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Jaguaratron has posted a review and gallery on TFans for Alt Ironhide which you can view
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 25th June 2005 at 10:23:52 BST
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Hob send in the following.
Hi guys just spoke to my Sister, who works for Habro and she has seen the new cybertron toys in packaging. She's gonna see if she can find out the release date for the UK.
Also asked about Energon stuff and she said she's not seen any new stuff in ages. The New My little Pony (scented ones) will be in shops soon.
Update> - Ellis Models followed this post with the following comment 'Well, we'll know for definite by Wednesday.', so check back later in the week for the definative news.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 21:49:07 BST
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TransEurope Express member Fanco Villa (
Transformers Italia) recently reported to the group that Shima, also of Transformersitalia, found Alternator Ravage and Alternator Wheeljack, in European packaging, forsale in a couple of stores in Tuscany.
Update You can view images
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 19:10:19 BST
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Big Bot posted on the,
here that he had emailed Hasbro UK regarding the rumours of TF:Cybertron being released in September, their reply was....
The Transformers Energon range is being released throughout the year in different stages. Unfortunately, the Cybertron is not on UK range for 2005 and we are not aware of any future plans for this product.
Please keep checking and your local retailers for stock availability.
Thank you for your interest in Hasbro products.
Hasbro's customer service emails have been known to be wrong in the past, but its not a good sign.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 18:54:31 BST
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Thanks to Nevermore for letting the other Trans Europe Express members know about
this thread on BTFA, which confirms that Cybertron will be airing in the Netherlands in the Autumn, so the toys are not too far away.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 18:51:41 BST
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DragonX76 has posted some information on some of the new Galaxy Force characters over at
"EXIGAZER" - The new form of Exillion reborn to the Vanguard Team is a strong armored vehicle with high mobility. His main weapons are Double X/"EX" Shot & Battle Dagger
Back Gild - Back Pack obtains the form of an armored artillery. He is equip on his left & right with two types of Cluster Launchers
"FIRST/FAST" Gunner - First Aid obtains a new form of a armored missile vehicle. He has two types of sound gimmicks.
Sonic Bomber - Former Cybertron warrior who transformed into a fighter-bomber. Disobedience is the nature of chaos, but in a Cybertron crisis, he rushes through the universe.
"CROMIA/CHROMIA" - Galaxy Force's first woman Transformers who transforms into a spy ship & is in cooperations with Starscream.
Road Storm - Is in cooperation with Starscream, transformers into an American motorcycle.
"RAMBLE" - Mysterious Transformers who transforms into spider type tank. Their true nature & origin are unusual...
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 17:14:21 BST
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It may be the end of the week, but news is pouring.
TFormers have some more images of the the Vol1 Galaxy Force DVD which you can see
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 14:50:58 BST
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Newsarama have yet another cover for IDWs Issue 0 of Transformers which you can see
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 14:49:14 BST
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Fan2Fan report that the latest issue od Figure King was released today in Japan and with it comes more images of Galaxy Force toys.
New issue of Figure Oh (aka Figure King) was released today!! This issue
1. Galaxy Force GC-19
Exkaiser: powerup form of Exillion, formed the Vanguard
team, his main weapons now include a Double X-shot and Battle Dagger.
2. Galaxy Force GC-20
Backgld: powerup form of Backpack. Releasing mid Jul
3. Galaxy Force GC-21
Fastgunner: powerup form of First Aid. Releasing mid Jul
4. Galaxy Force GC-22
Sonic Bomber: New Autobot warrior who has a problem with following orders.
Combine with Galaxy Convoy to become Sonic Convoy. Releasing mid Jul
5. Galaxy Force GD-11
Chromia: first fembot in Galaxy Force series, assist Starscream in his
plot. Releasing mid Jul
6. Galaxy Force GD-12
Roadstorm: another bot that supported Starscream. Main weapons include
Storm rifle and side machine gun. Releasing mid Jul
7. Galaxy Force GD-13 Rumble: Spider tank with
origin yet to be reveal at this time. To come out in 3 colors . Releasing mid Jul
8. Binaltech BT-15
Prowl feat. Honda Integra Type R: Prowl paying homage to his G1 form,
a police car, a police baton will also be included that transform from part
of the engine. Releasing mid Jul
9. Galaxy Force
DVD vol.2 will also be releasing with a special edition set, this time
the exclusive will be a 1m long tapestry
Snakas reports that Rumble will be released in Yellow, Red and Blue colours
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 14:16:46 BST
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Its been online for a few months, but if you are yet to see it we encourage you to visit the
TransForce and read part 1 of Paul Cannon's TransForce Retrospective. Its a great 'behind-the-scenes' look at what was one of the most successful European Transformers Convention brands.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 14:07:26 BST
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There were updates to 14 of Hasbro Transformer trademarks between the 21st and the 2nd June, mainly to entries for Energon and Universe. You can view the details on our WAP site and on the main site
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 13:26:40 BST
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Also spotted on The Entertainers website:
Energon's Energon Ironhide (the re-painted Mega).
Well, at least he looks better in this colour scheme!.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: I-Primus -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 10:16:44 BST
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Thanks to Rumble for reporting that the 2nd set of Superion Maximus' limbs that were first out in TRU then later some large Tescos are now in the Entertainer (as well as theire website)
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 08:40:07 BST
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Transfandom reoprt that the first Cybertron DVD is now up for pre-order on for $11.89 with a release date of September 13, 2005. You can view the pre-order
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 08:30:49 BST
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TFW2005 have some more images from the 2005 licensing event
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 24th June 2005 at 08:29:18 BST
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