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Thanks to we know that....
Issue #148 of Lee"s Toy Review features a cover story on Cybertron and Starscream, the version with the crown that had surfaced on the net. It is a very brief article with info from TF brand marketing director Greg Lombardo. Starscream is the only Cybertron toy pictured. The highlights:
-Pics include Starscream robot, alt-mode, close-up of face, weapons, and 2 Cyber Planet Keys.
-There will be a show, but no specifics on network, date of premiere, etc.
-Toys will see a summer release
-No actual size is given for Starscream, although it is conformed that basic through supreme sizes will return.
-The force chips will be called Cyber Planet Keys.
-The plot of the series is that the Autobots and Decepticons are on a scavenger hunt to find all the Cyber Planet Keys due to a Energon crisis on Cybertron.
-Names of the first wave were given, altough there were no corresponding sizes or price points. Initial wave will feature:
Optimus Prime, Megatron, Jetfire, Scourge, Crumplezone, Vector Prime, Hot Shot, Dirt Boss, Thundercracker, Landmine, Overhaul, Ransack, Scattorshot
Drop by the Transfandom forums to view the cover of the magazine
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th January 2005 at 20:09:12 GMT
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John Rogers has updated his blog with the following
I"ve turned in a draft. We had a meeting yesterday (hence the light blogging) with all the producers. All are in a good mood over where the first draft landed. I was particularly pleased that Tom DeSanto, who has always been the guy riding the "Transformers are full characters" wagon, is happy with where we wound up in these early days.
All have questions which need answering, and will be answered in what is acceptably called a "producer"s pass" which is really the "free-because-my-guild-has-no-stones-and-why-didn"t-we strike" pass. Then, we"ll continue to tweak as we meet with directors. OR, I"ll be fired, and you"ll have to hump over to Dean Georgaris or Ferris & Bracato"s blog. Then I can finally get rip-roaring drunk over Global Frequency not being picked up.
Security is brutally tight on this flick, and there"s no way I"m violating my friendly relationship with the fine Dreamworks folks, who are actually my favorite execs in the industry. I think it does no harm to say:
-- Name your favorites. They"re in there.
-- Big. Robot. Fights. Robot vs. Robot (mano a mano). Robots vs. Robots (plural, havoc) Humans vs. Robots. Robots vs. cybernetically enhanced rabbits. Cybernetically enhanced rabbits vs. butler ninjas. Butler ... oh, wait, sorry, different project. But most of that"s true.
-- No cute kid sidekicks.
You can visit John"s site
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th January 2005 at 19:05:00 GMT
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Don Murphy posted a bried update on the TF movie today...
We all met with Dreamworks. Everyone of us is happy. John will have a redraft with some changes made by NEXT weekend and then Steven will read it. Things are on track.
The fans will NEVER be happy with the movie. So all we can do is make a great movie.
Don also confirmed that in the draft, Ratchet was still a firetruck and that Jazz will also feature. You can read the original topic, which was about Spawn,
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th January 2005 at 18:48:58 GMT
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The night before TransformersCon 2005 celebrate the year 2005 with us with a Friday night full of free events for all Transformers Fans. Join us for the Customizing Panel hosted by some of the greatest Kitbashers in the Toronto area, the return of the TFCon Trivia Contest and the debut of the TFCon Fan Discussion Panel.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th January 2005 at 14:58:02 GMT
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Pete Sinclair dropped by the
TFW2005 boards to answer some questions on the Master Collector TF Fan Club.
As soon as there is confirmation that the figure is a go, it will be announced who the character is. This should happen before the deadline of March 18th. I can say that it will be an exsisting tool. The future ones from this series will have slight retooling, but due to time issues it did not happen for the first one. If you do not sign up by March 18th you will still be able to sign up for the Club and buy the figure IF there are extras available. There will be a set number of these.
The same is true of the newsletter, you can buy back issues. Now, as far as "TF content" goes, the newsletter IS the main source of TF content, not the Master Collector magazine. Consider that as a "bonus." Every other month you will receive the 16 page Newsletter stiched inside your monthly Master Collector Magazine and the newsletter will contain 100% Transformers related material. The Master Collector Magazine will have TF related ads and so forth, but the amount in each issue will depend on all of the members that submit their free 30 word ad.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th January 2005 at 08:30:25 GMT
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The Allspark are reporting that tescos in Ireland have Energon deluxes from wave in store. Found so far have been Slugslinger, Sharkticon and Energon Hotshot for 11 Euros, 99 Cents.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 27th January 2005 at 19:01:25 GMT
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Although we were not allowed into the Hasbro booth, Prowlus2 (who went on behalf of Epic Heroes) was. He"s posted the information on our message board, which you can comment on.
What Prowlus2 found out was ...
What peeman said. They have been delayed for another week (shipping problems due to the recent asian tsunamni or so i"ve heard) . Zohe apologises for any inconvienience caused Anyways heres my report
Hasbro ARE continuing the energon line albeit at a trickle for now with the added bonus of the Universe combinners (sixturbo represented) having the energon logo slapped onto them . The display showed most of the late wave repaints (except Galvatron, Overcast and quickstrike), Wingsaber and some of the combiner limbs with only steam hammer representing the deluxe central combiner . Apparently the tf representative who i talked to didn"t know any exact time they were shipping with the exception of the micromasters in which she stated were out already at about 2.99 - 3.99 pounds sterling .
The alternator stand showed most of the alternator range with the exception of tracks for some reason (the did have a pic of ravage and wheeljack though) An easter egg here is the picture of the NSX police car that was recently swapped around the web is a genuine alternator Unfortunately it still is in its car form (no sign of the robot mode for now ) . One hasbro rep stated they are going to expand on the alternator range this year thanks to the dancing citoren
And heres another easter egg . Hasbro UK have actually got protos of the CYBERTRON line with packaging ! The packaging itself is a cross between Hasbro US"s Zoids Fuzors and Takara"s own mega scf boxes with good use of metallic blues and greys . Badly mistransformed examples of Vector Prime , Dreadrock and Thundercracker linme the stand along with a big Galvatron sized box entitled.... Starscream! and what will really get your goat is Cybertron starscream"s boxart seems colored more akin to Wingsaber than GF starscream . You"ll get the idea if you ever visit from today to sunday
The Hasbro rep told me those will start hitting the stores January 2006
Also anyone looking for any universe or masterpiece primes : You"ll be better off getting it import Hasbro UK are still mulling about launching the lines in the UK but haven"t made a decision yet
Hope this helps any uk transfan decide on whether to buy local or import BTW look out for Simon Furman Saw him today being escorted by 5 hasbro reps.
We have added our small image gallery
here which mostly consists of the Happy Well toys.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Thursday, 27th January 2005 at 15:52:19 GMT
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Transfandom received an email from
Bvrly Allen letting them know that Wizard magazine issue #161 will have info on the upcoming Transformers movie on page 90.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 27th January 2005 at 14:52:00 GMT
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We attended the first day of the British Toy Fair today, but unfortunatly were not allowed access to the Hasbro area being told it "was appointment only". This was sad to see, as their signs clearly said that was only for the Star Wars items. Other than that, HappyWell had some interested 1/18th Scale licensed transforming cars, that are best described as larger alternators. Images of the toys have been seen before but we have some from the event as well as their catelogue, which include some rather interesting other toys...
With several members of our message board due to attend between now and Sunday, we are hopeful that at least one will be allowed access to the Hasbro booth to find out what TFs they have to show.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 27th January 2005 at 14:50:33 GMT
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I"ve found more left over bugs since the server this site is on got hacked, so
no doubt you"ve all be coming across more errors than you have working pages since.
For this I apologise. However, the news is not all bad. Our new server"s configuration
is finished and I"m about two evenings testing away from being happy we the setup
and security. So in a few days we will terminate our web hosting contract with
our current host and will transfer the domain over to our
new one.
We are expecting them to make noises and make things slow, so to counter this you will be able to access the website by visiting whilst this domain is down. Again
this will not be for a few more days and if things are smooth the site will be up at this address within 24 hours, though you know things never go smoothly as much as we do.
So stay tuned for the announcement that we have begun the transfer, it should be a few days away.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 26th January 2005 at 19:32:25 GMT
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If you"re trying to access Don Murphy"s message board (, do not worry it has not been hacked or taken down, the board is moving to a new server. As his forum has increased in popularity over recent months, the server has taken a hammering and the board was suffering, so its on the move. If you check back later today or tomorrow it will probably be back up again.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 26th January 2005 at 19:13:46 GMT
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Don Figueroa has signed an exclusive deal with Devils Due, report
"Don is a fantastic addition to the staff," adds Senior Editor Mark Powers. "We"re glad to have him on board. It would be a crime for this amazingly talented guy to go even a week without a steady gig lined up."
You can read the full press release
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 26th January 2005 at 19:09:27 GMT
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Concept artist Eric Chu (Battlestar Galactica) recently produced a short film featuring Optimus Prime, which has attracted the interest of Hasbro and Tom DeSanto, producer of the upcoming Transformers movie. Check it out
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 26th January 2005 at 10:13:50 GMT
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The FanSub of Galaxy Force Episode 2 is now up for download. Vist
Wolf Pack Productions website to pick up the file via Bit Torrent
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2005 at 17:30:42 GMT
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Comic book resources is reported in Monday"s" Lying in the Gutters" columb that Devils Due has landed the Transformes comic licence following Dreamwave"s collapse.
"Devil"s Due has also landed the license to publish "Transformers" from Hasbro. The ink is dry. This is the second time they have tried for it, and Dreamwave"s blunder paid off for them with Hasbro, who seems to be happy that both of their major toyline licensees will remain under one roof as they did with Marvel. It"s unknown about creative teams, but the word is that Josh Blaylock will be writing the main TF book and current Joe artist Tim Seeley will be doing the art."
Nothing has been officially confirmed, but if true you can expect a press release before the end of the month
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Trek -
on: Tuesday, 25th January 2005 at 00:33:11 GMT
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