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Reuters repotr that Hasbro Inc. have announced that Chairman Alan Hassenfeld will retire at the end of the year but stay on as the non-employee chairman of the board.
Hassenfeld, 56, has been with Hasbro -- the maker of G.I. Joe action figures, Mr. Potato Head and the Easy-Bake oven -- for 35 years. The company was founded in 1923 by brothers Henry and Helal Hassenfeld and originally sold textile remnants, but moved into manufacturing pencil boxes and school supplies. By 1940, it was selling toys.
In 1970, Alan Hassenfeld joined Hasbro as a special assistant to the president after graduating from university. He worked his way up the ranks of the company started by his grandfather, was named president in 1984 and became chairman and chief executive in 1989.
Hassenfeld stepped down as CEO in 2003, and was replaced by Alfred Verrecchia.
During the three-year chairmanship period, Hassenfeld will receive a retainer of $300,000 per year and will be eligible to receive board meeting fees, equity grants and other benefits, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
As of Dec. 31, 2005 Hassenfeld will be eligible to begin receiving a retirement pension benefit of $814,500 per year until he reaches the age of 65. Thereafter, the annual pension benefit will be $796,800, the company said in a filing.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 31st August 2005 at 08:52:27 BST
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Just to let everyone know there is one month left on the competition to win and own a piece of Guido Guidi exclusive art work over at
As stated before the comp has no limitations therefore anything and everything is welcome as long as it is kept in the Transformers theme.
1st prize will be an exclusive Beast Wars Galavtron signed piece of art work from the man himself Guido Guidi and 2 runners up prizes of basic Cybertron figures.
Full details can be found
Good luck and thanks for your time. Team
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: -
on: Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 20:41:43 BST
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We've added 11 images of Bushguard and Wrecked to our
August Mirror of the Japanese TF Image Board so pop over for a look at these two Cybertron figures.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 18:45:33 BST
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Credit to Nevermore for posting this over at TFArchive,
here. There are two new entries on Hasbro's website for
Hot Shot SWAT and
Red Alert SWAT. These are expected to be the official names for the powered up versions of these characters.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 14:37:17 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 13:24:50 BST
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According to the Sky TV Guide, the first episode of Cybertron to air in the UK on September 5th will
not be episode 1, but will infact be episode 3. This conflicts with previous reports and episode 1 may still be the first episode shown, but it (the Sky TV Guide) is the most recent TV listing so is more likely to be correct. Fans in the UK will be keeping their eyes on Australian TV reports to see where Cybertron starts 'down under', if they start from episode 1, then this will turn things around yet again.
Thanks to Toughboot for the news.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 08:28:05 BST
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Galvatom has posted
here of TFW2005, that Cybertron will start airing in Australia from next Saturday (3rd September) starting with the world premier of Episode 1, in English.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 29th August 2005 at 17:09:08 BST
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What a difference a week makes aye, today is Bank Holiday monday here in the UK (though some of us are still in work), its warm, sunny and temperatures are due to hit the high 80s by the middle of the week. Yet, for many Transformers fans, the Bank Holiday week can't go fast enough. Why? Next monday sees the premier of Transformers: Cybertron in the UK on Toonami, even though the toys are not due till 2006, and also see's the release of Metrodomes
Transformers - The Movie Reconstructed DVD. Does September promise to be 'Transformers month'? Well the next e-Hobby are due to start shipping from Japan right at the end of the month and on the 2nd of September see's the release of
Transformers - Directors Cut
on the Playstation 2. TF Directors cut is a re-release of the best-selling Atari Transformers.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 29th August 2005 at 13:57:59 BST
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The Entertainer currently has a sale on on various Transformer items from Armada to Engeron to the Universe double sets that they imported in. Typical prices are £8 for a Universe deluxe double set. If you were after any of those items, now is the time to pick them up whilst The Entertainer stores are clearing thie Transformer stocks.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 29th August 2005 at 13:35:58 BST
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It has been bought to my attention again this morning, that users of AOL may find that they loose acess to our website at random periods. It would appear that at least one of AOLs DNS servers has had its records for both and removed. A few weeks ago, AOL users were affecvted by a corrupted DNS server at AOL which resulted in the main website domain of this site resolving to a German ISP. We have contacted several departments at AOL and asked them to once again fulsh and update their DNS records. Users of AOL can, currently, still access other domains that we are running, however there are no others currently pointing to Transformers @ The Moon. If the problem continues, we shall be posting instructions on our
Message Board on how to change your computer to point to a non-AOL DNS server. We believe that some Supanet users are also still experiencing troubles in resolving our domains due to at least one of SupaNets DNS servers still pointing our sites to the webhosts that held the domain upto the middle of March this year. We are still awaiting a response from the Supanet 'team' on this issue.
In a few weeks we shall be activating three other alternative domains, that you will also be able to use to access our website to help bypass this problem.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 29th August 2005 at 10:32:10 BST
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TFormers and
TFW2005 report that in
this post on Animation Insider, it appears that Transformers: Cybertron si being pulled from the air in the US to make way for more original programming. Now there could be various reasons for this move, it could be going to a 'yet to be determined' timeslot, the viewing figures could be terrible and it could be dropped totallty, they may have shown all of the episodes that have been dubbed so far, or it could be something else. In our opinion, it is unlike to remain off the air for too long, and will probably return in a new timeslot in a month or two when more of the series has been dubbed into English.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 29th August 2005 at 08:33:39 BST
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TV-Nihon will be releasing their fan-sub of Transformers: Masterforce episode 38 later this evening. They are having troubles with their Bit Torrent tracker, but they will be available on IRC first of all.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 28th August 2005 at 18:51:12 BST
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Remy has been sent some images of Galaxy Force Soundwave, in packaging, by seller BOY which he has posted
here of the TFormers message board.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 28th August 2005 at 18:47:06 BST
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Transfandom report that Doug Dlin of has
posted information concerning the Japanese repaint of BT-12 Override (originally called Wildrider then called Black Widow, in a different colour scheme). Apparently, the Decepticharge repaint clashed with another popular Japanese series and as such was cancelled. The Black Widow repaint has been postponed but a release is not out of the question.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 28th August 2005 at 18:42:17 BST
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The Canadian Transformers Convention, TransformerCon, have announced details for their 2006 event on their website
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 27th August 2005 at 10:01:42 BST
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