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After much speculation as to whether or not it would happen,
e-Hobby have now come out and officially announced their Insecticon "Clones" set!
They have a great pic up on the site, which you can see
Discuss these cool new toys on the TF@TM message board
Thanks to RockGod78 from the TF@TM boards for the info.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: -
on: Wednesday, 7th July 2004 at 15:05:26 BST
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It seems that during the fervour surrounding the new prototypes of Grimlock et al, some other news has slipped through the door!
eHobby have some great new pictures up of forthcoming Superlink toys.
The guys over at TFW2005 have put together a nice gallery of these images, which you can see
Discuss these cool new toys on the TF@TM message board
Thanks to Phill from the TF@TM boards for the info.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: -
on: Tuesday, 6th July 2004 at 01:42:58 BST
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TFATM"s very own webmasters Steve and Dave are on thier holidays and whilst there so far they have picked up some knock off Tf"s and also spotted a supersized Slingshot at a shop in the amusment park that we know as Black Gang Chine.
Lets hope they find some more!
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: -
on: Monday, 5th July 2004 at 21:04:13 BST
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Prototypes of Grimlock, Swoop, and an Aerial Combiner team have all now been reported.
See them and discuss them on our message board
Included in the thread are some links to bigger versions of the pictures at TFW2005.
Thanks to Mini and Phill for the links.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: -
on: Monday, 5th July 2004 at 13:25:26 BST
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Epic Heroes have just updated there site its worh checking out as they have in stock a new shipment of Energon tf"s and the latest summer special of Transformers comis which has four stories of G1, Energon, RID and Beast Wars stories a "MUST BUY". Also they are pre ordering a new stock of Anime and Manga.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: -
on: Sunday, 4th July 2004 at 22:19:22 BST
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This should have been out up two days ago, but Fan to Fan have reviews of the latest Japanese Collectors Magazines. Within the articles include the fact that Robotmasters is set in the G1 / BW continuity. That TV-Boy came with a Wing Convoy PVC figure, around the same size as teh SCFs only articulated and that the TV-Magazine magazine has a competition for a chomre gold Lucky Draw Grand Convoy w/ Grand Force.
The previously annouced Gold Convoy / Silver Rodimus included the STD Convoy mold.
Their final article was on next months TV-Magazine, which will be taking orders for a Fire Super Link Convoy (believed to be a re-coloured STD SL Convoy toy, much like the Clear Convoy / Scourge Micron Legend set). It is expected this will be limited to 5000
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 3rd July 2004 at 08:40:21 BST
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Timban is ordering in some cases of Re-Issue Hound and is currently taking orders. One lucky person will be chosen at random to receive their Hound Re-issue for FREE!!!. REad more
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 3rd July 2004 at 08:24:49 BST
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| Discuss: Read on has been updated with the results of the Art Display as well as an order form for the merchandise that is left over. They have also updated their history page.
We have, therefore, updated our Convention Trends page
here with the details. Take a look at how the event compared to previous BotCons and other conventions
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 2nd July 2004 at 19:53:03 BST
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Transfandom have Takara"s July TF Release List posted on their message board. You can see the listing
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 2nd July 2004 at 19:39:49 BST
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Simon Furman has stopped by the
Transfandom forums to clear up the Energon story that is in the TF Summer Special. You can read his comments
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 2nd July 2004 at 09:59:32 BST
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Fan2Fan have a magazine scan that shows the size comparison for the RobotMasters. You can see it
Thanks to Phill for posting the link
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 1st July 2004 at 17:28:53 BST
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Taken from
Jul 01, 2004
Q: When will the TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS Jeep Wrangler hit store shelves?
A: AUTOBOT HOUND, the Jeep Wrangler is shipping now and should begin to hit store shelves in the next few weeks.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 1st July 2004 at 16:59:00 BST
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Thanks to UltraPrime we know that Trial By Fire will be published on September 24th 2004, and will reprint Headmasters 1-4 and US issues 38 & 39.
You can comment
Also on the 1st November
Transformers:Treason is released
Transformers:Prey will be released on the 1st September 2004.

Of course
Transformers:Breakdown was due for release today.
Update: Due to the confusion, we"d like to point out that this is the US Release dates
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 1st July 2004 at 08:55:32 BST
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Malin dropped by our message board to let everyone know about the OTFCC Deadline and updated guest.
Hi everyone,
Just a quick reminder that pre-registration for the 2004 Official Transformers Collectors" Convention ends this Friday, July 2. You can download the pre-registration form online at
Also, those of you who have already pre-registered may still add additional convention merchandise to your order until July 2.
All pre-registrations or additional pre-orders by mail must be postmarked by July 2.
Don"t miss your chance to pre-register for the official 20th anniversary celebration of the Transformers! In addition to the announced guests listed below, there will be a few more guests announced soon and surprises aplenty at the convention...
Announced guests include:
ANTHONY BEARD (master painter)
BOB BUDIANSKY (G1 writer, original comic series)
HI-FI DESIGN (coloring studio)
(New) ANDREW WILDMAN (artist, original Generation 1 comic, TRANSFORMERS WAR WITHIN II: THE DARK AGES)
See our latest ad in the next issue of ToyFare magazine and online at
Best regards,
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 1st July 2004 at 08:41:50 BST
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E-Hobby statr their Summer 2004 special Campaign today. Running 1st July until the 16th August if you order 1 case of various Transformers you will be entered into a "lucky draw". 15 names will be chosen at random and the winners will be sent the limited edition SCF confrontation set of Damaged Optimus Prime and Megatron. You can read more
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 1st July 2004 at 08:33:20 BST
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