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Sony BMG sent out the followingpress release
We are proud to present an advance DVD screening of TRANSFORMERS The Movie 20th Anniversary Special Edition at Botcon 2006! Fans will be the first to see the brilliantly remastered and color-corrected movie, in widescreen format, on the big screen!
Please visit us at the Hasbro panel and booth on Saturday, September 30th to find out more details about the release!
For more information visit
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Sony BMG -
on: Wednesday, 20th September 2006 at 00:50:37 BST
| Share:
| Discuss: Read on have put up an interview with Transformers comic writer
Bob Budiansky which you can read in full here.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th September 2006 at 22:51:52 BST
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Thanks to JazzLuca for letting the
Trans-Europe Express Group know that Hasbro Italy recently replied to a letter of his regarding the release date for the Transformers Classics line. The reply from Hasbro Italia was that the Classics
will come out in Italy, but not this side of Christmas
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th September 2006 at 22:47:15 BST
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Hello 2 All U Dudes Out There !!
This is a quick update from EH for all those customers who have a pre-order for StarScream MP-03 Masterpiece,Optimus Prime MP-04 Masterpiece with Trailer and BTA-04 Dodge Ram Optimus Prime.We have just had official confirmation from Japan that these items are due to land in Uk Shores around 30th Sept 2006 !! So Xmas will be coming a little early for everyone this year and we really can't wait any more, cause this so we have heard is going tobe the definitive starscream figure of all time !!!

cya all
The EH Team
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: EpicHeroes.Com -
on: Tuesday, 19th September 2006 at 15:03:49 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th September 2006 at 09:25:07 BST
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Millennium Movies of
SuperHeroHype has posted images of Bumblebee from next years Transformers Movie being transported.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Tuesday, 19th September 2006 at 09:22:10 BST
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Devil Soundwave: Beer Monster posted the following on
TF @ The Moon - Sake CommentsWent to see some flicks today and spotted that they now have stacks of those free posters they give away before movies come out for the
TF movie. Pretty cool, just features the logo really, a little under A3. These where spotted at Odeon Holloway, but i should imagine they are available everywhere now, so go get 'em.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 18th September 2006 at 08:20:41 BST
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Greetings Everyone! Just wanted to say that Cybertron Optimus Prime with international package is released in TRU stores for &eruo;44.95. It's a late release but it gives us, Portuguese TFans, hope for future releases! Keep releasing Hasbro Europe, and don't forget about us! :D
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Hugo Botelho -
on: Sunday, 17th September 2006 at 17:24:07 BST
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Pnova posted on our
Transformers forum that Tescos have the Attacktix figures for £4.98 for the set of 4 (Skyblast x 2, Overahul and Dirtboss). They also have the Booster set for £4.97.
forum member, Sideways, has also spotted the booster set in Tescos, so if they are not near you now they should be soon.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 17th September 2006 at 09:36:44 BST
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 17th September 2006 at 09:32:33 BST
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Over the past couple of weeks, the folks over on the Transformers New Zealand message board, have posted a couple of noteworth news stories which we didn't pick up on.
The first was by the site admin regarding
future releases in New Zealand including Cybertron, Titanium and Classics.
Only asked about the Ultra assortment since that's all that most of
really want (and we'll be sure to see more Deluxe/Scout anyway)
Hasbro have a case ON ORDER and is shipping here, due Mid-October. The case assortment is as follows:
1x Wing Saber
1x Menasor (with Heavyload)
1x Cyro Scourge
NO Sky Shadow for NZ it seems.
TITANIUMS - NOT getting first wave of Titanium 6 inch, due in at end of September (on shelves in October) will be a case of:
1x Optimus Prime
1x GI Joe Megatron
1x Jetfire
1x Thundercracker
Didn't bother asking about the 3"
CLASSICS- Due out on toy shelves 1st November.
Deluxe, Voyager and Legends classes. A case with Grimlock/Mirage will be out shortly after first wave, but possibly not before Christmas.
Nothing new to report sadly, more cases of
Prime/Mirage/Meister/Tracks on ways to stores apparntly. No sign of
Camshaft yet, could be a order before Christmas though, so not all bad."
The second was from member zippo regarding some
old UK Transformer DVDs now being available in Warehouse stores.
UK Released, region 2 (so you need a multizoned player) Maverick
released Volumes 1.1, 1.3, Gen 2 and Takara as well as the Gi Joe Movie
(with extras) for $10 each."Thanks to the
Transformers New Zealand.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 17th September 2006 at 09:30:20 BST
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Its been a while since
Auto Assembly 2006, and you may well have noticed the lack of updates over on the AA website, well that changed today and Simon has posted several updates including an update on the Charity Auction results from AA2006, the sad passing of Brett Reynolds and the AA free fiction special. You can read all of the updates on the
AA website, but below you will find a summary of two of the stories.
Auto Assembly: Target 2006 Aftermath
It's been a while since we updated the website but Auto
Assembly: Target 2006 was a great success! Everyone who came along seemed to
enjoy the day and although attendance was down slightly from Auto Assembly 2005
(400 from 409) we beat our charity fundraising efforts from the previous year
raising £1,000 for the Acorns Childrens Hospice Trust, had a great guest
line up and everyone seemed to love David Kaye, and everyone seems eager for
Auto Assembly 2007 so stay tuned...
FREE Fiction Special
We had an incredible amount of entries for the fiction
competition for Auto Assembly: Target 2006 and while we including some of them
in Issue 8 of The Cybertronian Times, we couldn't include all of them so we've
decided to pull them all together in a one-off fiction special along with cover
art from Simon Williams and a bonus story from Brett Reynolds. This should be
available in the next week or two and will be available FREE from the website
as a downloadable PDF file. We still haven't decided the winner of the fiction
competition yet as we simply haven't had the time to judge the entries but this
is where YOU come in...
What we want you to do is download the fanzine and then pop
over to the Auto
Assembly Forum where you can vote for your favourite story. We'll keep the
voting open for a month and then declare the winner!!
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Saturday, 16th September 2006 at 15:29:17 BST
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The USPTO have updated three old trademarks of Hasbros with a note of "Paper received". Which papers these comments relate too, we do not know, but assume, due to their age, that they are in relation to extending the marks past their 20th year as none of the applications has received any update for over 10 years.
Metroplex - Serial Num: 73590885, RegNum: 1411525
Menasor - Serial Num: 73590889, RegNum: 1411528
Galvatron - Serial Num: 73593456, RegNum: 1416111
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 15th September 2006 at 16:05:27 BST
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In a discussion on Don Murphy's message board regarding the possiblity of The Ark being in the
Transformers Movie, Roberto Orci posted an reply which has caused quiet the stir within the fan community. His comment was :-
"One of the questions we always had about the ark:
Why would aliens who moonlight as vehicles need other vehicles to travel inside?"You can read the thread in full
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Friday, 15th September 2006 at 08:35:43 BST
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Tesco's have started selling the Legends Of Cybertron Line in their shops...I found LOC wave 2 Scourge & Leobreaker in my local Tesco's last night along with Jetfire & Evac.Total mini goodness for £2.97, the same price as they sold their Micromasters if i'm not mistaken...
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Bruticus -
on: Thursday, 14th September 2006 at 10:24:39 BST
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