for a second printing of the magazine. We are aware of fan frustration
in the past from other sci-fi events where fans have been left waiting for convention merchandise long after the convention has
happened and we wanted to offer fans the chance to avoid any unnecessary delays.
We are also looking at the possibility of having a VERY LIMITED number of tickets available to Saturday attendees for the Saturday
night programme which is available to weekend attendees only. This will be dependent on the number of weekend bookings and will
be restricted in numbers. If we are able to offer these, we will announce details, prices and availability after the charity auction
on the Saturday afternoon.
For more details on the convention, see the website or email us for more details. We can take bookings online and full details
are on the website.
Simon and Sven
Auto Assembly 2004
web -
email -
forum -
Auto Assembly 2004 - UK and European Transformers Convention
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 26th April 2004 at 08:23:02 BST
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We have uploaded the screen captures David took a few days ago from the Atari Demo. You can see them
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 25th April 2004 at 10:12:33 BST
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Action-HQ have updated their website to contain more images of the RobotMasters line. This time the images include a group shot and in-packaging photos. The images are from the Hong Kong Toy Con
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 25th April 2004 at 09:54:25 BST
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Greetings fellow transfans!! Armada base prime is now £17.99!!!! at Argos,Laserbeak £4.99 powersword £7.49.Also Virgin stores have Transformers series 2 disc 1 at £9.99.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Betaprime -
on: Saturday, 24th April 2004 at 19:21:21 BST
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Fan to Fan
Figure King:
1. Clear big picture of Wingsaber was featured, the color version will be revealed next issue. But the report did highlight that it will combine with Grand Convoy and is expected the connection point can be found on the back of the legs (see highlighted box). To be released late June at the new price point of 3129 Yen, between price of Galvatron and Roadbuster.
2. May Superlink releases will be SD-12 Dinobot (Mid May), SD-13 Cosmos Type Shadowhawk (Mid May) and SD-14 Laserwave (Late May). Laserwave is said to be a new member that joined the Decepticon, therefore a new character.
3. Micron Booster ver. 2 lineup is confirmed with the following, Superlink Cliffjumper (repaint ver.), Thunderclash (minicon from Armada Skywarp), Emergency Micron team repaint and Air Military Micron repaint. Expected to be release in June.
4. Wingsaber Secret Campaign: Jusco is holding a campaign to give away special sticker when you purchase a Snowstorm, Landmine and Laserwave (May or June will determine the different sticker, Roadbuster or Skyfire). There are 4 types of stickers to be given away, and combining all of them will give you the image of a colored Wingsaber in the background.
5. WindCharger Anniversary edition campaign will start next week, a campaign that span 3 seasons (Spring, Summer and Fall). First to be launched will be Accerl, a Hopper repaint version.
6. Extremely Small Transformers series Special Edition will be released in June exclusively to Convenient stores (to be determined). 6 regular with 2 chases will be the lineup made up of previous releases and a new mold, Hot Rod.
Dengeki Hobby:
1. Binaltech Tracks featuring Chevrolet Corvette prototype is shown, color will be reveal in future issues. And next month, a new member wil be introduced.
2. Robot Masters, a new line by Takara, will be release in July. Figures from this line will focus on articulation at affordable low price, This line will also be of standard scale and will cover characters from various series. Series 1 will contain 10 characters including G1 Optimus Prime (height of kit at 130mm - 13cm, which is not very big)
3. New pictures of Pla-Kit Collection: Model Kits Transformers , Grand Convoy (with tranform/combine features and pellet shooting gimmick) was featured, Expected to release early June.
4. Worthy to report here is this issue of Dengeki Hobby comes with a free full color PVC figure, Lacus Clyne, from Gundam Seed. A really nice and well made freebie for a content riched magazine, highly recommended!!
Hobby Japan:
1. SD-12 Dinobot (Mid May), SD-13 Cosmos Type Shadowhawk (Mid May) and SD-14 Laserwave (Late May). Laserwave will have electronic gimmicks and KT Figure Collection, Transformers.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 24th April 2004 at 18:38:15 BST
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Our copy of Issue 1 arrived today. If you are still waiting for your one, it should be along shortly.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 24th April 2004 at 11:23:55 BST
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Transfandom have images from a Japanese MAgazine that show the first official Takara released images from the RobotMasters line. See them
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 24th April 2004 at 11:22:59 BST
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