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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 7th November 2004 at 11:29:08 GMT
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John Rogers, the new Transformers film writer, spoke out about the movie on
Mr. Spielberg is producing and heavily involved in the film"s development. It"ll be true to the source material with a nice, light touch, a cast of human characters partnered with the Transformers, and big robot action. I mean, c"mon, they"re paying me to write giant robot battles. I"m no otaku, but that"s a good day in any geek writer"s life. Anyone worried that we won"t honor the source material can rest easy.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th November 2004 at 21:57:18 GMT
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TF World 2005 have some more information on upcoming Galaxy Force character.
GC-10 Nitro Convoy
Scheduled Release Date: 10th Feb 2005
Price: 1,980 Yen
Description: The Second Convoy is the fastest fighter. He changes from a robot into a race car. Speedy modification can be enjoyed
by one-touch. If a force tip/chip is inserted, a missile will develop to the front.
GD-06 Inch Rise
Scheduled Release Date: 10th Feb 2005
Price: 2,000 yen
Description: He changes from robot into an 4WD off-road car. If a force tip/chip is inserted, the car height will lower and will speed
up. Includes missile launch function.
GD-09 Flame Convoy
Scheduled Release Date: 17th Mar 2005
3,980 Yen
Description: The third Convoy is aloof and a proud dragon fighter. It changes from a robot into a dragon. If a force tip/chip is inserted, he changes into a three-headed dragon
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 5th November 2004 at 08:35:35 GMT
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Darren Jamieson posted a TV advert yesterday on
The message board for Double A paper. The advert features a CGI transforming photocopier and can be seen
here. The original post can be read
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 4th November 2004 at 19:43:49 GMT
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Entertainment Rights have signed a deal with toymaker Hasbro for international television rights to the Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force in Japan) cartoon and other properties.
ER are the company behind the vintage He-Man cartoon DVD releases, and are yet another UK distribution company which have gained rights to a Transformers cartoon series.
It is most likely that Cybertron will aired on Toonami, the same as Energon, meaning that only Digital views will be able to watch the show. We"ll have to wait for confimation on the last part though.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 4th November 2004 at 18:09:01 GMT
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The re-issue Predaking is set to ship in the first 2 weeks of December, according to sources at
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 4th November 2004 at 18:06:25 GMT
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Tformers have news that Omega Sentinal is now out in parts of the US
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 4th November 2004 at 18:05:29 GMT
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What do you think of the new look website?
Needs work
Well don"t keep it to yourself,
let us know.
Several people have already commented, and we"ve utilised their ideas to improve the look of the site. We welcome all comments, so why not share yours.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 3rd November 2004 at 21:38:43 GMT
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We don"t normally report on these but
Fan to Fan have supplied several US Transformers fan sites with copies of 10 clips from the Super Link Special "Must Watch! Matches of the Most Powerful Team!".
It"s an episode that has no real place in the Super Link series. It"s a comical and strange episode featuring team-ups of the same character in both his paint schemes and some cel animated transformation clips.
The clips can be found on
TF World 2005
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 3rd November 2004 at 18:53:37 GMT
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Don Murphy has confirmed the writer of the new Transformers movie as John Rogers. Check out his announcement in this
thread on his message board.
The writer is John Rogers, who wrote the script for the recent Catwoman movie, as we mentioned below.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 3rd November 2004 at 18:51:44 GMT
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John Rogers, the writer of the Recent Catwoman Movie, has been announced as the writer for the Transformers Live Action Movie, according to a report on
TF @ The Moon Say - Don Murphy has not confirmed this on his site, so it is best to take this as an unconfirmed rumour at this stage.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Trek -
on: Wednesday, 3rd November 2004 at 13:25:42 GMT
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Just a quick reminder that Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman will be appearing at the UK ProCon in Bristol on Sunday, November 7th. They"ll be selling exclusive signed/bookplated editions of Transformers: War Within The Dark Ages trade paperback.
See more
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: sfwildfur -
on: Wednesday, 3rd November 2004 at 12:07:12 GMT
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We are looking for a new logo to use on the site, as we are not very good with that sort of thing, and have started a thread on our message board detailing some of the requirements.
If anyone has any ideas, please
let us know
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 17:40:39 GMT
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To celebrate five years of Transformers @ The Moon, not only do we have a new look but we have another world first gallery. This time the 1999 Magazine Exlcusive Chrome Silver Transmetal Megatron. You can read the review and see the image gallery
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 15:16:58 GMT
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Welcome to the new look Transformers @ The Moon. We have revamped the layout of the site, which was not touched in the big update of May this year where 90% of the backend code for the website was re-written. You"ll notice the DHTML & Javascript menu has bene dropped in favour of a static left bar, this is to increase the browser support for the site. You can comment on the changes on our
message board and if you should stumble across and bugs, then you can post them in
this thread.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 13:23:51 GMT
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