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TFormers have images of the up coming Masterpiece Magnus toy,
here, which is from an ebay auction
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 2nd March 2005 at 08:28:35 GMT
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We had an email from E-Hobby Shop today, confirming that our Overcharge order will be shipping tomorrow.
Once they have arrived we shall package them up and ship them out to all those who have paid.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 1st March 2005 at 09:27:47 GMT
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Europe is growing closer together - and so are we.
Transformers @ The Moon has joined efforts with other European
Transformers fansites in order to hopfully be able to establish an
efficient inter-European fandom. For now, all that means is that our
sites are going to work closer together in the future and will keep
each other updated with news from our respective countries, while
every site keeps focused on the respective national market(s).
The following sites are currently participating:
Gthesite for France
The Benelux Transfan
Association (BTFA) for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg
The Nordic Transfan
Association for Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark
Transformers for Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Transformers @ The Moon for the United Kingdom
And last but not least,
The Transformers
Archive for the international coordination and as an overseas
The first project we launch is the EURO-QUEST, an attempt to set up
full checklists for all Transformers releases from recent years. Every
participating site will gather a list for their respective markets,
and all those lists will then be collected at TF Archive.
Other European sites and individual fans (Spain? Italy?) that want to
join the Trans-Europe Express are of course welcome to
contact us.
We have posted an inital topic where you may post queries on this project
here. But for your initial release please post in the relevant topics.
Sightings MUST be of UK, inc Ireland sightings of High Street released NOT import stores, internet etc etc. For the new toys think of it as the multi language packaging.
Proof may be required if your report seems too early compared to others.
Reports need to be Month and Year along with the RRP (if known)
Here are the topics
G1, G2, Reissues
Beast Wars & Beast Machines
RID, Alternators
Armada & Energon
So come on, lets get together as a community and post those original UK and Eire sightings and help show that together the TF community knows no borders
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 28th February 2005 at 18:41:09 GMT
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High Street toystore, The Entertainer, has a sale on still on all Transformer toys. Included now though is Energon Megatron (the large one) for £20, Energon Unicrno for £30, Optimus Prime for £20, Ultra Magnus for £15 and Tidal Wave for £15. If you are after these toys then pop down to your nearest Entertainer or vist them online
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 28th February 2005 at 13:09:19 GMT
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The Japanese Image Board have an image of another exclusive ForceChip along with another image of one of the recoloured DeadEnds from the 3rd Micronbooster packs. You can view the image in our feb mirror
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 28th February 2005 at 09:23:26 GMT
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Thanks to TimDH and Bluestreak56 for posting this on our message board a few days ago.
TimDH reoprted that ....
HMV on Oxford Street (opposite Bond street tube), have all four G1 series DVD boxsets are on sale at £14.99
He also checked the website and found the prices are currently more expensive online
- season 3 and 4 is £14.99
- season 2 parts are £12.99 each
- season 1 still full price (with tin)
Bluestreak56 then added that have Season 2 Part 1 for only £10.99. So which ever set(s) you need, now is the time to pick them up.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 28th February 2005 at 09:17:27 GMT
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It seems many people missed out news 4 days ago regarding the UK release of Doomlock and Command Ravage. The news story is now off page 1, but you can view it on oe of the older news page or from the News Headlines page
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 28th February 2005 at 08:45:11 GMT
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Hydra Custom has posted yet more translation of the upcoming Galaxy Force figures on The Allspark. To view the profiles simply click
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 28th February 2005 at 08:30:28 GMT
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Takara have updated their
Robotmasters website website with the next part of the Robotmasters comic.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 27th February 2005 at 15:41:08 GMT
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With only 98 days left before
Auto Assembly 2005 we urge everyone to
attend the event and, preferable, show your support by pre-registering. AA2005 is
the only UK Transformers convention in 2005,
a year that holds such special significance to us all. There truly has been no better time to celebrate and get together as Transformer
fans that now, the year that Transformers: The Movie was set, a year where UK Transformer fans have much to look forward to with DVD
releases of Robots In Disguise, Beast Wars, Energon and the Japanese HeadMasters series. Simon, Sven and co are not sitting on their
laurels, oh no, even now with such little time remaining that are working away trying to arrange even more events and sup rises for
this years convention. So pop over to the AA website, sign up early to show your support, see if their is anything you can do to help the event and look forward to the UK TF event of the
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 26th February 2005 at 14:23:48 GMT
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1) The Black Star Saber / Victory Leo sets are due out in the first 10 days of April
2) Overcharge comes with both Cybertron and Destrons symbols as well as an all new one. His profile is
Established as the latest model of "military hardware" produced by the
Transformers" evil creators, the Quintessons. In addition to the Autobot and Decepticon decals, also come with a newly designed original emblem. You get to decide their destiny!
Terrorbot/Spaceborne Trooper OVERCHARGE
Function...Spaceborne Trooper
Transformation...Jet fighter/Tank
In the distant past, "military hardware" robots were furnished and traded to numerous planetary nations and interstellar organizations as tools of the Quintessons" malevolent business dealings. These autonomous weapons would become the prototypes of the Decepticons. The newest model of this line, the Overcharges, were produced as all-purpose combat units, ones incorporated with the Decepticons" distinctively evolved military technology and more than sufficiently endowed with the offensive strength necessary for
global domination.
Weapon(s)...Heat Rifle, Null Gladius
Overcharge was originally planned for a "Late February" release, but with only 2 days left it looks like it will be a March release now.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 26th February 2005 at 13:01:04 GMT
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Snakas has images of Dirt Boss
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 26th February 2005 at 12:48:43 GMT
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TFormer have images of the unofficial Masterpiece Convoy trailer, made by Just-Toys in China. Due to release on March 31st, 2005 at a cost of about £30 ($50, they are accepting pre-orders now.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 26th February 2005 at 12:46:33 GMT
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Toys r Us (Belfast) have stock of wave 2 Energon Micromaster - Devastator. As usual they are priced at £2.99 each.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Craig Wilson -
on: Friday, 25th February 2005 at 20:07:26 GMT
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A preview picture of upcoming Beast Wars Returns toys shows that the Japanese release of Silverbolt is scheduled to be purple, not orange / yellow as the western release.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 25th February 2005 at 16:26:43 GMT
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