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AFA Graded Transformers - AFA graded Transformers related news and information. For more details regarding AFA Transformers including the latest ratings, going prices and how to get your figure rated, please
G.I. Joe - We are also fans of G.I-Joe and so on occasionally we run news stories related to that Hasbro line, primarily related to the live action films.
Toy Industry News - This section contains toy industry related news stories, including press releases, NPD sales charts and other events that may have a knock on affect to
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Trans-Europe Express Group News - The Trans-Europe Express was a Yahoo! Group where a few people collaboration to share information on what was going in within Europe relating to Transformers as well as promoting a united European fan community.
Transformers Trademark News - News stories relating to trademark applications that Hasbro Inc have made with the USPTO. These stories are always broken here first.
Transformers: Prime - Transformers: Prime is the name of the 2010 CGI Transformers cartoon which aired on the Hasbro-Discovery joint TV channel The Hub in the fall of 2010 within the US.
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Tag Index was updated yesterday with the first image of Machine Wars Megaplex. The toy is a straight recolour of Transformers Prime Dreadwing in the colour scheme of the original Megaplex figure. This means that a Megatron recolour is likey to also be a straight recolour without a new head which will be a shame and if that toy does have a new head then it will destroy the purpose of Megaplex in the first place. You can view the image below with all of the Botcon 2013 images being available after the jump.
Today's TeeFury deal will be of interest to fellow fans of the Transformers: The Movie. The T-shirt, which can be seen below and has 15 hours to go, features a design by Pinteezy and features the "Universal Greeting", a Sharkticon and Energon goodies.
Category: Transformers Merchandise
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 28th February 2013 at 13:54:45 GMT
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We have fixed a bug which was incorrectly including lots of non-Transformers instructions sheets within our Transformers Instruction Sheet section as well as excluding some of the G.I.Joe instructions sheets from appearing. As such you can now find 1071 PDF Transformers instruction sheets ranging from Generation One through to yet-to-be-released Transformers Prime Beast Hunters figures as well as 312 G.I-Joe instructions and with 4,625 instruction sheets from other Hasbro lines, you are more likely to find the instruction sheets you are after on this website before you find them on Hasbro's own site as was highlighted by the instruction sheet for Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Shockwave - Deluxe version who's instruction sheets was available over two weeks ago.
Much like the our USPTO Trademark database, we pride ourselves on bringing you the most up-to-date news on Hasbro's instruction sheets
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 28th February 2013 at 08:24:56 GMT
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Paul Hitchens has put together a fantastic reconstruction of a deleted scene from the Transformers: The Movie which he has shared on his The Spacebridge page over on Facebook. The video, which is on YouTube, shows what happens between Optimus Prime ploughing through the Decepticons and then coming face-to-face with Megatron. Here is Paul to give a better explanation
"Here is a video I made of one of the deleted scenes from the 1986 Transformers movie. It's made using a set of production used storyboards I own. I have included a section of the film either side so you can see where it would have fit in. I believe this scene was animated as it exists in very late production notes & music was written to accompany it. It was cut as Nelson Shin felt it ruined the flow of Primes attack leading up to his battle with Megatron. Ultra Magnus, Tracks, Sideswipe & Red Alert were picked to attack Devastator as they all have rocket launchers. It also explains what Megatron was looking at when Prime found him. Hope you like"
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 27th February 2013 at 20:57:37 GMT
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Fun Publications have updated the BotCon website with not only the vehicle mode of Obsidian but also the annoucement of two guests, James Horan (Transformers: Prime WHEELJACK) and David Sobolov (Transformers: Prime SHOCKWAVE and Transformers: Beast Wars DEPTHCHARGE), as well as the official BotCon Brouchure.
This is the official story for the show
Many know of the BEAST WARS, the fight which found Optimus Primal and his crew of Maximals battle against Megatron and his league of Predacons, with the fate of time itself hanging in the balance! Centuries before, though, there was another war whose story is just now being told. A war that threatened the very existence of all Cybertronians, Autobot and Decepticon. This Summer, be warned friends... For the MACHINE WARS are coming!!!
With Optimus Prime and Galvatron off-line, two legendary Generals, OBSIDIAN and STRIKA, will be tasked with saving Cybertron from the invading clone army led by MEGAPLEX and his fleet of Skywarp clones. Along with noble troops such as the maintenance expert HOIST, the Autobots will need every soldier they can find if they are to save Cybertron and win the MACHINE WARS!
This amazing five-figure Transformers MACHINE WARS:TERMINATION box set features: General OBSIDIAN, General STRIKA, Clone Army Commander MEGAPLEX, Clone Warrior SKYWARP and Autobot maintenance expert HOIST. Originally a Kay-Bee exclusive line from 1997, this 2013 BotCon box set brings fans and collectors a long-awaited and AMAZING second series of Machine Wars toys.
Probably the most intersting fact is that for the first time the Customising Figure will be available to purchase from the show, limited to 1 per registrant, assembled but unpainted, for $75.00
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 27th February 2013 at 18:24:34 GMT
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The Planet X group have announced, via their Facebook page, that due to popular demand they will be releasing an expansion pack for their popular Genesis figure which will include a faceplate which has been in demand from fans. Below is a copy of their full announcement
Hello Everyone,
We received many request of Genesis faceplate, and we decide to develop by its demand. Also, an expansion kit is under development right now, faceplate will be part of it. . We will update new information when ready. Stay tuned for our upcoming products!
Planet X
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 26th February 2013 at 08:18:27 GMT
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Auto Assembly's head, Simon Plumbe, has updated the website of Europe's largest Transformers Convention with the "Attendee Information Pack" which contains some extremely useful information for attendees of the show. Here's Simon to tell you more:
"Regular attendees of Auto Assembly know that we produce an Information Pack every year to help everyone make the most out of the convention and to give all of you who are attending or planning on attending all of the essential information that you need before you set out on your journey to Birmingham in August. Not only does the pack contain essential travel information, but also includes details on some of the things you can expect at the convention, as well as all of our convention rules and regulations, other important information you will need, as well as plenty of tips and advice to help you make the most out of Europe’s largest Transformers convention.
Well, we have now finished producing the first edition of this year’s guide and it is now available for all of you to download as a PDF file, so whether you have already registered, or are considering booking for the event, feel free to download your copy of the Auto Assembly 2013 Attendee Information Pack right now."
Hasbro UK have confirmed, via Facebook, that following on from the release of Transformers Prime Volume 2 (Episodes 6-10 of season 1) the rest of the season will be released in June (Decepticons Unleashed) and October (Unlikely Alliancea) with a complete season 1 boxset also being released then. Sadly they have also confirmed that there will be no UK release of Transformers Prime on Blu-Ray meaning that if you wish to enjoy an HD viewing of the series that you will need to import either the US version (with a region free Blu-Ray player) of the Australian Madman release which is the same region as the UK.
Category: Transformers Cartoons
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th February 2013 at 14:18:14 GMT
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Fellow UK site are reporting that the Kre-o Combiner figures of Predaking, Devastator, and Superion are out now at UK retail priced just 7.99. The figures, which can be viewed after the jump, were spotted in Toy Planet which is an independant Toy Store.
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th February 2013 at 13:33:18 GMT
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The description of the book, which is from IDW Publishing and stands at 320 pages, is: It's a celebration 30 years in the making! Relive the landmark comics that helped define the legacy of Transformers and read along with the creators that made these great comics as Jim Sorenson provides insight from a range of writers and artists that breathed life into the denizens of Cybertron. From Marvel to Dreamwave to IDW and other iterations in-between, this book is a must have for TF collectors!
The author of the book is listed as Chris Mowry who also worked on the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen movie prequals.
Category: Transformers Comic News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th February 2013 at 08:36:21 GMT
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The boxart for the upcoming Transformers Generations figures have now been revealed and can be viewed in full after the jump. The box art includes Blitzwing, Thundercracker, Bumblebee (on-going and the Action Master homage), Orion Pax, Optimus Prime, Impactor, Megatron, Hoist and Trailcutter (AKA Trailbreaker).
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th February 2013 at 08:29:26 GMT
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The official bio's and box images for the upcoming Transformers Prme Beast Hunters Shockwave and Ultra Magnus are now available
Shockwave The cunning and brutal Decepticon scientist Shockwave plans to clone an unstoppable Predacon army!
Take your Transformers adventures to the next level with this incredible Shockwave figure and his spinning Hyperflux Cannon! Whether he’s in robot mode or Cybertronian tank mode, he’s a scary enemy for any Autobot, and his snap-on beast armor gives him protection against his Autobot enemies’ attacks. Keep converting him back and forth so he can handle whatever you throw at him!
Ultra Magnus The Elite Autobot special forces commander is ready to bring the battle to the Predacons with the mighty Forge of Solus battle hammer.
Predacons beware, because this Ultra Magnus figure is just the Autobot to take any of them on! He’s a Special Forces commander with a mighty Forge of Solus battle hammer to use against his Predacon enemies, and his flip-down missile-firing launchers will make his enemies think twice before taking him on. Convert him to truck mode when he needs to make a fast escape or chase down his Predacon foes. Keep converting him back and forth so his Predacon enemies can’t keep up with him!
Category: Transformers Toy News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 25th February 2013 at 08:26:30 GMT
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| Discuss: Read on have updated their website with the fourth figure from this years Machine Wars themed set. Continuing on from the Beast Machines character inclusions of Strika's, this week the reveal is of her partner Obsidian with the figure being based on the original Beast Machines Obsidian toy. You can view the images of all of the announced figures by following the jump.
Below you will find three scans from the latest issue of Figure King (Figure Oh) Magazine which recently came out within Japan. The scans include a look at the following figures
Transformers Generations Voyager Soundwave and Soundblaster.
The new MasterpieceBlack Convoy, who is actually a Destron this time, as well as the Frenzy and Buzzsaw 2-pack.
Transformers Alternity Super-GT Megatron.
New images of Japanese Be-Cool line (Bot Shot's in the West).
Another look at the upcoming Encore Fortress Maximus who is shown along side some of the Be-cool figures.
Simply click on the number of the page you wish to jump to.
Click the link or image above to view the Scorponok toy gallery. The gallery contains 8 images of this figure for your viewing pleasure.
Hasbro Inc submitted a trademark application for
with the USPTO on the Wednesday, 30th November -0001. The mark was submitted within the category
and currently has as status of .
Choose Your Fate
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
Ep 13: Headmaster Transform
This short clip shows Henry Masterson transform his Headmaster unit for the first time, much to the suprise of the Autobots. ....
OTFCC 2003 (USA)
We loved the Transformers Choose Your Fate books as kids, and even wrote a text adventure in their style for an old version of Transformers At The Moon. Here you can find images from these puzzle-books, both UK and US ....
US Sheet 1
The scans contained within this gallery are taken from our own Transformers toysheet collection. This is the first US Transformers toysheet. ....
Transformers Animated
The instruction scans contained within this gallery with the watermark were originally from the Chinese TF08 website. They have been added here as a mirror. ....
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Transformers At The Moon is a fan created website regarding those Robots In Disguise from Hasbro Inc and TakaraTomy
better known as The Transformers. This website was established in October 1999 and has been running ever since.
You can use Transformers At The Moon for such things as transformers toys,transformers figures,transformers movie,optimus prime,megatron,bumblebee,unicron,transformers cartoon,transformers comics
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