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Transfandom report that Amazon have put back the release of G1 Ricochet (Stepper) from October 1st to October 8th
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 29th September 2004 at 08:35:52 BST
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Our Deluxe Generations Book Lucky Draw God Primus arrived yesterday. Expect a full photo gallery soon on this extremely limited toy.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 29th September 2004 at 08:31:46 BST
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TF Club are reporting that the Chinese boxsets of Transformers Season 1 and Season 2 are now out in both DVD and VCD form. You can see some of the images
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 29th September 2004 at 08:30:31 BST
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TF World 2005 are reporting that BT-08 Meister has been released in Hong Kong, Energon Wave 2 has arrived in ToyMasters across Ireland, Superlink Superion was released yesterday in HongKong a day before his Japanese Release. Also in HongKong the re-issue Insecticons were released.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 29th September 2004 at 08:29:21 BST
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I"ve fixed the bug with the
Toy Listings page which was stopping the search box from searching on the SubGroups.
If you find a bug with the website you please either Email us, send an instant message via the Board to TF @ The Moon or post in
this topic which is where I am currently keeping a track of the reported bugs.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 28th September 2004 at 19:42:59 BST
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I was in a HMV shop in Elsmere Port yesterday and in the DVD sale section they seasons 2+3 box sets for £12.99. What a great deal. I almost wish I hadn"t rushed out and bought mine months ago.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Simonster -
on: Tuesday, 28th September 2004 at 10:48:08 BST
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Ebay Testshot seller Kens Collection has put up an auction for the finished Alternator Windcharger. You can view the auction
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 28th September 2004 at 08:28:08 BST
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P.Prime has also sent
TFWorld 2005 a picture of a Universe SixTrain testshot which you can see
here. It seems the leaked toys are on the increase for Hasbro these day. There attempt at stopping it appears to have just done the opposite.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 27th September 2004 at 22:13:16 BST
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P.Prime of
TFClub has put up some pictures of what could be the final colour scheme for Alternator Windcharger. You can see the images
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 27th September 2004 at 22:08:48 BST
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Mighty.Maximal has psoted a long update on the Energon toys that are out now and out soon in the UK. You can read the post
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 27th September 2004 at 09:00:17 BST
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Its that time again to bring you the latest "official" feedback from Metrodome,. those great people behind the Region 2 Gen 1 DVDs.
- The are considering releasing Reboot (Series 2 and 3) in 2005
- As much as they would love to re-dub the Japanese Series they do not have the funds and their are a lot of legal loop holes that would stop a Fan Dub release
- They did not realise that the beginning from many of the Visionaries were missing on the DVD.
- Season 1 (with Tin) is released on the 11th October. Remember the tin is limited and the episodes are remastered which some sites would not want you to believe
- G.I-Joe has not sold too well (sadly in our opinion) and further boxsets are unlikely. This is a shame as if promoted well and towards the same audience as the TF released it could have done just as well
- They hope to release Shadow Raiders in the first half of 2005.
- They do not have the distribution rights to Gargoyles, Roswell Conspiracies, Thundercats (which they were very keen on) Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Armada or Energon.
- There should be an official update on the Movie DVD quite soon.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 27th September 2004 at 08:52:25 BST
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You can now watch Energon Episodes online via the Cartoon Netwotk website. If you are like us and do not have digital TV then this wil be your best way to view the show. Simple go
here. You can read more
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 26th September 2004 at 10:11:50 BST
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The Yahoo! Auction Japan for the BT-08 Meister Mayuko Iwasa Edition toy ends later today. Currently the highest bid is 301,000 yen (approximately £1,600 or $2,880 dollars). If you live in Japan then and still wish to bid, you can do so
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 26th September 2004 at 10:01:30 BST
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You can see some images from Day One of RMTransCon
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 25th September 2004 at 10:22:06 BST
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Ebay seller Kens Collectables has given TFormers some more pictures and informatin on the upcoming Honda Alternator toy. The toy has the number plate WNDCGR which is believed to be WindCharger. You can see one of the pictures
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 25th September 2004 at 10:18:37 BST
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