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According to a posting on, reported on TFWorld 2005, Classics Grimlock, Mirage, and two sets of the Minicons were spotted in a Toys R Us store on the island.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 21:28:07 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 16:00:30 GMT
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Thanks to Franco Villa, yet again, for letting the Trans-Europe Express group know that Jazzluca has found the following toys in Pompo and Sparkys stores in Prague
- Exellion (16 EUR)
- Override GT (16 EUR)
- Shortround (10 EUR)
- Repugnus (10 EUR)
- Giant Planet Minicon Team (10 EUR)
- Minicon Vs wave 3 (6 EUR)
- Micromaster Aerialbots (5 EUR)
The original sighting was, once again, on
Transformers Italia.
Category: Trans-Europe Express Group News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 15:55:26 GMT
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Category: Trans-Europe Express Group News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 15:54:03 GMT
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There is an auction on ebay at the moment for a custom Alternator Trailbreaker. Actoys have a gallery of this custom Alternator, along with various other customised G1 Autobots, on this
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 09:07:52 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 08:55:04 GMT
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The following was sent from Sony, at 21:34 last night. I had't approved the news as I was watching the Football and looking at some new toys which had arrived.
DVD In Stores Now! Pick up your copy today!
Check out the retail exclusive available at Wal-Mart, which includes an Autobot iron-on transfer!
Bonus TRANSFORMER cell phone wallpaper is downloadable with the purchase of the DVD!
You'll find it through the DVD exclusive link, check it out today for more information!
Keep celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TRANSFORMERS: The Movie with the Special DVD Edition Optimus Prime robot-to-vehicle figure! With cool features, including electronic sounds and phrases from the classic animated adventure!
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Transformers - The M -
on: Tuesday, 7th November 2006 at 21:34:14 GMT
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Thanks to
The Allspark and
TFans (TFormers message board), the first Easter Egg from the new Transformers: The Movie DVD has been reveiled.
"At the title screen, make sure the top option (bonus features) is
selected, then push your left arrow button on your DVD remote twice,
which will highlight the bottom option (Play) in the menu, then it will
highlight the faction symbol on the title screen (It switches from
Autobot to Deciepticon). Pushing 'enter' on your remote while the
faction symbol is highlighted will start the Easter Egg.
Three Japanese Diaclone toy commercials - Convoy, the bots
that would become the first series Autobots (Jazz, Bluestreak, etc),
and the bots that would become the Constructicons/Devastator."
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 7th November 2006 at 18:31:43 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 7th November 2006 at 08:32:30 GMT
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Thanks to
Seibertron for the report letting everyone know that Part One Ltd have updated
e-Hobby Shop with the full size version of the Kiss-Play Autorooper and Atari figure.
The original WSTF Autorooper, which was at the London Expo a few weeks ago, same in rather riske packaging.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Tuesday, 7th November 2006 at 08:30:51 GMT
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Category: Older News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Monday, 6th November 2006 at 12:43:04 GMT
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Actoys have some nice custom Alternator Ironhide and Ratchet toys. They may not be official, but Hasbro may get some ideas.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 6th November 2006 at 09:07:04 GMT
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Don Murphy's Sunday update hasn't happened for a while, but he updated his message board yesterday with the following ...
So what is up on Transformers? The film is being edited. The film is
being sculpted. The CG is being rendered. Basically- the film is
becoming the film. Nothing real exciting there. Everyone always gets
excited about the shooting of a film but the film really becomes what
it is going to be during post production. That is where it is for the
time being. Nothing much to tell there.
I started talking with some people to see what is going on with
something I am looking forward to- the MAKING OF deluxe hardcover book.
Full of behind the scenes photos and artwork and stuff. Nothing to be
announced yet but everything feeling good.Thanks to
Seibertron for the spot.
Category: Transformers Movie News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Monday, 6th November 2006 at 09:04:56 GMT
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We're very pleased to annouce that Transformers @ The Moon has gained it's third Site Sponsor, in the form of
Big Bad Toy Store. Big Bad Toy Store is well known, and well respected through the Transformers fan circles for carring vast amounts of new and vintage Transformers items.
We'd like to thank Joel and the crew at
Big Bad Toy Store for help sponsoring out Transformers site, and we'd like to encourage you all to visit them and our other sponsors as they are helping to pay for our hosting fees.
Category: Older News
| Submitted by: Moonbug -
on: Sunday, 5th November 2006 at 13:04:10 GMT
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Transforce website has been updated with announcement that Geoff Senior has been added to the guest list.
Category: Transformers Convention News
| Submitted by: quartz -
on: Sunday, 5th November 2006 at 10:13:43 GMT
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