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We've started our May 2006 Japanese Image Board mirror, of the site found
The first image is of the UK Rescur Forcecombined with a fake Gaihawk and fake Hellbat, with a photoshoped combined image. The picture of the Rescue Force combined can be found
on our site
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 2nd May 2006 at 22:36:02 BST
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The first 9 toys have been shipped today, leaving 18 left to go out. I am due to bring more boxes back from work this week, but due to work (as I was in the US for two weeks), I'm having to work late on Thursday, and have College Tues / Wed, so the next batch won't be going out until Saturday.
I'm really sorry for the delay.
Feel free to leave any
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 2nd May 2006 at 22:03:57 BST
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We've got a lot of exclusive galleries on our site, but
Seibertron have an "oh-so-special" one, it's the G2 Groove - sold by the Hartman's and won by a site member of theirs.
Have a look, as it's the best gallery of this toy you'll find.
Many thanks to
Sideways for his eagle-eyed find.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 2nd May 2006 at 21:53:59 BST
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AllSparker NightViper has posted a
summary from the TransformersCon panel by JE Alvarez, regarding the BotCon toys and Fan Club exclusives.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 2nd May 2006 at 12:06:40 BST
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Jon Voight told
SCI FI Wire that although nothing is finalized, it looks
likely that he'll be joining the cast of the new Transformers Movie. Voight is quoted as saying
"I'm playing this ... well, we haven't signed the papers yet .... But it looks like I'm going to play the
Secretary of State.".
He is also quoted as saying
"Well, of course, this one is going to have a lot of special effects, a
lot of computer graphics and stuff like that, so it seems," Voight
said. "So the actors will be tested. Their patience will be tested with
lots of different things. But it's going to be interesting, too. When
you do something like thatwhen you do a lot of computer graphics in a
movie, lots of technical stuffit's quite intriguing. It's a lot of
fun, you know? It brings you back to your childhood, and you want to
see how things work."
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 1st May 2006 at 17:16:53 BST
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Thanks to Nevermore for compiling a great list of quotes from the Q&A with Don Murphy at
TFWorld 2005.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 30th April 2006 at 14:38:04 BST
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We have added out latest
Toy Gallery to
Transformers @ The Moon, and he is yet another rare Japanese Lucky Draw toy. This time he is the
TV Magazine Lucky Draw Gold Magmatron that was given away in a prize draw back in 1999. That draw was
probably limited to 1 or 2 pieces of the Gold Magmatron's and was the same prize draw that saw the Black Magatron and Blue Big Convoy toys. The gallery is a world first, and takes the number of full size images just within our Toy Gallery section even closer to the 16,000 mark, probably the most for any Transformers fan site.
Due to the number of images that need ot be taken to do this toy justice, we have decided to split the gallery into parts. Today is Part 1 which contains 97 pictures of the toy in his box as well as in the indivdual animal modes.
Remember to check back for the next part of the gallery, as we still need to photograph
TV Magazine Lucky Draw Gold Magatron in combined beast form, robot mode as well as comparisons to the original.
Category: Lucky Draw Transformers
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 30th April 2006 at 13:43:34 BST
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TFWorld 2005 have some blurry scans of Transformers: Classic Optiumus Prime and Megatron toys. Prime is a truck and Megatron a gun. The images are curtisy of Action HQ, but keep in mind that Megatron can't be a realistic gun due to US safety laws.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 29th April 2006 at 19:34:47 BST
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Every once in a while a website reports something new and unique, and
Seibertron did is a week ago and
TFormers picked up on it today. They link to a story regarding Misformers, an artform by Scott Campbell, which consists of taking Transformer toys apart, and putting them back together in odd and wonderous ways.
You can see the original article on and be sure to let us know what you think on our
message board.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Saturday, 29th April 2006 at 19:19:57 BST
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This one-of-a-kind five figure set consists of: Optimus Primal, Rat
Trap,Rhinox, Cheetor, and Dinobot in their pre-Beast Wars Cybertronian
forms. When you see these
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 29th April 2006 at 11:05:24 BST
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Canadian Transformers convention,
TransformersCon, starts tonight. Some of the events planned for the next few days include :-
Costume Panel
Live G1 Redub
Transformers Trivia
Customising / Kitbash Panel
Fan Script Reading and Auditions
Hasbro Collectors Club panel with J.E. Alvarez
Q&A's with Michael McConnohie
Q&A qith Don Murphy
For all the information be sure to check
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 28th April 2006 at 16:20:23 BST
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Just an update on the Twincast orders. I've arrived back in the 3 hours ago, and will start to package the items up this afternoon, through tomorrow and into Sunday (there'a a lot to do). There are still 9 people who ordered who we've not heard from, so please get in touch. We'll be sending out chasers over the next few days as well - I just need to re-adjust to the timezone first.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 28th April 2006 at 12:47:24 BST
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Auto Assembly: Target 2006, the UK Transformers convention taking place on Saturday 3rd of June in Birmingham, England has now set the FINAL cut-off date for pre-registrations for all bookings from fans within the UK wishing to attend the convention. Please read this carefully as there are two dates depending on how you intend to pay and there are final details of how on-the-door places will be announced should any be available...
First, if you intend to book via post and pay by cheque then you will need to get your booking to us by Saturday 20th May 2006 AT THE LATEST to guarantee your place at the convention. This will allow us plenty of time to present your cheque to the bank, for it to clear and for us to make sure that your booking confirmations and information packs are shipped to you in time for the convention! If you are paying by postal order or cash (and we must stress that cash is sent at your own risk), then this deadline is extended to Saturday 27th May 2006.
If you are booking online and paying by PayPal, then the FINAL deadline is Saturday 27th May 2006. As payments are processed immediately, we will be able to ship your confirmation slips by Tuesday 30th May 2006 first class so they will reach you by Thursday 1st June 2006 at the latest.
Please note that we can not guarantee to process bookings after these deadlines or dispatch confirmation slips in time for the event, especially with the bank holiday at the end of May, so you may be disappointed or not receive your slips in time.
With regards to on-the-door places, we will post details on the Auto Assembly website, forum and issue details through all major Transformers websites as to the number of on-the-door places available on Saturday 27th April 2006 should there be any. However, these will be on a first-come, first-served basis so we would advise that you arrive at the convention early to ensure your best chance of admission to the convention. If in doubt, pre-register.
Auto Assembly: Target 2006 is now FIVE WEEKS away... there are no other Transformers conventions planned for the UK for 2006 so this is your only chance to attend an event this year unless you are planning on travelling overseas. We are still in talks to bring further guests to the convention in addition to the NINE already confirmed and we hope to have more activities to announce shortly, not to mention the now infamous goodie bag that all attendees will receive full of free gifts!
As there are now only three weeks before the postal bookings cut-off, please ensure that you send your bookings to us NOW to avoid disappointment!
Simon and Sven,
Auto Assembly: Target 2006
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Friday, 28th April 2006 at 11:41:37 BST
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Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 28th April 2006 at 08:40:42 BST
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Thanks to Simon Furman for sending us this news story regarding upcoming signings that he will be attending.
Just a quick round up of where and when I'll be signing/appearing in the next month or so.
*I'll be at Comic Connections, 4 Parsons Street, Banbury, UK (tel: 01295 268989) on Free Comic Book Day (May 6th), signing copies of IDW's free TF sampler comic (featuring the first five pages of Stormbringer).
*The following Saturday (the 13th), I'll be at the Comics Expo in Bristol, wherein addition to signing copies of the Draw The World Together cover variant edition of Infiltration #4 (at the Draw The World Together table) with Andrew WildmanI'll be fielding questions at a Q&A panel at 2.30 in Ramada Park Suite (also with Andrew). For more details go to
*Then, on June 3, Andrew and I will be at Auto Assembly ( in Birmingham, where we'll be offering up exclusive AA (certificated, signed and numbered) copies of Infiltration #1 (Andrew's original wraparound cover, the pencils of which form part of the certificate). There'll only be 100 of these up for grabs, so get there early.
Look forward to seeing you at one (or more) of these events!
Simon Furman
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Thursday, 27th April 2006 at 09:04:36 BST
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